Sentences with phrase «of paying off in the long run»

Such series also offer you an excellent way to build your network and community relationships, which has a way of paying off in the long run.

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However you do it, putting some of your retirement funds into a business that you already plan to pour your time and effort into is yet another way your sweat equity can pay off in the long run.
Taking proactive steps — such as investing in research — instead of focusing solely on cutting costs and battening down the hatches will pay off in the long run.
But recent research suggests that there's an exception: when employees work significantly more hours early in their career, it pays off in the long - run, Dr. Dora Gicheva, an assistant professor at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, found.
Whether you're creating a single piece of content a week or several pieces a day, the quality of your content should always remain extremely high if you want it to pay off in the long run.
While it can be difficult to end a toxic relationship, friendship or get out of your comfort zone to start a new one, you'll be far better off in the long run if you know what you want and pay the daily price — the hard work and sacrifice — to bring it to life.
But spending a bit of concentrated time in order to get sleep back on track will pay off in the long run — within a matter of days, everyone will be back to normal.
As a whole, it can be a very good, nice investment and one that will pay off immensely in the long run just because of its great quality and efficiency.
Nonetheless, there is a lot of evidence that parents have a much bigger impact on their preschool - aged children than teachers do, and that pro- grams to support good parenting practices in vulnerable families pay off in the long run, especially in the early years.
He views the tax cuts as an investment in the economy that will pay off in the long run as more businesses grow because of the tax cuts thus increases revenue.
Another poll, by Pew (18), finds that the majority of Americans think that government investments in basic scientific research (73 %) and engineering and technology (74 %) pay off in the long run, with only small differences between Democrats and Republicans.
Instead, they are persistent and constant in their efforts, which means making a lot of sacrifices and struggling to adopt new habits, and those things pay off in the long run.
You could try to completely avoid ketchup — it might take some time to get used to the ketchup-less taste of your favorite food, but be sure that your effort will pay off in the long run!
Even though it's a lot of money to drop upfront, it does pay off in the long run.
Native American man, loving and enjoying the love of a Dine», I believe in hard work pays off in the long run, I choose my needs over my wants, I'm a very hard worker and enjoy life to the fullest..
The choice seems to indicate that Paramount was legitimately interested in a making a good film instead of simply a successful one, but it remains to be seen whether their choice will pay off in the long run.
In the face of so many online learning options, it may be tempting to stick with tried and true in - person employee training, but learning about employee training software can pay off for a manager in the long ruIn the face of so many online learning options, it may be tempting to stick with tried and true in - person employee training, but learning about employee training software can pay off for a manager in the long ruin - person employee training, but learning about employee training software can pay off for a manager in the long ruin the long run.
Steampunk (and Harlequin and Amish romance) author Shelley Adina joins us today to talk about managing multiple pen names and genres, keeping a long - running series fresh (and selling), paying for foreign translations of indie books, and working the cons to get in touch with more readers (and take trips you can write off on your taxes!).
Gaining a larger piece of the mobile device market now will pay off in the long run.
Letting the traditional publisher do the difficult work of making your book a bestseller could pay off in the long run.
Marketing can pay off in the long run, but you have to do some of it and keep it up for marketing to pay long - term dividends for you.
I'm extremely happy with that and hope that my decision to keep prices low in the beginning of my career will really pay off for me in the long run.
Many hope that with more PlayBooks in the hands of customers that RIM's discounting will pay off for them in the long run.
Tracking your spending is probably one of the hardest parts you'll encounter during this challenge, and we know that it can be tedious, but it will pay off in the long run when you don't have to spend time questioning every purchase, or wondering whether you have enough money to do something fun.
We probably lost money on the investment side of the 401K by having less in the retirement account, but I'm certain we probably gained in the long run by paying off credit cards that were at 20 % interest or more!
Over the long run, this means you'll save a lot of money in interest payments, and technically helps you pay off your loans faster (since higher interest rates increase your balance, potentially adding extra time to your payment schedule).
The company will pay off all of your creditors and then pick an interest rate and a loan for you to pay them, sometimes this interest rate is extremely high and you might end up paying more to the company in the long run.
Strategies like the Debt Snowball can help you plan out your own debt repayment plan — if you can manage to pay off your debts without the help of another loan, you'll be better off in the long run.
While borrowing money to finance a home for your family or a college education can be a smart move that pays off, and even an «investment» in some ways, borrowing money to finance a brand new smartphone, a vacation, or a new pair of shoes — which is exactly what you're doing if you're carrying a credit card balance — will only hurt you in the long run.
Because of the relatively high probability of living to 76 and 80, particularly if you are married, delaying Social Security often pays off in the long run — especially if you are the primary wage earner of a couple and your portfolio gives you that flexibility.
Some types of traditional loans limit what you can spend the money on, while funding sources like credit card cash advances usually cost more in the long run simply because the interest tends to accrue and add up over time and not be paid off for many months — even years.
I believe that it pays off big time with the peace of mind it offers in the long run.
Assuming he continues to make payments of $ 350, this would save him ~ $ 700 in the long run if he pays it off within the credit card's 18 month 0 % period.
So, while this credit card's sign - up bonus pays off handsomely from the beginning, it's also one of the very best cash back credit cards to own in the long - run as well.
Disadvantages: Some people might feel discouraged if their total amount of debt doesn't seem to be decreasing fast enough — but in the long run, this is still the way to save the most money while paying off credit card debt.
Regardless of whether residual income ideas require a lot of upfront work (or capital), you can rest assured that they often pay off big time in the long run.
This is what can make the investment of a little time in segmenting your savings pay off in the long run.
You will find that you are developing habits that will cost you more in the long run, and unless you are a credit card user that pays off your full balance every month, you are building interest that increases the cost of the service or item for which you are paying.
Of course, it doesn't always work out that way, but if you have the time to do things like check your credit report (and fix any mistakes) and pay down debt before applying for a mortgage, it will likely pay off in the long run.
Remember that the longer you take to pay off your military loan, the more it will cost you in the long run in terms of interest charges.
Consistent performance by the fund's manager, or managers, over a long period of time indicates the fund will likely pay off well for an investor in the long - run.
An interest rate of 16.9 % as opposed to one of 8.9 % will take significantly longer to pay off the balance and cost hundreds of dollars more in the long run.
Of course, if you are using the loan to pay off credit cards and reduce your total interest costs, you could come out ahead in the long run.
Beyond no longer having to budget for monthly payments, paying your loan off early will save you hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars in interest over the long run.
Depending on the size of your loan, this can mean a great deal of savings in the long run, so you should strive to pay off your loan as quickly as is realistic.
Second, if a person is not concerned with low monthly rates, but wants to shorten the length of time he will spend paying off the loan, there are plans that increase monthly payments and allow a person to actually save a considerable amount of money in the long run, because the shorter loan term will decrease the amount of interest that will be paid.
It will save us a lot of money in the long run and we felt financially secure enough to do it and made a plan to pay it off in less than two years.
Even the smallest increases in your net income can result in big differences to your financial health, and if you have high - interest credit card debt to pay off, you'll earn more in the long run by using some of those funds to pay down that debt.
One of the pitfalls that many first - time (and even long - time) credit card users run into is racking up a balance that can't be paid off in one month.
While borrowing money can make a lot of sense — and even leave us better off in the long run — it's important to note how the interest we pay each month, and each year, adds up in a big way.
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