Sentences with phrase «of pituitary tumors»

In cases of pituitary tumors causing hyperadrenocorticism that are medically managed, the treatment needs monitoring and life expectancy is variable from days to ten years but averaging less than three years.
Growth of the pituitary tumor would give the patient a less favorable prognosis.
The growth rates of pituitary tumors in dogs and cats vary greatly, and the rate at which symptoms progress depends on tumor type.
Some of the changes occur as a direct result of the pituitary tumor, such as:
The likelihood of a pituitary tumor increases with age, although it is not that common.
Your veterinarian may suspect the presence of a pituitary tumor based on your pet's clinical signs.
The second most common type of pituitary tumor is not functional in dogs, but in cats, secondary effects include diabetes mellitus, degenerative arthritis and kidney disease.
Boxers, Boston Terriers and Dachshunds have the highest incidence of pituitary tumors causing adrenal cortical hyperactivity.
A large dose of dexamethasone will suppress the pituitary's ACTH production despite the existence of a pituitary tumor; however, adrenal tumors will continue to pump out cortisol since they are not ACTH dependent.
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