Sentences with phrase «of planetary life»

Capitalism, unrestrained by the requirements of Planetary life support systems, is guaranteed mutually assured destruction.
The mounting disruptions in their wake reveal the progressive deterioration of our planetary life - support systems.
A cynical view suggests that all the talk about the recession fostering frugality, living within one's means, and the virtues of helping and being helped by one's community is just talk, and that what's actually happening is that people are building up a deep well of perceived deprivation, a backlog of buying, such that when the economy recovers we'll see another binge of overconsumption, carrying us farther still from a satisfying life and speeding the collapse of planetary life support systems.
The ongoing process of planetary life and of cultural change is rushing on like a driverless juggernaut.
In this rapidly changing world, our reverence for the Earth will determine the fate of the entire community of planetary life.
Within the continuum of planetary life there have evolved many interconnected systems, each of them in symbiotic relationship with its environment.
Whereas the ancients simply had to obey the dictates of their gods (as known within their traditions), we now find that, as a very important part of nature ourselves, an increasing measure of responsibility lies upon our species for the future of all planetary life.
In his breathtaking conceptualization of planetary life, he saw the emergence of the human species and the subsequent globalization of the planet not in terms of the conquest of the globe by Christianity but as the logical consequence of an ongoing evolutionary process.
What is my place in the adventure of planetary life?
At the very time we humans have been learning more about the ecology of all planetary life, we have been discovering to our horror how much we are now upsetting the delicate balances in the living systems of the ecosphere.

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(Barron's) • In Search of the Perfect Recession Indicator (Philosophical Economics) • A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (MoneyBeat) • Complexity theory and financial regulation (Science) • Five Pieces of Conventional Wisdom That Make Smart Investors Look Dumb (CFA Institute) • This Lawyer Is Hollywood's Complete Divorce Solution (Bloomberg) • Curiosity update, sols 1218 - 1249: Digging in the sand at Mar's Bagnold Dunes (Planetary Society) • The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst (NYT) • Ask the aged: Who better to answer questions about the purpose of life than someone who has been living theirs for a long time?
Chris Lewicki, a former NASA scientist and currently the president and chief engineer of Planetary Resources, chats with Cambridge House Live's Bridgitte Anderson about opportunities for mining in outer space.
Was there an intellectual cosmological order for the cellular realms of living cosmological components to become ever evolving cellular realms ending upon this celestial shorelines» planetary cosmology as being physical realms of mankind's cellular embodiments?
I thank the powers of the Godly ordained to have made my sub-microbial celestially built body and the social generalist ambiances leavening for giving me an afforded life to be so lived out upon an Omni - celestial portion of planetary worldly passions felt by self - loathing critiques of renounced meager reckoning!
But there is also the promise of a unified planetary society living in harmony with nature, using the natural resources of the earth for the benefit of all the earth's living creatures, and opening up prospects of human adventures never before possible.
God and all of God's generational trees gave to the celestial realm, living cellular cosmologies of megalithic proportions wherever, upon each and every possibilities of celestial planetary places that can be found worthy of establishing cellular cosmologies for megalithic celled monoliths of living abundances.
This «cooking» process was of utmost importance because it produced the chemicals necessary for the evolution of planetary bodies such as our earth, and thus it made possible also the eventual appearance of life and human beings.
The transfer of this life to earth Many scientists have objected that the generation of life can not occur, or have occurred, outside of a planetary environment, where heavier elements are plentiful.
The Emersonian mystic «consciousness of the divine life flowing through and around him, making him one with the Godhead,» fought in him with the Calvinistic theocrat; and Calvin won; the new churchman, opening the doors of the sanctuary to all seekers after peace, contradicted in him the loyalist to ancient discipline, for whom the company of the faithful was the selected band, the trained shock troops of the kingdom of God in a rebellious planetary province.
All of these scientific hypotheses boil down to first there was an planetary mass covered with water and providing the correct conditions for chemical reactions to create a simple organic compound from which life was formed.
In contrast, Immanuel Kant and Pierre de Laplace argued that planetary development was part of a normal process to be expected in the life of almost every star: they assumed the young sun was surrounded by a thin lens - shaped gaseous envelope (solar nebula) which later condensed into planets.
• to develop a lifestyle consistent with preserving the balance of the planetary eco-system on which all living creatures depend;
I refer to the notion of a planetary society living at peace with nature and with God organized in such a way as to provide all persons with equal access to the available means of human fulfillment.
The culture in which the global society finds its cohesion needs to be able to draw all human groups and individuals into some form of shared life, a degree of commonality that allows for harmony between peoples and also with the planetary environment.
To me this appears the most satisfactory interpretation of the present state of Life on the surface of the earth; despite a regrettable recrudescence of racialism and nationalism which, impressive though it may be, and disastrous in its effect upon our private post-war lives, seems to have no scientific importance in the overall process: for the reason that any human tendency to fragmentation, regardless of its extent and origin, is clearly of an order of magnitude inferior to the planetary forces (geographic, demographic, economic and psychic) whose constantly and naturally growing pressure must sooner or later compel us willy - nilly to unite in some form of human whole organized on the basis of human solidarity.
At this point it must be recognized that the interdependence of all life in relationship to the planetary environment places special obligations and limitations on the present generation.
Men must think of the whole range of biosocial conditions which pertain to the realization of the potentialities of individuals in a justly ordered society living in harmonious union with the planetary environment.
This credo and strategy must be developed in alliance with secular futurists and other persons who are committed to a vision of a planetary brotherhood, living at peace with nature and with God, in which all people have equal access to the material resources of the world.
Planetary life started with the simplest living cells and amoebae - like creatures, yet out of them, through increasing complexity, our own species eventually evolved.
I can only give expression to my own intuition that this possible emergence of a new consciousness should be given shape by a utopian vision of a planetary brotherhood at peace with nature and with God, united with all of life in the enjoyment of its potentialities.
We would be strong enough to accept in a selfless fashion the burden of responsibility now laid upon us for the future of our world and all its planetary life.
All that we (our bodies) are is as being an atomized cosmos of cellular formed mini universes living upon a planetary cosmology of atomized bi-products made by celestial stabilities created in sequential productivities of sedimentary allowances made from the very beginnings of cosmological creations sanctifications afforded breathes of the cosmic being our universe is found being within!
This idea of the planetary totalization of human consciousness (with its unavoidable corollary, that wherever there are life - bearing planets in the Universe, they too will become encompassed, like the Earth, with some form of planetized spirit) may at first sight seem fantastic: but does it not exactly correspond to the facts, and does it not logically extend the cosmic curve of molecularization?
The events we are witnessing and undergoing are unquestionably bound up with the general evolution of terrestrial life; they are of planetary dimensions.
If we begin with a vision of planetary brotherhood living in ways that allow for the perpetuation of the human species on earth, then the specifics can be worked on.
We live in a world where social morality must recognize that planetary society is approaching the ecological limits of the earth.
My basic appeal is for the development of a vision and a set of values appropriate to the emerging biological realities of the planetary society as an essential ingredient in accomplishing the political transformation that the fulfillment of life for all of earth's people demands.
This message is common these days - in church as well as «new age» literature - that we as a species (and more importantly as individuals) presently need to raise our spiritual connection to the Source of Life, individually and on a planetary level, if we wish to survive.
In his infinite wisdom, he has created such intricately complex, and self sustaining living beings, and planetary systems that could not (even by any strech of imagination or clever postulation) be honestly construed to be an accident.
Moreover, some aspects of life lag far behind others in their distance from the most advanced edges of the rush toward the planetary society.
The winds are the breath of earth, and planetary life depends upon our atmosphere.
The fact that people around the world expect the UN to deliver (which is why they are, so often, disappointed when it fails); the fact that we now expect states to work collectively on global problems; the fact that almost every aspect of human endeavour and planetary resource is addressed by international laws or bodies — all this reflects the transformative impact of the UN on our world and our lives.
NOW WE CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THE EXTENT OF DEMENTIA IN AMERICA Dale Benjamin Drakeford 8-31-12 When Clint Eastwood, a self - proclaimed «conservative» (who has lived more like a Joseph Smith liberal spurning nine children with four different women, sporting a clinch fisted personae in his private exenterates over public exhibitions) talks vulgar to an empty chair, Marco Rubio (a small government advocate who loss his roots somewhere between caffeine - free tea and a caffeine rich Cuban cigar) slips Freudian to advocate «large government» in a failed attempt to wax brilliant but came off bane (pun intended) to the capitalization of the nation, Paul Ryan can lie and demonize his role against the truth until his nose is a foot long and not one member of his audience will notice, and Mitt Romney can anecdote on his personal family, business and church goings on as oppose to his solutions for unemployment, banking corruption, housing displacement, militarism, planetary illness and international human rights unrest, we can clearly understand the extent of dementia in AmericOF DEMENTIA IN AMERICA Dale Benjamin Drakeford 8-31-12 When Clint Eastwood, a self - proclaimed «conservative» (who has lived more like a Joseph Smith liberal spurning nine children with four different women, sporting a clinch fisted personae in his private exenterates over public exhibitions) talks vulgar to an empty chair, Marco Rubio (a small government advocate who loss his roots somewhere between caffeine - free tea and a caffeine rich Cuban cigar) slips Freudian to advocate «large government» in a failed attempt to wax brilliant but came off bane (pun intended) to the capitalization of the nation, Paul Ryan can lie and demonize his role against the truth until his nose is a foot long and not one member of his audience will notice, and Mitt Romney can anecdote on his personal family, business and church goings on as oppose to his solutions for unemployment, banking corruption, housing displacement, militarism, planetary illness and international human rights unrest, we can clearly understand the extent of dementia in Americof the nation, Paul Ryan can lie and demonize his role against the truth until his nose is a foot long and not one member of his audience will notice, and Mitt Romney can anecdote on his personal family, business and church goings on as oppose to his solutions for unemployment, banking corruption, housing displacement, militarism, planetary illness and international human rights unrest, we can clearly understand the extent of dementia in Americof his audience will notice, and Mitt Romney can anecdote on his personal family, business and church goings on as oppose to his solutions for unemployment, banking corruption, housing displacement, militarism, planetary illness and international human rights unrest, we can clearly understand the extent of dementia in Americof dementia in America.
«This is a journey where the end point is investigating planetary atmospheres to look for signs of life, and this result shows it's justifiable to build a space telescope to do exactly that.»
Based on a culmination of ten years of research work, the new method to estimate more accurate distances between planetary nebulae and the Earth developed by HKU astronomers promises a new era in scientists» ability to study and understand the fascinating if brief period in the final stages of the lives of low - and mid-mass stars.
After shining for many millions of years, stars end their lives, mainly, in two ways: very high mass stars die very violently as supernovae, while low mass stars end as planetary nebulae.
While globular clusters are billions of years old, the planetary nebula phase of a star's life only lasts for a few thousand years, so it's exceedingly rare to find them in globulars.
In November a team led by Washington State University astrobiologist Dirk Schulze - Makuch devised the Planetary Habitability Index, or PHI, a scoring system for distant worlds that measures their suitability for any kind of life, not merely life as we know it.
But David Kring of the Lunar and Planetary Institute has modeled Chicxulub's immediate aftermath and shown forest fires were likely more regional — some forests lived, while others died.
«There's a lot of ambiguity in post-2050 projections of sea - level rise and we may have to live with that for a while,» said Robert E. Kopp, the study's lead author and a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Rutgers.
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