Sentences with phrase «of pink noise»

Doesn't that mean that a quadratic rise could be the result of a random walk in the presence of pink noise?

Not exact matches

Just count yourself lucky you're not listening to pink or brown noise, variants of white noise that boost or lower sub-frequencies and can sound like the noise you hear when you land on a TV channel that's not getting a cable signal (pink) or the inside of an aircraft (brown).
The noise about lean finely textured beef (LFTB), commonly known as «pink slime,» is bringing attention to some of the more unsavory aspects of the U.S. political system — public relations spin, the revolving door, and other aspects of power politics.
With a wide range of tones that produce white noise, grey noise and pink noise in one package, the S - 100 is also great value.
White noise, pink noise, and brown noise are just a few of them.
The ferret sounds and speech were presented alone, against a background of white noise, against pink noise (noise with equal energy at all octaves that sounds lower in pitch than white noise) and against reverberation.
I've known what white noise is and what pink noise is for a long time, but red, I've never heard of.
For a stimulus, she used «pink noise,» a relative of the «white noise» of television static, delivered at a level that wouldn't awaken sleepers.
Unlike white noise machines, which create a wall of sound to block other sounds, Sleep Genius integrates pink noise with other components to relax the mind, rock the vestibular system to sleep, and encourage optimal sleep patterns.
-- senses an impending collision and emits a safe «pink noise» via the audio system to protect your ears from the loud noises of an accident
Pre-Safe Sound saves your senses when an accident is about to happen, it senses an impending collision and emits safe «pink noise» via the audio system to pre-trigger your ears» natural defense against the loud noises of an accident.
If a collision is imminent, PRESAFE ® helps secure the cabin and its occupants, while new PRESAFE ® Sound (sedan only) emits a «pink noise» to stifle the sound of an impact by stimulating a natural reflex within the ear canal.
In the photos from Associations New, only a handful of them feature the credited work of individual arists, including Charlotte Herzig «s «Landscape, the sun is actually red» (2014) and Henning Strassburger «s «o.T» (2014), that yells «LOOK WHAT I PAINT» in black scrawl through the lurid pink and black noise of oil and acrylic.
Curated by Gallery Director Sarah Michelle Rupert, Pink Noise demonstrates the prevalence of the color pink's feminine association in contemporary art and life.
Pink Noise: Flexing the Frequency demonstrates the prevalence of the feminine association of the color pink in contemporary art and life.
SCAD presents «PINK NOISES,» the first solo exhibition in the U.S. of Belgian artist Joris Van de Moortel.
If I produce a GCM that models perfectly the state of the world up until the day I publish it, but looks like pink noise afterwards, it is utterly useless.
Despite the authors» claim of a statistically significant 2000 year quasiperiod, I assert this is just more pink noise.
In the literature of physics and electronics, this intermittent bursting behavior in a time series is called variously 1 / f noise, current noise, contact noise, excess noise, flicker noise or pink noise and has often been referred to as one of the most common forms of noise in natural phenomena and electronic systems.
The fact that every year this decade except 2008 has been among the 10 warmest and that 17 of the top 20 hotest years on record have been in the past 20 years (the others were all in the»80s) precludes random chance at better than 95 % confidence even with red or pink noise!
It surrounds itself with the pastel shields of diversity committees and health advisors, rebadges HR as «talent management» and hires workspace - design consultants and installs pink noise generators, but the truth seeps out here and there: sixteen weeks without a day off (including weekends); equity partners sacked on the first day of sabbatical; women logging on to the firm system the day after giving birth to deal with an «urgent» client matter; every deal commencement meeting in one Projects department fixed for Saturday morning, despite protestations from two mothers in the team; endless expensive holidays cancelled at the last minute, anniversaries, birthdays and weddings missed, sacrificed on the altar of «client service».
Which gives us pink noise, of all things.
Because the Home had neither input jacks nor Bluetooth capability at the time of testing — which would have allowed it to accept test signals from an audio analyzer — Brent had to perform the tests using a pink - noise track sourced from Spotify.
You can even grab a pre-made Apple Playlist, like this Sound of Nature playlist, or some white or pink noise (this is good for gently masking real ambient sounds from the street).
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