Sentences with phrase «of pingala»

The vibrational quality of pingala is represented by the color red.

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Shushumna nadi runs parallel to the spine, along the central axis of the body, with the ida and pingala nadis wrapping themselves around the staff like a DNA double - helix.
As we manipulate the flow of breath through the nostrils, we access the Surya (sun) or pingala nadi through the right nostril and the Chandra (moon) or ida nadi through the left.
Yoga texts, such as the Shiva Svarodaya, have observed that the flow of energy through ida and pingala is rarely equal, and that this can be noted in the nostrils.
Awareness of the ida and pingala nadis can help balance your practice — and clear the way for spiritual growth.
In fact, some yoga teachings hold that as long as either ida or pingala predominates, sushumna stays closed and the power of kundalini lies dormant.
The ida (comfort) and pingala (tawny) nadis spiral around the sushumna nadi like the double helix of our DNA, crossing each other at every chakra.
If you visualize the caduceus, the symbol of modern medicine, you'll get a rough idea of the relationships among the ida, pingala, and sushumna nadis.
The most powerful method of balancing ida and pingala is Nadi Shodhana, alternate - nostril breathing.
They are full of potential, but unless they develop their pingala side may never manifest that potential in either worldly affairs or spiritual development.
In addition to using Nadi Shodhana, you can experiment with using the asanas themselves as a method of balancing ida and pingala.
Balancing sun and moon, or pingala and ida, facilitates the awakening and arising of kundalini, and thus the awakening of higher consciousness.
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