Sentences with phrase «of pawnshops»

You could hang me over the door of a pawnshop.
Earlier, munching greasy chips in a taco bar across the street, they'd watched the owner of the pawnshop lock up.
In November, the former Wall Street banker, now based in Toronto, launched Zillidy, a startup he hopes will use the humble roots of a pawnshop to trailblaze an alternative - lending industry for Canadian business people.
Then way up in the stratosphere is the ridiculous expense of pawnshops and payday lenders.
In case you are not a homeowner, or do not have a vehicle with just your name on the title, then you may use the services of pawnshops.
This was a pioneering move that dramatically changed the competitive landscape of the pawnshop industry.
You could hang me over the door of a pawnshop»), is a painter of some renown and a petty thief who has never before been caught and steals only for pleasure.
You bet, and while Jackie Chan and Jet Li both do a respectable job with their dual roles (along with his primary character, Chan also cameos as the owner of the pawnshop), it's their mano - a-mano battle midway through that is the highlight of the entire film.
Later that evening, when the hot heavy night had descended, someone — it is not clear who — splashed kerosene on the doors of the pawnshop and took a match to it.
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