Sentences with phrase «of pharmaceutical chemistry»

Dr. Ding is a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease and a UCSF professor of pharmaceutical chemistry.
Dr. Ding, one of the world's leading chemical biologists in stem - cell science, earlier this year joined Gladstone and the faculty at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), as a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry.
He did research in protein engineering at Genentech, was a founder, president and chief science officer at Sunesis Pharmaceuticals and is professor and former chair of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco.
«Having different options to make iPSCs will be useful when scientists encounter challenges or difficulties with one approach,» said Ding, who is also a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco.
As an example of that, two new scientists who were just hired in the department of pharmaceutical chemistry and who work on cellular networks have mentioned an interest in neuroscience.
GC3 is a 10 - year initiative, launched in 2017 by Founding Director Leor Weinberger, PhD, senior investigator at Gladstone, William and Ute Bowes Distinguished Investigator, and professor of pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics at UC San Francisco (UCSF).
«Having different options to make iPSCs will be useful when scientists encounter challenges or difficulties with one approach,» said Ding, who is also a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the UC San Francisco.
But Brian Shoichet, co-senior author on the Nature paper and professor in the department of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco, says that they had another requirement, too, which was met by only a tiny subset of those molecules.
«Our findings could have a significant impact on the treatment of autoimmune diseases, as well as on stem cell and immuno - oncology therapies,» said Gladstone Senior Investigator Sheng Ding, PhD, who is also a professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco.

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Four years ago while still in school and preparing for a career in the pharmaceutical industry, one of my professors scheduled a rather large and important chemistry exam for the day after Halloween.
degree in pharmaceutical chemistry from the University of Granada in 1997.
This work was inspired by previous cross-coupling chemistry developed in the Baran lab, and catalyzed by discussions with pharmaceutical industry partners who view this as an area of major unmet need.
The pharmaceutical industry, after all, provides excellent jobs for a few of the best organic chemistry graduates.
So, I took a job as a research scientist in the analytical lab of a smaller chemistry - driven, discovery - based pharmaceutical company located in Vancouver, B.C. With fewer than 100 employees and no products on the market, it couldn't have been further from the formal corporate work environment I was accustomed to at a multinational company.
Cosma's enthusiasm for science led to her first degree, in chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, which she earned from the Federico II University of Naples in 1993.
«We are in dire need of contractors with expertise in protein biochemistry, analytical chemistry, quality control, quality assurance, and manufacturing,» says Celidonio, the Altus Pharmaceuticals recruiter.
Alan Palkowitz, Lilly vice president of discovery chemistry and technologies, says open innovation programs are born of the realization, especially by pharmaceutical companies, that «we can't do it alone; our current challenges are too big and complex.»
The work applies a data analysis model for the growth and maturation of biomedical research to characterize the progress of research on the pharmaceutical chemistry of oligonucleotide therapeutics, as well as the molecular targets, for their actions.
«This opens up entirely new opportunities in pharmaceutical research and may lead to the discovery of new drugs,» says Yitzhak Apeloig, who specializes in organic chemistry at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.
Researchers can now freeze biomolecules mid-movement and visualise processes they have never previously seen, which is decisive for both the basic understanding of life's chemistry and for the development of pharmaceuticals.
In addition to Abbott and his medical school colleagues, the research team included representatives of Oncodesign, a therapeutic molecule biotechnology company in Dijon, France; Janssen Research & Development, a New Jersey - based pharmaceutical company; andAsclepia Outsourcing Solutions, a Belgium - based medicinal chemistry company.
Raman spectroscopy is a widely adopted identification technique used in chemistry, materials science and the pharmaceutical industry to detect the unique internal vibrations of various molecules.
In a new paper published in the journal Science, a UC Santa Barbara organic chemistry team led by Bruce Lipshutz shows how they tweaked the recipe for an ecofriendly and less expensive version of a metal - based chemical reaction that is essential in the manufacture of several pharmaceuticals.
«Simulation of the AsqJ enzyme opens up new options for pharmaceutical chemistry
Now, a team of Japanese scientists from Osaka University, in collaboration with the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies and Tokyo Medical and Dental University has developed a new way of extending the chemistry of fluoroalkene molecules, granting access to a new range of fluoroalkenes for pharmaceuticals and other applications.
Of the three leaders in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office patents, U.S. and EU inventions are concentrated in chemistry and health, including pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
The chemistry job market in Germany has been almost nonexistent for the last couple of years, but the situation has now changed quite a bit: Chemists are in demand, especially in fast - growing fields such as biotechnologies or the pharmaceutical industry.
Delving deeper, Gopalkrishnan Saroja Seethapathy, a graduate student in pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Oslo, and colleagues randomly chose 3300 papers by Indian first authors from 350 journals flagged as predatory by Jeffrey Beall, a library scientist at the University of Colorado in Denver.
He has a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in biophysics, a B.A. in chemistry and environmental studies from the University of Pennsylvania, and early career experience in pharmaceutical discovery research.
The role played by organic chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry continues to be one of the main drivers in the drug discovery process.
Sellës decided it was time to move back into the advanced chemistry of pharmaceuticals or agrochemicals.
The faculty and students of USciences engage in pioneering research spanning basic sciences such as biology, chemistry, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences and physics to socio - behavioral, applied and clinical research.
«Microbiomes sustain life on our planet and they are laboratories of novelty, green chemistry, and life - changing pharmaceuticals,» said Jeff F. Miller, director of the California NanoSystems Institute and the corresponding author of the Science paper.
By learning how members of microbiomes interact with one another, we might discover innovative green chemistry and life - saving pharmaceuticals.
Pharmaceuticals are central to human health and welfare, and 39 % of pharmaceuticals sold in the U.S. rely on chloPharmaceuticals are central to human health and welfare, and 39 % of pharmaceuticals sold in the U.S. rely on chlopharmaceuticals sold in the U.S. rely on chlorine chemistry.
Her research focuses mainly on historical and modern theories of innovation, narrative theories, general philosophy of science and epistemology with special consideration of philosophy of synthetic chemistry and the pharmaceutical sciences.
«We're planning on using this knowledge to redesign these machines to create new novel molecules that might have pharmaceutical applications,» says Skiniotis, an associate professor of biological chemistry.
Brain chemistry is also useful to assess: Stress, lack of exercise, poor nutrition and pharmaceutical drugs deplete neurotransmitters.
A 2016 study by researchers from the Buck Institute for Research on Ageing and the UCLA Easton Laboratories for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, showed that memory loss in Alzheimer's patients can be reversed, and improvement sustained, using a complex, 36 - point therapeutic personalized program that involves comprehensive changes in diet, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and multiple additional steps that affect brain chemistry.
Paraktek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative therapies based upon its expertise in novel tetracycline chemistry.
Expertise: industrial pollution; hazardous waste; microbeads; surface chemistry of plastics; controlled release of pharmaceuticals; wound healing; tissue engineering; STEM education
Dr. Katrin Schuhen at the University of Koblenz - Landau Organic and ecological chemistry department, the group works on the next generation technologies needed to treat microplastics and pharmaceuticals in wastewater.
These cases have spanned a range of technical fields, including semiconductors, semiconductor packaging, biotechnology, cellular telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, and mechanical devices.
We have patent practitioners in a wide variety of technical fields, including mechanical, medtech, chemistry, biotech, biochemistry, pharmaceutical, electrical, and computer hardware and software.
Our expert team is made up of life sciences and chemistry patent attorneys who, along with our trade mark attorneys have worked with a wide range of pharmaceutical clients — from large UK and foreign multinationals to numerous start - ups.
Carol's practice focuses on patent filing and prosecution, patent - related legal advice and patent litigation across a broad range of industries, including chemistry, materials science, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, semiconductor and auto mechanics.
Bachelor degree in chemistry, biology, microbiology, industrial pharmacy or other related scientific discipline with a minimum of 10 years experience in QA oversight of pharmaceutical manufacturing in a global commercial environment
The APhA Complete Review for the FPGEE ® provides a comprehensive review of basic pharmaceutical principles (dosage forms, math, bio-pharmaceutics, kinetics, basic and parenteral compounding, among others); the basic medical sciences (chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, microbiology, and immunology); social and administrative sciences (practice management, pharmacoeconomics, biostatistics, health care systems, etc.); and the clinical sciences (basic therapeutics, communication skills, etc.).
Senior manager and director of pharmaceutical process chemistry, manufacturing and controls (CMC) specializing in cGMP, quality and regulatory compliance of novel small and large molecule therapeutic drugs including peptides, nucleotides, protein biologics and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs).
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