Sentences with phrase «of point man»

Looking back to the 2014 - 15 Champions League campaign, the player averaging the most passes in the squad was Alves as the Brazilian assumed the role of point man in the Barcelona system.
As the United States and China enter what is likely to be a turbulent period, former American officials and other China experts said the lack of a point man for the relationship could aggravate tensions.

Not exact matches

Both men pointed out to West that, yes, Abraham Lincoln was a member of the Republican party, but it's a little more complicated than that.
«All else equal, a man who is 25 pounds below average weight is predicted to earn $ 210,925 less across a 25 - year career than a man who is of average weight,» Judge and Cable point out.
This gap surges to over 20 percentage points when calculated to include among the non-employed prime - age black men who are «missing» primarily due to incarceration or early death, according to the Council of Economic Advisers.
«Very thin men, conversely, are punished relative to their average - weight peers, and men are rewarded for gaining weight until the point of obesity,» explain Judge and Cable of their findings.
The IMF staff report on Canada raises an issue that I wrote about during the election campaign: the unacceptably large gap — 10 percentage points — between the labour - force participation rates of men and women.
Cohn has served as a point man on top White House priorities such as tax reform and rebuilding the nation's infrastructure, but both of those efforts have been muddled by Trump's increasingly combative relationship with Congress, one that was strained even further by his comments on Charlottesville.
At one point, the Dallas police department released a picture of a man they called a suspect.
A video published on the Toronto Star website showed the man standing in front of the Ryder van, pointing an object at a police offer, asking him to «shoot me in the head.»
For his part, Barry Glassman, CFP, founder and president of Glassman Wealth Services, pointed out that it's crucial the financial advisory community — dominated by older white men — evolve to better serve and ever more diverse U.S. market.
Beam points out that these GSS numbers represent a very small data set of young men — only about 60 to 80 people.
In one of the most arresting points in the article, the author finds that in the 90s, 83 % of men aged 18 to 25 did not agree with the statement «It is much better for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of the home and family.»
O'Leary was already a wealthy man by that point, of course.
This book is a good jumping off point to explain to your son that men don't grow beards because they look cool or virile, but because shaving is a huge pain in the ass that you will have to commit to every morning for the rest of your natural life.
Even controlling for grade - point average, men earned more than women who graduated with identical levels of academic achievement.
Birchbox has raised $ 11.9 million to date and launched its men's line (with a higher price point of $ 20 per month) in April 2012.
There's already a lot of speculation as to how this newest iteration of Spider - Man was able to breathe new life into the franchise, but there is one particular moment in the film that points to what differentiates this Spider - Man reboot from its predecessors.
While the similarities between Sears and Amazon are striking — the railroad and the Internet, the elimination of the middle man with the Sears catalog and Amazon's self - publishing platform and content creation, the creation of an urban distribution network through local railroad agents and the 400 points of distribution that Whole Foods delivers to Amazon — there are also some game changing differences.
What some experts are doing is putting up a straw man, pointing to those extreme cases in which some people let the development of the business plan become an end in itself — something that gets in the way of business rather than helping to optimize it.
One of its least - known but incredibly important contributions is the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system, developed to ensure safe food for the manned space missions of the 1960s.
At bottom, artificial intelligence is the creation of a race, after all — a race of living breathing tin men, or, more to the point, a creation that can later do the creation for us.
I'm hoping that at some point we'll be able to see the lists of life goals of the men and women, and of the upsides and downsides to power that both listed.
No one wants to see employees covering up their essential beliefs or wasting time hiding harmless bits of weirdness, but as Jarrett points out, quoting Shakespeare, it is worth keeping in mind that «all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.»
As you'd expect, men outnumber women on the list, but the 17 - to - 13 margin points to an increase in the number and quality of women pursuing leadership roles in business.
Schilowitz gave me a tour of the studios, pointing to where scenes from Spider - Man had been filmed.
This is the man, after all, who when asked in 1997 what he'd do as CEO of Apple, a company then at its low point, said, «What would I do?
As the FC2k17 website explains: «The point of Feminist Challenge 2k17 is to encourage men to approach empathy with women by building their own personal testimonies of awkwardness, inconvenience, and pain.
Her own experience offers lessons for employers, she suggests, pointing out that she has benefited from the help of several key men and women who served as mentors.
And they were kind of dropping the whole program at that time and I was early in the game there so I went out and at that time T.V. was starting to come in and a lot of TV series at that time just Highway Patrol and Men of West Point or Men of Annapolis, they had a couple of those.
A West Point graduate and onetime Army Ranger, McDonald has the disciplined, methodical cast of mind you might expect from a military man.
At one point a man asking a question (who later turned out to be from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong) grew so irate during his questioning that when the microphone was taken away from him, he carried on speaking — virtually shouting.
One case in point is the October 2017 suicide of a man in Turkey who shot himself live on the site while viewers pleaded for him to stop.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
«I could never support a man with such a horrific and insane point of view of the world.»
Dutton's book rambles through the annals of neuroscience as he interviews lawyers, con men and expert interrogators, and brings his own expertise to bear in mapping the brain's pressure points and the locations of people's psychological blind spots.
After finishing at UVA, Spencer was admitted into a master's program in the humanities at the University of Chicago in 2002, where he mingled with other students in his program including «Jews and Muslims, Africans and African - Americans, gay men and women,» according to the Point Magazine.
Women Are Dominating Social Media (Pew Research) On average, the proportion of women who use social media is greater than that of men by an 8 percentage point gap.
As a female CEO in the male - dominated tech world, and pregnant at that, some have pointed to her ascent as evidence of «The Fall of Men
Some would serve up Donald Trump and Robert Maxwell as examples of powerful men who gambled with their empires at certain points in their business careers in a pathological way.
As the Washington Post reported, his father Fred Trump was at one point one of the wealthiest men in America, developing apartment complexes in Brooklyn and Queens.
Our point man, the best - selling author of No Easy Day (under the pseudonym Mark Owen), discovered my mistake.
Pat, however, brings up an important point: the necessity of involving men in the process.
Buffett made the point that for much of America's history, women did not have the same opportunities for work as men, which limited the nation from achieving its full potential.
And he was the Conservative's point man for making the long - form census no longer mandatory, a decision so contentious it drew condemnation from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Warren Buffett, one of the richest men in the world, has made it a point that successful people say no to almost everything.
In total, the paper estimates that every increase of 1 percent in the unemployment rate prompts a 3.2 percentage point reallocation of the major choices of men, and 4.1 percentage points for women.
Worse, they were run by executives who were still viewed as know - it - all baseball outsiders — like the G.M., former management consultant Jeff Luhnow, and the so - called Director of Decision Sciences, the former NASA engineer Sig Mejdal — even though the men had at that point worked within the game for a decade.
IQ drops of 15 points for multitasking men lowered their scores to the average range of an 8 - year - old child.
Following Sunday's tragedy and the unsurprising response out of Washington, Twitter users were quick to point out the cruel irony of the tired statement: the victims of this latest act of domestic terrorism were in church, literally engaged in prayer, when they were viciously attacked by a white man wielding a legal gun.
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