Sentences with phrase «of philosophizing»

There is nothing of philosophizing or pontificating or preaching in HUNTER.
Indeed, Ted's search in the Bible for a moral code and means of philosophizing his «romantic illusion problem,» and his agonized indecision between «homely» and beautiful women, draws him strikingly close to Jean - Louis Trintignant in My Night at Maud's.
Not just the mental activity of philosophizing, but actively living it personally and within my community.
It is also a rule of philosophizing to systematize and solve problems by constant reference to other problems.
What is needed today far more than a metaphysical system is a style of philosophizing in the process vein, which is at the same time faithful to Whitehead's basic inspiration and still creative enough to face new challenges.
Whitehead is as «post-evolutionary» in his thought as were the pragmatists, for example, in theirs.18 That is to say, Whitehead, James, Peirce, and Dewey all presuppose some concept of evolutionary development in their philosophies; indeed, their respective styles of philosophizing would have been inconceivable apart from the prior development of evolutionist theories.
The ninth categoreal obligation was inserted here, I suspect, because Whitehead wanted to place this doctrine of intrinsic freedom as close as possible to the beginning of his philosophizing.
Processists are concerned with issues of priority and significance, of interpersonal action and interaction, and of larger human concerns in a way that is generally — and rightly — seen as central in the Continental tradition of philosophizing
There were poems and sketches and lots of philosophizing about his life.
Beyond question, the animating spirit of the full range of his philosophizing has been essentially religious; and he has once suggested that philosophy is «the rational element in religion.
Martha Nussbaum has devoted the greater part of her career to the rehabilitation of poetry for philosophical purposes» or, if that seems to make poetry merely instrumental to the greater task of philosophizing, Nussbaum can put it in another, more evenhanded way:
Whitehead's strategy is a classic example of philosophizing in the shadow of the theory of evolution.
He doesn't mean in terms of philosophizing about the afterlife.
The moderns deny the linchpin of classical thought, the intrinsic good of philosophizing, and thus make knowing instrumental to power.
Philosophy does not exist, however, without the readiness of the philosophizing man to make decisions, on the basis of known truth, as to whether a thought is right or wrong, an action good or bad.
«In a great act of philosophizing even the finger - tips think — but they no longer feel.»
Unlike Kant, writes Buber, Feuerbach postulates the whole man and not cognition as the beginning of philosophizing, and by man he «does not mean man as an individual, but man with man — the connection of I and Thou.»
In the progress of its philosophizing the human spirit is ever more inclined to regard the absolute which it contemplates as having been produced by itself, the spirit that thinks it: «Until, finally, all that is over against us, everything that accosts us and takes possession of us, all partnership of existence, is dissolved in free - floating subjectivity.»
A good example of the type of philosophizing that Rorty rejects can be found in the tortured path of conceptual analysis followed by Peters and Hirst in their quest for necessary and sufficient conditions for the correct use of the term «education.»
But no amount of philosophizing about their commonality, or recognizing my wavering preferences, will make the blue become red.
At about the same time (ca. 1304 - 1307) Dante also completed the first four books of what was to have been a fifteen - book encyclopedic treatise, written in the vernacular, on the nature of philosophizing.
While introducing his project of comparing Whitehead and Heidegger on time, Mason suggests that the paucity of previous efforts is «a function of the assumption that their modes of philosophizing are so different as to render the thought of the one completely irrelevant to that of the other» (p. 83).
Instead of philosophizing about the future to design it or meet it halfway, build it by solving real problems that are right in front of us.
There is a question missing that should be right at the top, for everything else emanates from the answer: What if the church would start to preach and teach the unpolluted Scriptures in their true and accurate contexts, instead of the philosophized version that the world at large has labeled man - made religious myths?

Not exact matches

Philosophizing with a hammer In his 1889 book Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche philosophized about challenging — or taking a «hammer» to — our idols.
With more than 52 years serving as the chief executive officer of his investment company, Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet has philosophized about the markets for decades.
Pessimism, while retaining a linear account of time and history, denies this premise, or finds no evidence for it and asks us to philosophize in its absence»
Though McClay, Levin, and Rogers are obviously influenced by «thought that has been thought out,» as intellectuals struggling with such an important enterprise as the working out of a political system, they really must do some philosophizing themselves.
Karl Jaspers put it beautifully: «The spirit of meditation, the capacity for penetrating self - analysis, the way of unbiased thinking, an openness for all substantial possibilities — all of this can not be directly taught, but it can be awakened and trained in the comprehension of great philosophizing.
It is now getting to be time, however, to recognize that it is not only possible, but philosophically desirable, to philosophize in the Whiteheadian mode without falling back on the notion of God» (WCC 379).
The needs of his own philosophizing lead Hartshorne himself on occasion to reject the persistent message of experience as we know it.
The danger of idolatry is sharpest when judges issue rulings based on moral philosophizing about broad ideals without being restrained by history or tradition.
I'm down for some sci - fi philosophizing — gim me some Blade Runner, Moon or WALL - E any time — but on Westworld it comes at the cost of human stories.
At Haverford I did some reading on my own of works relevant to philosophizing, which after Arnold was a continuing activity.
I want to provide a little Protestant push - back (against Alexis, not Peter), and to expose a little of my own academic work in Postmodern Conservative, since I actually do not spend all my time philosophizing about pop music!
closer inspection of Merleau - Ponty's philosophizing reveals perhaps more parallels and possible points of contact with important doctrines of Anglo - American philosophy than the thought of any other phenomenologist.
Hegel really wanted the final unity of man, the overcoming of modern diremption, but he wanted it humanly, and the completion of wisdom somehow consonant with future philosophizing.
Christian history shows that the kind of Christian philosophizing Hanby calls for generally follows, not precedes, a society's conversion.
Or, as my Dem family occupying most of the general Baltimore area philosophizes (behind closed doors of course), just hand out enough to keep»em happy and keep»em from rioting, and we will get on with our life and making money.
There's no philosophizing around that most basic bit of logic.
Her crowning achievement, Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, is paradigmatic of the «Post-Whiteheadian» philosophizing this volume celebrates, and it is most appropriate that her spirit, as well as her title, hover over these explorations of «Philosophy After Whitehead.»
While this last argument has a distinguished pedigree, Stark puts the case in boldest terms: «All that 18th - century philosophizing on things like individualism and liberty was coming straight out of 1,800 years of Christianity.»
One can use the expressions «Philosophy After Whitehead» or «Post-Whiteheadian philosophizing» to characterize the relationship of the work of some philosophers to the categoreal insights presented in Process and Reality, but in my own case I feel that these expressions connote a looser relationship than that which characterizes my own orientation.
Through the philosophizing of the moment it is abstracted from its reality.
In fact, it is necessary not to do so, if we want to philosophize well, for inattention to spatial concepts may interfere with both the theoretical consistency and the practical efficacy of process philosophy.
The first Muslims to philosophize about the simple ideas of Islam were the Mu» tazilites.
The confusion arises here because one assumes that philosophizing occurs in Western culture without benefit of the Judaic - Christian mythos.
Whatever the influence of this Enlightenment philosophizing on a Franklin, even then regarded by many contemporaries as a slippery fellow, it did not shape a Washington...
Instead of describing this, Johnson philosophizes irrelevantly about Darwinism and naturalism.
The philosopher, even the Christian one, has a distinct task; I am not inclined to say that he brackets what he has heard and what he believes, for how could he philosophize in such a state of abstraction with respect to what is essential?
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