Sentences with phrase «of personal greed»

look what you and your ilk have done to this country in the name of personal greed.

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«On a personal note, as well as the huge amount of time, stress and effort it takes to continually combat these scams, this whole episode has been extremely depressing — to see my reputation besmirched by such a big company, out of an unending greed to keep raking in its ad cash.»
Having wondered, I've got to ask this of believers and non-believers of all persuasions: Which philosophy is more likely to plunder the world for greed and personal gain — those who think there is an afterlife or those who think this is all there is?
You are living in a convenient dream world — convenient to your personal greed and lack of caring for others, especially those who suffer in poverty.
Andy Stanley, a prominent evangelical leader, said some in his congregation cheered when he launched a preaching series called «Recovery Road» to talk about politically touchy issues such as personal greed, the federal deficit and the sins of subprime loans.
In these last years, scarred by AIDS, by the dominant culture of greed and violence, and by personal loss and pain, I have come to see more distinctly the vital link between the healing process (traditionally the prerogative of religious and medical traditions) and the work of liberation (assumed to be the business of revolutionary movements for justice).
In these last years scarred by AIDS, by the dominant culture of greed and violence, and by personal loss and pain, the author has come to see more distinctly the vital link between the healing process (traditionally the prerogative of religious and medical traditions) and the work of liberation (assumed to be the business of revolutionary movements for justice).
I responded that (at least from my perspective) that for some, it may be about «greed» or personal circumstances... but that there will likely continue to be «push back» on anything that smacks of legalism, regardless of the subject.
For a very long time of concerted thought, it was my belief that «evil» was simply the random egotistical aggregation worldwide of personal weaknesses, mostly to do with fear, pain, greed or just for some an innate bastardry.
God has addressed his messages to generations through chosen one's to remind and warn those evil doers and the ones who are astray to come back to the truth but when messanger gives up on his people God would bring upon them heavy natural disasters, losses and grieves... there among any religions or branches of religions you will find people worship and do good deeds for the sake of God and would do all could to raise his name and belief... there are others who careless for it as a religion or faith but taking advantage of the posts for their own personal vast interest or the gangs interests as named by you... «Those are as a Walves using the Sheeps Skins in Disguise for hunting and feeding its greeds».
Certainly the conservatives learned an important lesson from the war and struggled thereafter to promote equality at home, to fight against the shortsightedness and personal greed polluting our air and rivers, to champion safer foods and medicines, to extend the promise of American freedom to a broader and broader cross-section of the population?
Along with public failure, we find an erosion of our personal sense of life, a restlessness that generates anxiety that drives us to greed, and finally to despair that it won't really work out.
The excuse of «personal freedom» often results in decadence, selfishness, greed, gluttony, self - centeredness, sexual - immorality, misuse of money, mistreatment of others, and a wide variety of other sins of the flesh (see The Myth of a Christian Religion, p. 85).
Where one becomes the other is influenced by many, many things: faith, greed, wants, desires, parents, and personal experience — to name just a few of those influences.
Mobutu Sese Seko (1930 - 1997), was the Zairean dictator who roasted his country and seared his people on the cruel altar of un-sated personal greed.
During a visit to Buffalo, GOP gubernatorial candidate Marc Molinaro labeled Cuomo «corrupt,» «corrosive,» «loud,» argumentative,» and committed to «putting the personal politics of ambition and greed above the people,» and said there's more commentary where that came from.
Taking aim at two - term Democratic Gov. Cuomo, Molinaro, 42, criticized «leaders who squander the public's trust by putting the personal politics of ambition and greed above government's true purpose» of serving the people.
Personal greed of an assemblyman or a legislator or a state official, who does something venial and greedy and stupid is not enough to destroy that dream because that dream is too important.
Prosecutors allege Silver acted out of greed and abused his power for personal gain.
Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara called the case «another example of a political figure in New York state putting his own personal greed ahead of the public's trust.»
«This case is the age - old tale of the abuse of political power to satisfy personal greed,» prosecutor Tatiana Martins told jurors in Manhattan federal court.
Prosecutors say common themes run through many of the political corruption cases: lack of transparency on a politician's outside employment, nonprofits staffed by cronies and used as personal piggy banks, greed and above - the - law arrogance.
Generation Wealth, simultaneously a deeply personal journey, rigorous historical essay, and raucously entertaining expose, bears witness to the global boom - bust economy, the corrupted American Dream and the human costs of capitalism, narcissism and greed.
It's a cautionary tale of collective malpractice and personal greed all converging at a moment which helped set about the global economic downturn, and the production design (by regular Wong Kar - wai collaborator William Chang) opts to remove all walls from the aesthetic equation as a way to emphasise that, even though it's a culture which thrives on secrets and subterfuge, there really is nowhere to hide your dirty laundry.
The people, united, will never be defeated — unless, of course, they're living in a world governed by fear, envy, greed and perpetual backstabbing in the name of personal ambition and progress.
Today, wealthy elites for reasons of personal religious view; out of control hubris; and economic greed are stealing this gift inherited from our forefathers.
Withered, nasty creatures, whose personal greed / self - interest has turned them into something devoid of anything noble and good.
And while politics and religion were given lip service as to the primacy of place, the real drivers of events were economics, trade, and the greed for greater personal wealth.
Then there's also the more unsavoury aspect, personal greed: Incentives and compensation, particularly in the US, are so lucrative and so biased to raising the EPS and share price at all costs that share buybacks become, consciously or unconsciously, a compelling priority for boards / senior management — often to the detriment of shareholders, EVA and / or even the dividend.
Motivated by envy and personal greed, West and Zampella went so far as to deliberately undermine the efforts of other developers within the Activision family and then lied about their conduct.
Humanity is increasingly endangered by the consequences of out - of - control patriarchal power as well as corporate and personal greed that has emerged from the «money - to - be-made» by inflicting misery on society.
Dale's work is often deeply personal and as other showings of his work, the exhibition deals with human condition — this time in the form of greed and excess.
Minorities Rarely Winners In Class - Action Lawsuits Personal injury lawyers have long touted their work as noble and altruistic — saving poor consumers, union workers and minorities from the unbridled greed of Corporate America.
Whether it was for personal greed, the joy of stealing or to assuage hunger is not a concern for deciding whether someone is guilty of an offence.
DO IT - 2 TRILLION DOLLARS - close down this abuse of power - split it up - make this news service unbiased by this one persons personal GREED, and EGO.
In my personal opinion, material wealth, riches, and greed of any sort should not be a factor in who you love.
The old - school applecart of self - serving bank - account - bloating short - term personal goal attainment behavior needs to be overturned, smashed up and buried at the bottom of the deepest shaft of human short - term greed - seeking mining attempts.
A dilution of responsibility then takes place; one loses control of one's personal contractual promise of fiducuary responsibility in favour of one's trusting client in the name of piggy - backed profits, or, as I like to label it... greed.
Romney and all of his super rich comrades only have greed for their own personal wealth, not what is good for the USA.»
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