Sentences with phrase «of physical energy»

This will help you avoid contact with surfers riding waves and will actually save you a huge amount of physical energy.
Your body will love returning to its natural state... and you will love a boost in confidence and the new reservoir of physical energy your body will give you throughout the day.
They enter your bloodstream and provide you with a burst of physical energy.
They reserve much of their physical energy for possible encounters with predators.
This is partly because of the physical energy that can be released through a good scratching session and partly because scratching is a way for cats to mark their territory.
The notion of physical energy in physics is an abstraction from the complex energy, emotional and purposive, which is embodied in an actual entity (Al 239; PR 178).
Working as a bus girl requires a lot of physical energy as one has... Read More»
Mind - body approaches, such as guided imagery, hypnotherapy, meditation, and relaxation training have long been used by many to help manage mood, improve feelings of physical energy, and foster a general sense of well - being.
A leader of Pan Niger Delta Forum, Chief Albert Horsfall, in his remarks, noted that the people of his region started restructuring long ago, adding that agitation for restructuring of Nigeria depends on control of physical energy by each region.
Thus, there is the entropy at the atomic and molecular levels in the form of the loss of physical energy; then there is entropy in the form of the extinction of life at the biological level; next, there is the entropy appropriate for the level of human life, namely, human death.
At the lowest level of the evolutionary process, entropy manifests itself in physical form as the loss or disintegration of physical energy.
Because Freud's understanding of human beings reflected a nineteenth - century energy theory, he did not see that interpersonal transactions are different, in some basic ways, from the exchanges of physical energy.
The intensity of physical energy embodied by actual occasions is a function of the subjective species of eternal objects, while the peculiar form of the flux of energy refers to the objective species, the mathematical forms.
It displays the fluidity of the material and pigment's ability to register the exact amount of physical energy used in mark making.
As the number of stakeholders increases — and as the various flows of physical energy become more dynamic — there is demand for robust mechanisms that track, analyze and confirm the exchange of energy.
UEC is a decentralized network protocol based on blockchain technology, which digitizes the assets and equity of the physical energy, registers, and transfers transactions and delivers liquidation through the peer - to - peer network.
The take - home message seems to be, then, that reflecting on how much we love our partners makes us happy and can give us a little jolt of physical energy.
Caffeine and theobromine in chocolate have been shown to produce higher levels of physical energy and mental alertness, and there are likely many more healthy chocolate compounds that have yet to be discovered.
The notion of physical energy, which is at the base of physics, must then be conceived as an abstraction from the complex form of the final synthesis in which each occasion completes itself.
More often, the children are likely to ignore all the children who are not in their own grade, and to emotionally abuse each other (called insulting or teasing), because they are so emotionally bored from the lack of social interaction in their classes, and because they have stored up lots of physical energy being still and quiet in the classroom.
Generally these feelings subside after the first few classes, and feelings of physical energy and mental clarity instead start to increase.
I found that it was really beneficial to give him more outlets to get out some of his physical energy: running outside, finding things that he could throw, and letting him hit a pillow.
Caffeine and theobromine in chocolate have been shown to produce higher levels of physical energy and mental alertness, and there are likely many more healthy chocolate compounds that have yet to be discovered.
Being hailed by most as Transformation Retreat - Students from all age groups and backgrounds are coming and learning to incorporate the lessons of this workshop in their personal lives and benefitting from the changes it is bringing to their lives.More than 95 % students have reported Reduced mental stress, high levels of physical energy and improvement in emotional and physical health.
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