Sentences with phrase «of plant uptake»

Although the research here is also relatively thin, what has been done suggests that the problem of plant uptake is equally serious in both organic and conventional systems.
«Our study showed that enhanced accumulation of mobile N induced by excessive manure input could exceed the need of plant uptake but be subject to downward migration and leaching - dominated loss,» the authors wrote.

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Slow cooking breaks the cell walls in the plant and animal ingredients, allowing a significant uptake of vitamins and minerals into your body.
A dedicated number of academic partners combined with major French Agro-Industries aims to accelerate innovation and boost market uptake of plant based proteins, whilst fostering radical innovation through research and development.
Scientists have pinpointed a gene that enables rice plants to produce around 20 % more grain by increasing uptake of phosphorus.
the permanent plant cover in organic systems which results in a more efficient uptake of mobile nitrogen in soils, thus reducing the potential and risk for N2O emissions.
The researchers are particularly interested in the carbon cycle, the uptake of CO2 by plants as they grow and the recycling of some of this carbon back into the atmosphere via respiration.
She investigated the 12 medicinal plant extracts for their effect on glucose uptake and adipogenesis - the formation of fatty tissue.
«We found that some of the plant extracts stimulated glucose uptake in fat cells while others reduced fat accumulation in fat cells,» Dr Gulati said.
Of the traditional Aboriginal plant extracts tested, Witchetty Bush (Acacia kempeana) and Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) both stimulated glucose uptake and Dead finish (Acacia tetragonophylla), Turpentine bush (Beyeria Ieshnaultii) and Caustic weed (Euphorbia drumondii) significantly reduced fat accumulation in fat cells.
The researchers were surprised to learn that this speeding - up of carbon uptake during periods of slower warming was due mainly to less respiration from plants and not to greater photosynthesis.
In another study, the same researchers who discovered the uptake of antibiotics by plants tested four of these drugs to determine how effective composting would be in reducing harmful chemicals in turkey manure.
They suspect the results spring from nanotubes» natural hydrophobic (water - avoiding) nature that in one experiment apparently facilitated the plants» enhanced uptake of water.
Following on this study, I plan to continue investigating whether gaseous mercury is also a dominant source of pollution in other remote lands, and the mechanism of plant mercury uptake, which may be the main pathway for atmospheric mercury deposits to land.
Thus, metal chelates are relevant to the mobilization of metals in the soil, the uptake and the accumulation of metals into plants and micro-organisms.
Researchers at the U. of I. found that plants vary a lot in the efficiency with which they uptake carbon dioxide and conserve water.
«When you think from a climate point of view, you're not having carbon uptake across all this landscape for many decades when there's very little plant cover,» study co-author Steve Running, a University of Montana professor who models ecosystem functions, said.
The plants and their carbon uptake help the landscape provide certain «ecosystem services,» including food production, biodiversity and wildlife habitat, all of which are severely degraded when the landscape is denuded by oil and gas development.
The amino acids methionine and cysteine, which are present in meat but not plant food, seem to promote the uptake of nutrients, Welch says.
The ground breaking research, conducted by scientists at the University of Sheffield, revealed why plants using C4 photosynthesis — a complex set of structural and chemical adaptations that have evolved more than 60 times to boost carbon uptake compared to the ancestral C3 plants — grow so rapidly.
Uptake is controlled by a number of factors, including availability, demand, and the plant's energy status.
Plants exposed to oVOCs increased their normal uptake of the compounds, absorbing 40 % more than expected.
«A plant can only uptake about 20 percent of the nutrients applied through soil, with the remainder either forming stable complexes with soil constituents or being washed away with water, causing runoff.
Inoculations with EA106 improved the uptake of iron at the plant roots, while reducing the accumulation of toxic arsenic in the plant shoots.
Being a silica rich material is important for reducing the amount of arsenic in the rice plant because the mechanism for uptake of arsenite, which is the most dominant form of arsenic in flooded rice paddies, shares a transport pathway with dissolved silicon.
OCO - 2 will also closely monitor the carbon uptake of plants by measuring the weak fluorescence that is produced during photosynthesis as plants» chlorophyll pigments absorb light to capture energy and subsequently re-emit photons at longer wavelengths.
Researchers also found that plants can uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to different parts of the plant, which can act as a carrier of infectivity.
The Nature paper suggests that microscopic plant growth in coastal areas, fueled by fertilizer runoff, is now leading to greater uptake of CO2.
She's looking for differences in how the plants grow and in their uptake of salts, metals, and organic chemicals.
Robinson is working with the coal - mining company, Solid Energy New Zealand, and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology to determine whether certain soil amendments will reduce plant uptake of cadmium.
Furthermore, Anton Fagerström has studied cuticle uptake of plant protection products and which properties in a mixture that affect uptake.
The barrier that protects the plant and prevents uptake of foreign elements is situated in the cuticle.
They added that the impact of substrate on remediation appeared to lessen by the second season of the study; as the plants grew, root growth impacted infiltration, and nutrient uptake by the plants increased.
«When you think from a climate point of view, you're not having carbon uptake across all this landscape for many decades when there's very little plant cover,» study co-author
Root uptake of chemicals in the tailings will occur as plants invade the shores or caps of the TMAs.
In the soil, researchers have found that microbes are essential for supporting plant life, mediating uptake and entry of nutrients into the food chain, cycling carbon and nitrogen, breaking down pollutants and much more.
Isolation and characterization of N2 - fixing bacteria from giant reed and switchgrass for plant growth promotion and nutrient uptake — Jia Xu — Journal of Basic Microbiology
A growing number of subsistence farmers as well as seed growers are now planting «climate - change - ready» rice in the rice bowl state of Uttar Pradesh and the speedy uptake is unprecedented.
This work is part of a newly funded U.S. Department of Energy / Department of Agriculture project led by the University of Missouri, Columbia to explore the biology of a single plant cell type, while gaining novel insight into the impacts of temperature and water availability on a crucial root cell necessary for nutrient uptake.
The seasonal fluctuation is caused by variations in uptake of carbon dioxide by land plants.
Complete restoration of deforested areas is unrealistic, yet 100 GtC carbon drawdown is conceivable because: (1) the human - enhanced atmospheric CO2 level increases carbon uptake by some vegetation and soils, (2) improved agricultural practices can convert agriculture from a CO2 ource into a CO2 sink [174], (3) biomass - burning power plants with CO2 capture and storage can contribute to CO2 drawdown.
However, there is strong evidence showing that fungi produce a large diversity of enzymes and chelating compounds that allow them to capture nutrients from the soil that are not normally accessible to plants (chelating compounds bind metals into different forms in the soil to prevent their interference with uptake of other nutrients).
Heat breaks down the plants» thick cell walls and aids the body's uptake of nutrients bound to those cell walls.
Enzymes are produced by plants and microbes in order to increase the uptake of elements as well as assist in the synthesis, within the crop, of raw materials that are necessary to produce completely nutrient - dense foods suitable for consumption by livestock and humans.
All need to be adequate and in the proper forms to optimize proper uptake of Calcium and all three need to be consciously addressed in a Vegetarian / Vegan diet because they are not commonly available (in the bio-available forms) from a plant based diet.
Vitamin B12 analogues found in plants are not a bio-available form of B12 and can actually exacerbate Vitamin B12 uptake.
Plant sterols and beta - sitosterol in particular, effectively block the uptake of dietary cholesterol.
The amount of selenium in a given type of plant - based food depends on the amount of selenium in the soil and several other factors, such as soil pH, amount of organic matter in the soil, and whether the selenium is in a form that is amenable to plant uptake [2,6,8,9].
1]-RRB- dispersal are detailed in Table II; the elements of plant strategies are: PT is plant type, sm is shoot morphology, lf is leaf form, c is canopy, loep is length of established phase, lor is lifetime of roots, lp is leaf phenology, rop is reproductive organ phenology, ff is flowering frequency, poaps = proportion of annual production for seeds, podup is perennating organs during unfavourable periods, rs is regenerative strategy, mpgr is mean potential growth rate, rrd is response to resource depletion, pumn is photosynthetic uptake of mineral nutrients, ac is acclimation capacity, sop is storage of photosynthates, lc is litter characteristic, psh is palatability to non-specific herbivores and nDNA is nuclear DNA amount.
The majority of plants have fungi associated with their root systems in a kind of mutualistic symbiosis known as mycorrhiza; an important function of this type of symbiosis is the enhancement of phosphorus uptake.
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