Sentences with phrase «of people killed»

Currently the seat belt law is mandated in all 50 states, which greatly helped reduce the number of persons killed in auto accidents in 2004.
Our lawyers also bring wrongful death claims on behalf of the surviving families of people killed in accidents of all kinds.
This week, polls suggest the opposite: people do not think that the executive actions will reduce the number of people killed by gun, but they solidly support the proposals.
The families of people killed by trains in this manner have little or no legal recourse.
In these situations, an injured individual or the family members of a person killed in a crash may file a personal injury lawsuit to seek damages for truck accident negligence.
Between 2006 and 2012, 82 percent of people killed by lightning were male.
The number of people killed for religious reasons would have been tiny — the deaths were political.
There's also a bill allowing relatives of people killed by firearms to sue gun manufacturers.
The big worry for all of us goes beyond the millions of people killed by coal pollution every year.
There were millions (way more than «christian» history) of people killed because of that.
The AA claim that the majority of people killed in drink - drive crashes are drastically over the limit rather than being in and around the legal level.
Our people are virtually in all communities and that is why they brought out the records of the people killed including time and dates.
The average number of people killed annually by sharks is estimated to be about six.
This dynamic may also be making it harder to ascertain the number of people killed during the fire.
Why not include religious symbols of all the religions of the people killed.
Without obtaining those records before they are destroyed, the injured person or survivors of a person killed in a truck wreck have a much more difficult time proving the trucking company's negligence.
If you are an immediate or distant family member, life partner, spouse, or financial dependent of the person killed in the accident, you can claim wrongful death.
Let's not forget that one of the people killed in the recent shooting was a pastor.
The video is obviously meant to create some sort of emotional response in the viewer, compiling scenes of people killing people in videogames without any commentary.
Benefits are also available to surviving family members of a person killed in those same circumstances.
In addition, 95 percent of the people killed in these accidents were wearing helmets at the time.
The number of burned matches in each line represents the amount of people killed each day.
Meanwhile, 57 % say that the measures would not reduce the number of people killed by guns.
I feel strongly about them, which is more than I can say about 99 % of the people I kill in videogames.
He has gotten money to build new schools; passed legislation allowing day care workers to unionize and protecting livery car drivers from violent crimes; and created a scholarship fund for the children of people killed on American Airlines Flight 587, which crashed in Queens in 2001 on its way to Santo Domingo, the Dominican capital.
Amongst many of Winchester's curiosities: It's based on the true story of Sarah Winchester, who did inherit her husband's large gun fortune, did believe she was being haunted by the souls of every person killed by a Winchester rifle, did spend 38 years of non-stop construction on her estate, trying to build a resting home for those souls.
The Winchester Mystery House, as it's known, is a legendary tourist attraction (according to San Jose folklore, it really is said to be haunted by the ghosts of people killed by Winchester rifles).
The analogy here is if Trump argued for the eradication of sharks because of the number of people killed at American beaches — but never talked about the number killed by the box jellyfish.
So we took on board the problem that they had in East Timor, and that means thousands of people killed and refugees, and these two crocodiles had been really badly looked after.
This year, in collaboration with Global Witness, the Guardian aims to record the deaths of all people killed while protecting land or natural resources.
Several of the tweets simply listed the names of people killed by guns, with well over 100 mentioned as of noon Thursday.
With that said, much like the original Dishonored most of the people you kill along the way are forgettable fodder, which is a shame.
The 2008 Mumbai attacks, which saw hundreds of people killed and injured when ten gunmen infiltrated the city by boat and targeted high concentrations of bystanders in hotels, railway stations and public places, have heightened alert levels in security forces across the world.
They're the spirits of people killed by those dastardly rifles her husband invented.
Discharge applies to catastrophic situations, including death, total and permanent disability, the closing of a school, bankruptcy, disaster situations (such as the surviving spouses of people killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack), fraud or severe physical and mental impairments.
This year, in collaboration with Global Witness, the Guardian aims to record the deaths of all people killed while protecting land or natural resources.
Nowadays section 844 (3) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) entitles bereaved of a person killed in a car accident to a compensation for that loss.
You know one of the people killed working at that school in CT was a karate expert... she never got close to him... sad story...
(A postscript to his Vietnam chapters, written in April 1975, explains that nearly all the towns Theroux wrote about had since been destroyed and many of their people killed.)
I flinch at stories of people killed when tornadoes are tearing off the church roof or hurricanes are flooding their houses — even as they pray for Jesus to rebuke once more the wind and the waves.
Thus, in rightist ideology, cattle ranching is morally equivalent to slavery, which explains this bald assertion of PETA's odious «Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign»: «The leather sofa and handbag are the moral equivalent of the lampshades made from the skins of people killed in the death camps.»
«We can not build (a) modern world above mass graves of people killed in genocide.
People like you care more about 4 people dying in Benghazi than you do about the dozens of people killed by gun violence in the US.
More tragically, they posted videos of people killed by police only minutes after the president declared that the government would no longer respond with violence, including one of a young woman shot in the head as she came back from the market with a carton of milk — she had wrongly trusted that it was safe to go out.
I have seen pictures of people killed and I have seen pictures of INEC Result Sheets with PDP omitted.
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