Sentences with phrase «of piles of paperwork»

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The piles of paperwork also meant most filers needed a lawyer, which made bankruptcy more costly and therefore not an option for many poor consumers.
«There was always crap to do because of the piles and piles of paperwork.
They cut down additional time spent in the waiting room by offering the endless pile of paperwork online for patients to fill out in advance.
Because companies are extracting publicly owned resources, they have to file piles of paperwork before they can do pretty much anything.
Grumbling while I gather my scattered paperwork from throughout the year, spend three hours organizing it into neat little piles across the kitchen table, then three more hours with a pad of paper and calculator, tallying up the numbers again and again and again, just to be sure... Whoah.
One pile to file in the filing cabinet, one pile into the garbage bag to shred and one pile into a box or basket of the paperwork that still needs to be dealt with.
By Sean Ryan The piles of paperwork in William Sackerson Construction Co.'s offices grow with every job, and the company president fears a Milwaukee County hiring goal will only add to the stack.
«I think most of us are guilty of allowing unneeded paperwork to pile up in our homes.
And the shutdown's impacts could linger for months, as government officials attempt to wade through piles of grant applications, e-mails, and paperwork that piled up during the weeks they were required, by law, to stay away from their official e-mail and phone messages.
«And the shutdown's impacts could linger for months, as government officials attempt to wade through piles of grant applications, e-mails, and paperwork that piled up during the weeks they were required, by law, to stay away from their official e-mail and phone messages,» Malakoff writes.
However, there's no excuse for huge piles of paperwork, files that are way outdated, and random items that don't seem to have a home.
Whether you're working on your homework, or trying to make your way through piles of paperwork on the job, or trying to finish an awesome work of fiction — the right accessories can help.
Need to merely swim through piles of paperwork?
There's nothing more stressful than peering over from your couch during wine o'clock to see a stack of paperwork piling up on your desk.
10:15 pm — IFC — Office Space Anyone whoís ever worked in an office will identify with Office Space immediately — with the paper - jamming printers, the piles of beaurocratic paperwork, and the difficulty of keeping up with staplers if not the plot to make off with boatloads of money due to an accounting loophole.
So when the doctors move to a newer facility, one with both patient privacy and piles of paperwork, they feel constricted in their work.
8:30 pm — IFC — Office Space Anyone who's ever worked in an office will identify with Office Space immediately — with the paper - jamming printers, the piles of beaurocratic paperwork, and the difficulty of keeping up with staplers if not the plot to make off with boatloads of money due to an accounting loophole.
He plays Tom like what would happen if Vincent got to Titan, and was given a pile of paperwork.
And what do you do thenwhen your pile of paperwork is gone, and your timer hasn't gone off?
Long hours, high stress levels and sky - high piles of paperwork.
They are dealing with tight deadlines, piles of paperwork, and personal obligations.
They'll argue that dozens of new teacher - evaluation systems have delivered, never mind the growing piles of paperwork, dubious scoring systems, or lack of evidence that they've led to any changes in how many teachers are deemed effective or in need of improvement.
Kate juggled numerous IEP meetings and piles of paperwork.
It was in a pile of paperwork that included the original title, Protect - O - Plate, broadcast card, dealer invoice, and receipts from the 1970s when the motor was rebuilt.
We won't waste your time by having you fill out piles of unnecessary paperwork; we will be straightforward and let you know what your financing options are as soon as we figure them out together.
Most people associate getting a loan with a trip to the bank, a conversation with a loan officer, and a pile of paperwork to do.
Hassle - free — Credit checks can be performed by the lender online, thus there is no need for you to fill out a hefty pile of paperwork.
For starters, you have to pay about 100 bucks for the honor of filling out a pile of paperwork that puts your kid in the running for a place at the school.
The piles of paperwork and the backlog of work will likely be crippling.
In the past, gaining access to loan funds required a pile of paperwork and a stellar credit history.
We know that filing for bankruptcy can be a hassle; piles of paperwork and unhelpful professionals can cause you to become frustrated quickly.
If piles of paperwork have you throwing your hands up in frustration every tax season, a solution could be closer than you realize.
M1's Rollover Concierge team makes transferring accounts easier than ever, so you can skip the piles of paperwork.
In Antigua this is an uphill battle for three gringos needing to get through a pile of paperwork and licensing.
I mean have you ever known anyone to make an insurance claim without plenty of agro and a pile of paperwork?
Why put yourself through the stress of dealing with that pile of paperwork when you could be playing games?
work of getting those piles of paperwork totally organized into fully searchable digital documents.
This being the case, we can assume there's a lot of paperwork piled up on dining room tables across the country right now.
PracticePanther's law practice management software for tax attorneys makes it easy to maintain communication with clients and colleagues, allows you to record transactions and expenses and takes piles of paperwork off your desk.
She has covered the court for The New York Times for nearly 30 years, through 2,691 decisions and countless piles of petitions and paperwork, earning a Pulitzer Prize along the way.
Along the way, you're bound to deal with negligent parties who try to dodge the blame, reluctant insurance companies, piles of paperwork, and a whole lot of stress — all while your injury is causing you pain.
«Think of all the endless court battles and piles of paperwork, the cost, do you want to go through all that?»
That means you'll save on postage stamps, help eliminate piles of paperwork, be kind to the environment and avoid late fees.
How to Get Another Copy Insurance policy paperwork isn't irreplaceable, and it's not terribly difficult to get ahold of another copy if your searches through piles of paperwork at home have yielded no results.
We make the whole process simple, fast and easy, so you don't have to deal with piles of paperwork while finishing your driver safety course!
That means someone used a victim's information to generate fraudulent residence history, income documentation, and piles of other paperwork that could be produced to the mortgage company over a period of weeks or months, and then went to closing and signed the victim's name on a deed, a mortgage, and about a hundred other documents.
Are there piles of paperwork on the floor that require a GPS to navigate a safe path to the file cabinet?
The ease of this process means many more people are likely sending in their paperwork, to be piled up with yours.
But it's eye - opening to hear it from lawyers who document the couples» stories, from «I do» to the piles of paperwork at the end.
And these built - in delays are BEFORE you are likely to get two sentences plus a pile of paperwork to hand the judge, and then your «hearing» is over.
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