Sentences with phrase «of parents who»

For the millions of parents who do have the option giving their kids packed lunches to eat in school, the challenge is on.
It has created hordes of parents who shop for car seats with a consumer's guide in hand, enroll in parent education classes and haunt the childrearing sections of bookstores — all frighteningly determined to be the most perfect parents they can be.
If you're one of those parents who do not enjoy struggling in order to fold and store a stroller, this stroller is flawless for you.
You may be familiar with the story of the parents who promised their child a trip to Disneyland if he would start using the toilet.
Second, I do have a job (as do a lot of parents who have night parented children who woke frequently) and never had to let my children CIO.
In an important series of studies by psychologist John Gottman and his colleagues, children of parents who valued and accepted their children's feelings showed better academic achievement, had lower levels of stress hormones, and were more successful in resolving conflicts with their peers.
Yet, there is a common underlying context that is present for many of the parents who seek my guidance by phone / Skype or attend my workshops.
On other end of the spectrum of parents who feed their kids what they actually eat at an early age and are fairly open to trying new things.
The development of child care support systems in many countries have not kept pace with the changing economic realities of parents who must utilize them.
I also help a lot of parents who are nurturing their babies so well but just want to be able to put them down on their backs to sleep at night (like the Pediatrician has told them to).
So I'm one of those parents who only serves pasture raised meat, and organic food to my child — and yes, I cook every meal every day.
There is one end of the spectrum of parents who think all their kids will eat are nuggets, mac n» cheese and pizza, and then they don't know why this is the only thing they ever eat!
Best advice for new moms: «Having a group of parents who are going through the same amazing and exhausting experience of living with a baby is so important.
Einon was approached by Fisher Price in response to the number of parents who had expressed a desire for guidelines that would help them determine whether their children were developing normally.
I have completed training with the charity PANDAS so I am now affiliated with them; they provide me with the appropriate training and support to ensure that my group will meet the needs of all parents who attend.
There are plenty of parents who will let a child dress up like Captain America or some other superhero, but won't let him carry the gun because in their family they don't use guns.
There's also nothing like a community of parents who are keen on learning as much as they can about the baby and toddler years, because, let's face it: those years can be rough!
There are some cases of parents who have found that others hacked into their monitors or devices through their baby monitor.
Final Verdict: This pram is an ideal choice of parents who are looking for a pram power - packed with comfort and safety.
I am one of the parents who helped start the transformation of the food service in Berkeley.
This is NOT at all what she is advocating and it is a travesty that you are misleading all of these parents who clearly need good parenting guidance.
If you are one of those parents who stumbles through your days groggy and cranky after endless nights with a sleepless baby or toddler, or you are simply a parent who would like to prevent that scenario, this is the book to read.
Many, many thanks to our very wonderful and generous sponsors, our partners La Leche League of West Seattle and Kirkland, each of the volunteers, and most importantly, all of the parents who took the time to come out and support such a worthy cause, and making the day such a tremendous success.
«Overall, 72 % of parents who were married at the time of their child's death are still married to the same person.
I happen to be one of the parents who is constantly fighting (and losing) the «no toy guns» battle.
It plays on my biggest fear, invalidates my greatest losses, and all the while perpetuates the stigmatization of parents who have lost a child.
Culturally there is a lot of disapproval for the practice of co sleeping or bed sharing among western or industrialized societies, to the extent that there is a significant proportion of parents who co sleep but do not admit to it.
The piling of very different parenting choices into one big group Cloth diapering, elimination communication, homebirth, freebirth, placenta eating and planting, homeshooling, unschooling, radical unschooling, attachment parenting, breastfeeding, cosleeping, bedsharing, babywearing... they are all thrown on one big pile of parents who do «those weird crazies».
Although experts aren't sure how to prevent the withholding from happening in the first place, a 2003 study found that when parents talked positively about poop and praised their kids for pooping in their diapers prior to toilet training, their kids were just as likely to develop this problem as other kids, but they got over it more quickly than did children of parents who talked negatively about poop and who didn't praise their kids for pooping in diapers.
I've heard of parents who snip the very tip off of pacifiers so it feels «wrong» to the baby and gets rejected somewhat naturally.
As Lisa Belkin writes in her New York Times article, «Let the Kid Be,» there is a new wave of parents who are exploring «slow parenting» or «free - range parenting» as an alternative to the rigors, pressures, and competition of the over-involved approach.
This can be a difficult time for families, but with the support of the hospital and perhaps joining a support group made up of parents who can help them understand what their baby will need, and the ups and downs of the journey, things will get easier over time.
Victoria Ferrara is an international surrogacy lawyer committed to protecting the rights of parents who are undergoing assisted reproduction.
A babysitting co-op, or babysitting cooperative, is a group of parents who agree to exchange free babysitting services with each other.
Most of the parents who bought this crib would recommend this crib to others because of their exceeding satisfaction with their acquisition.
Are you one of those parents who like to run a theme in your baby's room?
Originating in New Zealand in 1992, Mountain Buggy strollers were created by a couple of parents who wanted something agile enough to handle the rugged mountain trails they liked to explore with their baby.
I would hear of parents who didn't want their children, who would beat them, and nothing made sense.
Breastfeeding in those early days was very difficult, and I felt the way that I think a lot of parents who are new to breastfeeding feel, which was, «I just have to make it to a year.»
There are a couple of parents who wish it had a better parent console that had a real drink holder, instead of the pocket flap between the handles.
This can be handy for you if you are one of those parents who fret getting up and checking on your baby several times every night.
However, a number of new inventions are beginning to appear in baby catalogs and stores in answer to the great number of parents who wish to sleep safely with their babies.
However, case law (Philips vg Brown (1980) unreported) established that an Local Authority may make informal enquiries of parents who are educating their children at home to establish that a suitable education is being provided.»
A special group of parents who said they planned to practice «proximal care,» holding their infants at least 80 % of the time between 8 am and 8 pm, breastfeeding relatively frequently, and responding rapidly to infant cries.
And we must remember that Emily had and has the best intentions with her children just as we do... and that there are a bunch of parents who do resonate with her article that are keeping quiet for fear of a «whacking»... we can be supportive of everyone.
Over time through what is even today a constantly evolving process, we have adapted the mainstream approach to education in order to offer a solution to a broad cross-section of parents who have alternative views on how education should be delivered.
I'm not one of those parents who insists that school food must be organic, locally - sourced, grass - fed, fair trade and sustainable.
Many of the parents who responded to the Herald's survey on homework last year had children at Sunset.
We all seek out a strong support community: Some of us may find a family or two nearby to share a regular playdate; others may bounce parenting questions off one trusted friend; for many parents, an API Support Group offers what we're looking for — a group of parents who share the same goals and the same struggles in a society that's not always friendly toward Attachment Parenting choices.
There may be some restrictions in terms of the generalisability of these findings, due to the involvement in many studies of parents who had self - referred.
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