Sentences with phrase «of participating organizations»

Click here to see the full list of participating organization and read the full workshop program.
The insurance company may offer a specific discount exclusive to members of participating organizations.
The focus is on leading a coalition of participating organizations in efforts to change the systemic issues in pet homelessness and pet overpopulation.
The vast majority of participating organizations had total annual revenues greater than $ 10 billion and over 10,000 employees — 70 % and 86 %, respectively.
As expected, the meeting featured well - crafted topics for discussion geared towards moving the industry forward as well as increase the market shares of the participating organizations.
With each order a customer can make a 5 % donation to one of our participating organizations at no cost to the customer.
If you're an employee or a member of a participating organization, you may qualify for an affinity group discount with one or more major insurance companies.
The ASPCA has also provided support for the event in the form of grant funding to a select number of participating organizations across the country.
Although none of the participating organizations in the Golden Rice project coordinated by IRRI were involved in this new study, the results provide additional evidence that Golden Rice may help improve Vitamin A status among children.
«Come Write In» provides libraries, bookstores, and other public spaces resources to facilitate writing events: promotional materials such as posters, window clings, and bookmarks (available for the price of shipping), access to a local NaNoWriMo liaison who can help organize events, and inclusion in a searchable public database of all participating organizations around the world.
Anyone can join the credit union by donating to one of their participating organizations such as Reach Out for Schools, which has a membership fee of $ 10.
And we have achieved these successes as a result of the hard work of our participating organizations, including the dedicated staff and volunteers at NYC's Animal Care & Control.
Here are just a few of the hundreds of participating organizations that have had success with WoofTrax Shoes for Shelters & Rescues:
To see the Alliance and many of its participating organizations in action, visit Union Square on Sunday, May 21, from noon to 5:00 p.m. for the Alliance's Adoptapalooza Mega Pet Adoption Event, presented in partnership with the Petco Foundation.
The list of participating organizations includes the British Beekeepers» Association, the British Retail Consortium, the National Farmers» Union, National Trust, the Pesticide Action Network UK, the Royal Horticultural Society, organic farming charity The Soil Association, and supermarket retailer Waitrose.
USI Assist Employer - sponsored travel accident coverage with a few options for added security Offered at three different levels, this plan covers full -, part -, and temporary employees of a participating organization, including their spouse and children if traveling with the employee.
Today, thanks to the Alliance's programming and the resources it provides, in tandem with the lifesaving efforts of its participating organizations, the City of New York now boasts a 90 % community - wide live release rate.
«The vast majority of participating organizations (83 %) have incentive plans for at least one segment of their employee population.»
The final list was winnowed from some 400 questions submitted by members of each participating organization.
«Vietnam is the country most vulnerable to climate change in Southeast Asia,» said Dr. Robert Zeigler, director general of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), one of the participating organizations and host of the new office.
Thirteen organizations were represented at this retreat (a list of participating organizations is included in the appendix).
For those who may have adopted several pets from more than one organization during the event, we asked them to give us feedback on one pet from just one of the participating organizations.
The number of participating organizations is limited and decisions on acceptance are made by EXPO CHICAGO.
The insurance company may offer a specific discount exclusive to members of participating organizations.
Other divisions (including Latin America, which doesn't have a list of participating organizations yet) will compete in fall for a winter 2018 global championship.
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