Sentences with phrase «of pelvic fracture»

For the elderly, the most common cause of a pelvic fracture is a slip and fall.
The type of pelvic fracture he had did not require surgery, he simply needed to be kept quiet to allow the bones to heal naturally, and he received supportive care during his recovery.
Even though patients may resume walking after treatment of pelvic fracture with cage rest, callus formation and / or pelvic collapse may result in chronic obstipation.

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In addition, the piriformis muscle dysfunction may overlap with a variety of other problems, such as gluteus medius dysfunction, herniated or bulging disks, pelvic stress fractures, tight adductor muscle group, limb length difference, tight medial hamstrings and the aforementioned ineffective gluteus maximus.
I have had a myriad of MSK issues; fracture, sprains, strains, disc bulges, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence and even a diastasis.
She was a dancer and is in amazingly good health organically, but she had the classic pelvic fracture at 93, completed therapy I record time, but now is slowing down, of course, and developing neuropathy (non-diabetic) and plantar fasciitis, so we think.
During our positioning week on Radiology, my rotation partner and I had taken radiographs (x-rays) of everything from Pomerians in heart failure to Labradors that had eaten rocks to cats with pelvic fractures.
The five most common indications for a FHO included degenerative joint disease, avascular necrosis of the femoral head, capital epiphyseal and femoral neck fracture, comminuted acetabular or pelvic fracture, and non-reducible or chronic coxofemoral luxation.
Some of the more serious causes, are are the cat having swallowed a solid object, or swallowed string, rectal or anal disease, pelvic fractures, or a tumor possibly caused by cat leukemia.
Examples of our non-standard veterinary expenditures include: leg amputation; tumor removal; emergency splenectomy; hip surgery; cruciate ligament surgery; treatment of leg, hip and pelvic fractures and much more.
Plaintiff suffered brain stem injury, pelvic and leg fractures and medical bills in excess of $ 400,000.00.
The client is seeking compensation from the City of Los Angeles for the physical injures to his head, back and fractured pelvic bone.
he had suffered multiple injuries, including a complex pelvic fracture with separation of the symphysis pubis and fracture of the right sacrum, a left tibiofibular fracture, a fractured right humeral shaft, fracture of his left second rib, as well as a large laceration to his right thigh and multiple cuts and abrasions.
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