Sentences with phrase «of photophobia»

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We believe that photophobia is one of the elements which may increase the risk of people suffering from panic attacks, but this is a small study, so it needs to be confirmed by a longer - term follow - up trial.
«Subjects in our study found the melanopsin stimulus to be unpleasant, and people with photophobia may experience a stronger form of this response to melanopsin.
The trigger of these responses to specific visual stimuli will probably differ from the photophobia that individuals with migraine typically report during an attack.
Inflammation in the iris of the eye causes iritis, a painful condition that can be aggravated by bright light (photophobia) as the iris opens and closes the opening of the pupil.
«Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat - especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear.»
Symptoms include photophobia, swelling and hyperemia of the nictating membrane, keratitis and corneal ulceration [15, 19].
In cd, which was originally described in Alaskan Malamutes [66], affected puppies develop day - blindness and photophobia between 8 and 12 weeks of age, when retinal development is normally completed in dogs, although these clinical signs only occur in bright light and the dogs remain ophthalmoscopically normal throughout their entire lives.
This symptom, also called» Photophobia», may have several causes, such as eye inflammation, lack of iris pigmentation, cornea damage, eye cataracts, conjunctivitis, toxicity, shock, respiratory infections, rabies, or various diseases.
This can cause a fear of sunlight (photophobia), lesions, and in severe cases, necrosis of the skin.
It usually causes photophobia (avoidance of light), squinting, and rubbing / pawing at the eye.
The hallmarks of «generic» uveitis in an eye are redness of the conjunctiva, color change to the iris, squinting, pupil constriction / abnormal pupil shape, light sensitivity (photophobia), cloudiness of the eye, and low intraocular pressures.
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