Sentences with phrase «of place i love»

One of the places we love to visit together is Minyon Falls.
Director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Serreze spoke to DISCOVER about the future of the place he loves.
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater dancer Megan Jakel: One of the places I loved that we're returning to this summer is Oslo, Norway.
It's been a few months since i've been home and these beauties are a big reminder of the place i love the most.
One of the places I love going the most is the beach.
I remember her driving along and pointing out all of the places she loved to go in the Southport Corridor, but I was so distracted by trying to look normal and calm that I couldn't process anything she was saying.
Tobago is one of the places I love going but is looking forward to traveling the world.
So we care about conservation then — but when we're faced with an adorable face, we can't seem to find the guts to even suggest that, maybe, the ecosystem, environment and thus the value of the places we love might be improved if we would euthanize those cats that no one will take responsibility for.
Basically, Porto is the kind of place you love to stroll through lazily, camera in hand, capturing these little slices of authentic Portuguese life as they appear in front of you.
The areas I was reading about was exactly the type of place I love to visit.
They are geographic anchors or metaphorical reminders of a place you loved or an experience you had.
Today we're sharing some of the photos we've received so far in celebration of the places we love.
Perhaps the most lasting EcoChallenge was the one I did last year, which was to involve my three boys in taking care of the places we love.
But its a complete tip and its not the kind of place I love to sit with a good book.
Using colors I love, framing cards that my husband has given me, displaying artwork my children have created, having memory boards with encouraging notes from friends and clients, photos of places I love, pens in colors I love, notebooks that I find pretty... these are all ways I can create a space based on what inspires me.

Not exact matches

For our annual ranking of the Best Workplaces in Retail, Fortune partner Great Place to Work crunched the numbers and surveyed thousands of employees to bring you this list of the retail workplaces that employees love.
«Snapchat and Instagram, I love sharing photos all of the things I do and places I go.
Tatum had similarly effusive thoughts on Jenna, saying, «She loves to teach people how to not come from a place of insecurity, just, you know, come from a place of love, I guess.
We still love having a coffee pot to go to, a desk, a computer, and with it, the sense of purpose and belonging that going to that particular place brings.
«During a difficult and divisive time, we felt it was important to go further and connect more of our customers, who love wild places, with those who are fighting tirelessly to protect them,» Marcario wrote.
I absolutely love experiencing new cultures and even the very act of going from place to place, but the constant interaction and energy needed to communicate can be equally draining.
The best way to make the world a stronger, more loving place is by teaching our kids the importance of giving their time and skills to help others.
As for her assertion that newcomers should find the process rewarding enough to brave an intimidating tableau of wires and capacitors and diodes, well, just think about how some people claim to love assembling IKEA furniture: the careful laying out of the parts, painstaking examination of instructions, a few false starts and, ultimately, the satisfaction of things slotting into place as the final product takes shape.
This act of securing and protecting your assets and important life documents in one place can help you to live your life to the fullest without worrying about what would happen to your loved ones, if something were to happen to you.
«I love books about people coming into their vocations, and this haunting memoir by musician Patti Smith brilliantly evokes a time and place in New York City, as she and Robert Mapplethorpe began to build artistic lives for themselves,» says Rubin of this one.
From colonial bed and breakfasts in New England to stagecoach stops from the Old West, there are plenty of places to spend the night that history buffs will love.
«We looked across the country and thought about the places that we could launch, and we loved the CGI model and their notion of making commitments to act,» says NCEI's chief executive Laurie Westley.
But if managers plan in advance, have workarounds in place to ease the load on the support team and set clear expectations, a company can win the love of thousands of customers and their extended network.
I'd love to see a branch of research in places like ORNL dedicated to pursuing interesting design alternatives for common tools.
For those who love pulp fiction or the crime blotters in their town weeklies, however, there is no better place to look than in the small print of the Wall Street Journal's B section.
For those that love a bit of style in their outdoor gear, the bright colors and inventive designs of Poler Stuff is a good place to start.
Lauren decided that with her anthropology background and her love of experiential learning, a bicycle tour wouldn't have to only involve riding from place to place with a lunch strapped to your back.
«Usually, data protection lawyers tell us, «I love your case, I love what you're doing, but I make money on the other side of the game, because that's the only place you can make money»,» said Mr Schrems.
When you walk in, you can smell the power and see the suits working the room... I just love this place... full of Suits, Steaks, Whiskey and Cigars!»
Here's how you do it: Find a bunch of really awesome content you think your followers will love, then place it into a social media scheduling app like Buffer so you can portion it out on an optimized schedule.
Have your electronic devices easily accessible so you can quickly place them in bins, and please, for the love of all that is good and holy, wear shoes that are easily removed, if you don't have TSA PreCheck.
«Aha» moment: Stackpole — whose first love is telerobotics («any device you can use to see a faraway place without physically having to be there»)-- realized while at NASA that «you need a huge amount of money, if not a government, to get into orbit.»
Day 1 Imagine you're Effie, leaving the decadence of the Capitol (Raleigh), dropping by District 12 (Hildebran), then landing in a fun - loving place that makes film stars feel at home (Asheville).
«The goal was to make a place that was a destination in and of itself so it didn't matter where it was,» says Love.
Here's how it describes itself on its «Who we are,» aka About Us page (a great place to define your tone of voice): «We're an odd bunch of international misfits, huddling together for warmth in a cold, indifferent world that thinks it's weird to actually love things like content marketing and technology markets and B2B companies and storytelling and stuff like that.
While the iPhone X is controversial for a number of reasons — Face ID in place of Touch ID, the lack of a home button, the ability to incorporate «animojis,» where emojis use facial recognition instead of the traditional emojis we've grown to love — what really got people talking was the $ 999 price tag for the bare - bones model (a maxed out, 256 GB model will run you a cool $ 1,149).
I would love the fit of the leggings no matter what, but it's a huge bonus knowing that my money is being spent at a company that is helping make the world a more hospitable place for all of us.
In the case of LYFE Kitchen, that answer is food the consumer will love, food that is better for them, and a place where they have the power to choose their own food policy.
Maybe one of you is absolutely in love with your current city or the place you met and from which your partner moved while the other half of your relationship has totally fallen for their new city and hopes you'll head there.
To create this list and others like it, each year, we at Great Place to Work survey millions of employees in more than 50 countries to glean their insights on what makes them love the work they do, and to learn how their employers have created an exemplary work environment.
Perry's generous with the Disney love too — she took the entire cast of her «Witness» tour on a trip to Disney World for the holidays, and told cameras that «this is one of my favorite places to be, ever... it's the most magical place
I'm truly honored to be a part of a company that feels like a family; a place where I refer to my peers as friends first, coworkers second; a place that I can wake up every morning and get excited about going to; a workplace environment that empowers its occupants to produce their absolute best work; and a place that is full of so much love, care, dedication, and selflessness that the only appropriate word that I can think of to describe it would have to be «magical».
One commenter at CityLab grouses that millennials «supposed love of cities was superficial in the first place,» driven by the desire «to be seen in the trendiest bars.»
Dealing with the emotional toll of losing a loved one is difficult enough, but not having a life insurance policy in place can lead to undue financial challenges afterwards.
The goal of our podcast is to inspire heart - centered entrepreneurs to create their dream business, do what they love, and make the world a better place in the process.
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