Sentences with phrase «of pieces made»

So far, the bioplastic botanicals will only comprise 1 to 2 percent of the total number of pieces made by the company, but this is just the start.
An artist I spoke to recently told me, he thought of pieces he made for a solo show equating to chapters of a book, but then when he was making an individual piece for a group show, then it was its own short story.
Despacio / Destiempo [«Slowly / Out of sync»] brings together a number of pieces made in 2012, although one of them, Momentum, is part of an eponymous series that the artist has been creating since 1997.
Her work for the exhibition is a series of pieces made from vellum, which is calf skin parchment, examining the cellular morphology of lymphoma, personally significant after the illness and subsequent death of her partner.
West Gallery: Ien Lucas This exhibition of recent painting by visiting Dutch artist Ien Lucas are an extension of pieces made during her residence at the Banff Centre in 1985/1986.
Come as You Are offers an overview of pieces made in the United States between 1989 and 2001, a period bookended by two indelible events: the fall of the Berlin Wall and 9/11.
The show includes a selection of pieces made during the five decades Neel lived in Upper Manhattan.
I feel like a lot of pieces made in yellow just aren't the right shade or have odd prints on them.
With the movement of the pleated skirt and casual nature of the tank top, I found that the mixed textures of the pieces made this outfit feel edgy and modern while still being light and girly.
«This year our target is to increase the number of pieces made with at least 20 percent recycled fabric from collected garments by more than 300 percent compared to 2014,» the rep adds.
At its root, this outfit is basically just a good old - fashioned jeans and tee combo, but the design and cut of each piece make it more interesting, and it looks like it took much more effort than it did.
such simple looks but the cuts of both pieces make it so unique.
If you're a fan of the pieces make sure you check the Mi Golondrina site often — new styles and colors are added all the time and sell out quickly!
I think a lot of their pieces make perfect gifts for friends as well.
Those aspects of the piece make it worthwhile.
Remember, they're going to outgrow the stuff before they wear it out, so getting as many wears as you can out of each piece makes a lot of sense.
The folded, sculptural forms of each piece makes use of handmade, antique quilts in a socio - historical collaging that bridges the violent pasts of slavery and colonialism to the yellow flower — Narcissus jonquilla — named for the Thespian hunter who fell in love with his own reflection.
The tentacular black spokes of this piece made me think of Thomas Pynchon's overweening fantasies, seemingly reaching out to the floating Gorky creature on the near wall.
Originally conceived in response to the refugee crisis triggered by the war in the former Yugoslavia, this latest iteration of the piece makes a striking sculptural statement.
Thanks to the Art Production Fund, another bronze, Roman Standard, a new version of a piece made for the city of Liverpool in 2005, has just gone on view in New York's Petrosino Square, a small park in SoHo through September 8.
The title of his piece makes a vast claim and it is justified on five or six data points that are less than fully analysed.
The fact that I had a say in the design of the piece makes it extra special.
«Knowing the history of a piece makes it come alive.»
All of the pieces make me smile!
Distressed areas in the center of the piece make the distressing look less natural.

Not exact matches

At the beginning of March, toy manufacturer Lego announced it would make some of its pieces, including leaves, bushes and trees, from sustainable, plant - based plastic.
A study on waiters and tipping published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology demonstrates how even tiny gifts can make a big difference, finding that: «Customers who received a small piece of chocolate along with [their] check tipped more than did customers who received no candy.»
Cruise control is not just the easiest way to make sure you don't get a ticket — I routinely set mine 6 or 7 miles an hour over the speed limit, and (knock on a huge piece of wood) can't remember the last time I got a speeding ticket — but it's also the courteous move, especially on the interstate.
So before sending a release, make sure its headline contains a stat, fact or compelling piece of information that's new or revelatory, and that your first sentence has the power to sell your story.
When Hostess filed for bankruptcy last November, Stuffed: An Insider's Look at Who's (Really) Making America Fat author Hank Cardello argued in a piece for Forbes that Hostess could have avoided its financial troubles if it had taken advantage of health - conscious consumers, a group that contributes to a third of grocery market sales in the U.S..
You may feel safer standing behind a big furniture piece, but gripping the top of the lectern and making low hidden gestures won't do you any good.
In addition, the lightweight feel of the belt was much appreciated and made it possible for most to forget they were even wearing a running belt — a true sign of an effective piece of running gear.
The short version is that the piece revolves around the non-smoking gun of a hotel server tied to Trump's hotel, which, according to records from a DNS provider (a sort of directory service), made repeated contacts with Alpha Bank, a financial outfit tied to the Kremlin.
The daughter of late Walmart founder Sam Walton, Alice Walton holds a major piece of the company fortune, making her the richest woman on earth.
But as it and other digital «cryptocurrencies» have evolved, along with the public ledger system that makes up the blockchain, much of the bitcoin economy has been increasingly overtaken by big money — or by entrepreneurial prospectors who want to grab a piece of the bubblicious ICO phenomenon.
But that comparison misses a fundamental piece of Nintendo's history: games made by companies other than Nintendo.
Like any piece of content, your app needs to be thoroughly marketed in order to make the type of splash you're hoping for.
Platforms provided by Adobe and Optimizely make it possible for marketers to recommend specific pieces of content similar to the way Netflix suggests shows.
However, as you can tell from this particular image, they can also make for a great way to wind - up a colleague by obliterating their desk in the colorfully - decorated pieces of paper.
In fact, some people like to cure their office boredom by making use of the equipment at their disposal to develop their very own bespoke piece of entertainment.
And as an online bank, bringing in the technology piece and really making that kind of the third leg of the stool brings it full circle for us — and brings it back to our brand in a really authentic way.
I hope the podcasts will demonstrate that one piece of information shared with the police can make a massive difference.
The subpoints are the pieces of explanation and support for the point you are making.
The CEO of the Malaysian low - cost airline told CNBC that this «fantastic» piece of guidance made him more patient.
This is a piece of software that lets you take notes either handwritten or with the camera, and then store them on the cloud in a manner that makes them easy to retrieve as and when you need them.
Figuring out the answer to these three questions makes choosing which networking events to attend a piece of cake.
Likewise, it's how you put the pieces of a business together that make for faster growth.
To avoid a regulatory tussle with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which has essentially defined ICOs as offerings of unregistered securities, several investors told CNBC that Telegram may make the retail piece available only to people outside the U.S.
This is your opportunity — and obligation — to make sure that when customers go on their way, they take a piece of your brand with them.
It's not a deal - breaker, but it's another piece of information that helps our decision making.
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