Sentences with phrase «of personal failure»

If you receive negative feedback, it's not a sign of personal failure.
To what extent do you think our approach to marriage and parenting can reflect our own sense of personal failure?
What surprises is the almost obsessive contemplation of these personal failures in this biography.
Sometimes these are moments of «earthquake,» such as an experience of personal failure or the death of a loved one.
What emerges is a portrait of a man sinking rapidly into a pit of despair as he comes face to face with his own darkest nightmares of personal failure.
Help your partner understand that anxiety and depression are common conditions, and not a sign of personal failure.
It's not often that a soundtrack plays such a pivotal role in my enjoyment of a movie, but it's certainly fitting considering just how much the Coens rely on music to provide the backdrop of this bittersweet portrait of personal failure.
The meaning and power of this Sacrament is for many Christians realized for the first time when they have passed through the crisis of personal failure and have discovered the accepting and sustaining community.
We exist in the paradox of a time with a profound realization that our problems are systemic, far exceeding individual is - tic consent or solutions, but the fundamental approach to sin in our society remains a litany of personal failures.
He writes about striving for a sober Charismatic theology in a more light - weighted style than them, with many accounts of his personal failures and angers along with the breakthroughs and signs and wonders.
If a particular enterprise doesn't work, there's no sense of personal failure because you have a sense of confidence that your future and identity is in him.»
With its implication of personal failure and social dysfunction, few childhood barbs burn quite so deeply as «Quitter.»
And it's no indictment on character — far from some sort of personal failure, psychological and emotional problems stem from something greater than you, being either inherited genetically, or learned from parents or other environmental contexts.
This is likely because Americans view debt as a sign of personal failure since the recession started.
Land gained recognition in the mid 1990s with his simply produced videos — documentations of personal failure and excessive meaninglessness in which the artist is seen tumbling down an endless flight of stairs, repeatedly falling off a ladder while painting or sinking himself in a boot.
But hers is not an isolated tale of personal failure; it is the all - too - common story of women of color struggling to thrive at large law firms — and leaving in droves.
To make matters worse, clients may see their relapse as evidence of personal failure and inadequacy, and as a result, they may resist more treatment.
But although the movie is a fairly bittersweet portrait of personal failure (a running theme in the Coens» repertoire), it's not without their trademark wit and humor.
I often encounter people who have internalized their inability to find work as a sign of personal failure.
Second, women feel more responsible for the marital relationship, and therefore have a greater tendency to see divorce as a sign of personal failure.
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