Sentences with phrase «of particular cases»

The results portrayed in those matters were dependent upon the facts of those particular cases, and results will differ if based on different facts.
Both the happiness of your individual clients and the outcome of particular cases depend on the accuracy of your research and documentation.
Are added to the management point of particular cases, where men and women members voracious extramarital partner.
Rules of court are dictated by what is expedient on the whole and in the long run; but they run the risk of being unjust to the claims of particular cases.
Whether using fully autonomous military drones is morally permissible will thus turn on the facts of the particular case» e.g., how effective such drones are in killing the enemy, how accurately they distinguish between combatants and non-combatants, and so on.
Speaking on BBC Radio Lincolnshire, Peter Tatchell said: «He can't perhaps comment about the individuality of that particular case, but he certainly could comment on the principle, which is that he has, in the past, supported legal discrimination against gay people.
And I think one of my concerns about all of the coverage of this particular case in Virginia is that that'll just exacerbate this notion that, you know, women can't do this on their own, when in fact, you know, the human race have survived so far with women doing that.
Regardless of the rights and the wrongs of this particular case it does raise very important questions about the relationship between ministers and civil servants.
It is therefore unlikely that the alternate would be a member of a group that is partisan on the question of that particular case.
It could also be precisely drafted, rather than be subject to the vagaries of a particular case, as the Option One route is.
What's more — in the absence of information on the underlying molecular mechanisms of her particular case — that patient will likely end up taking a one - size - fits - all pill rather than a drug tailored for her unique disease subtype.
Precisely how Tubi responds to a party that is violating these Terms will be determined after carefully analyzing all of the facts and circumstances of a particular case.
Woody Harrelson plays the police chief struggling with the negative press of this particular case whilst facing a terminal illness and there's so much heart and rawness to his performance that you really feel everything he feels.
At issue is whether OCR should launch «systemic reviews» when investigating discrimination complaints, or stay focused on the facts of a particular case.
While it may be tough to keep ahead of students with respect to the most recent happenings of a particular case, it remains very important to discuss it with them.
Nonetheless, given that him winning this case in Virginia is still noteworthy, and followers of this blog should be aware of this particular case, I invited Virginia SGP to write a guest post so that he could tell his side of the story.
I'm not crying the blues because of my particular case, but I think that can easily happen.
A case study is the analytical evaluation of a particular case, situation or person.
Regardless of the merits of this particular case, if this is really the best example of Amazon supposedly not looking out for their customers seems pretty weak to me
Certainly, reasonable fiduciaries are not expected to take a daily accounting of all investments, and thus the reasonable discovery of an imprudent investment may not occur until the systematic consideration of all investments at some regular interval... However, the facts of this particular case present an extreme situation.
An experienced divorce attorney can advise you on the specifics of your particular case based on the laws in your state.
No matter the outcome of this particular case, it proves everyday citizens» voices can be heard when they work together.
Tomas should think a little more about the physics of this particular case.
Concentrical spheres are not part of this particular case.
«Each entry is the product of extensive research and constitutes a succinct analysis of the issue and holding of the particular case, how that issue is situated in the larger discourse of bankruptcy law, adn why the case is important.»
We stand beside you every step of the way, to present the facts of your particular case and win the benefits you deserve.
But when one considers the specific facts of a particular case, things start to look slightly different.
Recent case law demonstrates that the critical question for the court in breach of confidence cases is to analyse how Arts 8 and 10 apply to the facts of a particular case.
It will be for the Court to examine the circumstances of each particular case to determine whether or not there is sufficient reason.
In denying the plaintiff's request for a new trial, the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that instructions incorporating a legal analysis on the shifting burdens of proof in employment discriminbation cases established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 is appropriate when a trial court judge «translate [s] it into everyday parlance and fit [s] it to the facts and circumstancews of a particular case
Notwithstanding what you hear or read elsewhere, the circumstances of the particular case determine how the victim will need to prove and determine their losses for permanent injuries.
However, as indicated in the article Calculating Spousal Support, the Guidelines are just advisory guidelines, not law, and courts have discretion to follow or depart from them, depending on the facts of each particular case.
Our team of lawyers combines extensive investigative skills with substantial trial experience to carefully craft trial strategies suited to the demands of each particular case.
We believe that a significant consideration in the outcome of a total disability claim is not only the facts of the particular case but also the effort and experience of the lawyer representing the injured worker.
Again, it depends on the circumstances of the particular case.
The crucial question at the heart of this particular case was whether, following Mr Kernott's departure from 39 Badger Hall Avenue, an intention between the parties could be found which would rebut the presumption of joint beneficial ownership (which presumption generally arises where there is joint legal ownership and no express declaration of trust that the co-owners should own in anything other than equal shares).
Indiana has several wrongful death statutes that may apply, depending on the facts of a particular case, including what are commonly referred to as the Adult Wrongful Death Act and Child Wrongful Death Act.
Where adjournments are required for further expert or medical evidence to arrive or be obtained, then it should be for the judge to determine what is right, just and equitable in relation to the facts and circumstances of the particular case before them.
He held that the application judge erred by making the intrusive order when there was no basis in the pleadings to be able to judge whether the order was necessary to enable the case to be disposed of in accordance with the principle of proportionality — i.e. in a manner that is fair, efficient and cost effective as judged in relation to the nature and circumstances of the particular case.
Rather, what a potential litigant has is a right to have his or her claim dealt with fairly and resolved according to law in a manner that is appropriate to the nature and circumstances of the particular case.
It is not clear to what lengths an estate trustee must go to in order to satisfy the Court that the person can not be located, but it is likely a determination that would be made in all of the circumstances of that particular case.
He generally decides cases narrowly, with careful attention to the facts of the particular case and primary attention paid to the contentions of the litigants.
In reaching the conclusion that Frontline was bound to pay a penalty, the Court dismissed Frontline's invitation to modify the language of Article 18 and to imply a judicial discretion as to whether a penalty should be ordered on the facts of each particular case and / or the amount of any such penalty.
I love looking at the needs of a particular case, and delivering the customized solutions.»
You should seek the advice of a skilled Louisville medical attorney, who can review the specifics of your particular case to determine if a medical malpractice claim may be able to recover damages for you.
There can be no justification for state compulsion in matters of belief, and the context of the particular case pointed to the by - law's clearly religious purpose and effect.
The proposed exception is so broad and its terms are so vague that no one will really know how it might be applied to the facts of any particular case.
Collateral consequences related to immigration may be relevant in tailoring the sentence, but their significance depends on and has to be determined in accordance with the facts of the particular case.
Usually, multiple theories will be included in a lawsuit filed against a dealer — which ones depend on the facts of each particular case.
Liability will also largely depend on whether or not the driver of the vehicle exercised all reasonable care, given the circumstances of the particular case.
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