Sentences with phrase «of policy battles»

That sowed the seeds for a number of policy battles, the biggest of which was over the re-approval of mayoral control — a fight the mayor eventually won.
The party is engaged in a number of policy battles, including de Blasio's push for the power to tax rich NYC residents to pay for universal pre-K in the five boroughs.

Not exact matches

Subdued inflation forced the BOJ to revamp its policy framework in 2016 to one better suited for a long - term battle against deflation, which targets interest rates instead of the pace of money printing.
The cross-party recruitment drive comes as Clinton wraps up an unexpectedly grueling primary battle against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that saw her veer left on a number of domestic policy issues.
Assad has said he saw promise in Trump's statements emphasising the battle against Islamic State in Syria, where U.S. policy under President Barack Obama had backed some of the rebels fighting Assad and shunned him as an illegitimate leader.
But groups lobbying to eliminate it have an uphill battle — polls in recent years show a majority of Americans still support the policy, even if it costs them sleep once a year.
He might find, if this policy battle keeps heating up in the coming weeks, that the less familiar voice he gave reporters a taste of today might come in handy, too.
The assets that, until recently, made her look like the obvious choice to succeed Bernanke — being a Fed veteran, having intimate knowledge of QE and forward guidance, a well - known stance on monetary policy and a scholarly focus on unemployment — now seem like weapons to fight the battle of yesteryear.
Over the past century, monetary policy strategies have evolved in response to changing realities, from the panics and depressions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that led to the creation of the Federal Reserve to the Great Depression, from Bretton Woods and subsequent battles to contain inflation to the dominance of inflation targeting today (Williams 2014, 2015a).
It has been over two decades since the popping of Japan's economic bubble and the country is still actively battling with deflationary forces that are so powerful that near - zero interest rates (zero - interest rate policy or ZIRP), repeated bouts of quantitative easing (some call it «money printing») and constant Yen - weakening currency interventions have barely made a dent.
Under this scenario, an eventual rise in wage growth would likely be accompanied by a secular rise in realized inflation (inflation expectations would trend with energy prices), and the policy battle onward may resemble that of Paul Volcker instead of Ben Bernanke.
The culture feeds a mentality that crowds out a necessary give and take — the very concept of good - faith disagreement — turning every policy difference into a pitched battle between good (us) and evil (them).»
It was a mighty battle and alleluias ascended when, in the late 1990s, religious freedom was institutionally ensconced as a goal of U.S. foreign policy.
The 1998 act passed because a remarkable coalition of Jews and Christians was prepared to do battle not only with the foreign policy mandarins but also with oldline liberal churches and secular human rights organizations who complained that concern for persecuted Christians is an instance of «special pleading.»
The coming battle is really several different battles: a struggle within the Church to combat ignorance, misunderstanding and dissent; a political fight to maintain the freedom of religion for Catholics; and a public policy battle to form the law of the land.
Perusing the index of Origins, the weekly publication of representative documents and speeches compiled by Catholic News Service, our imaginary historian will note, for example, the following initiatives undertaken at the national, diocesan and parish levels in 1994 - 95: providing alternatives to abortion; staffing adoption agencies; conducting adult education courses; addressing African American Catholics» pastoral needs; funding programs to prevent alcohol abuse; implementing a new policy on altar servers and guidelines for the Anointing of the Sick; lobbying for arms control; eliminating asbestos in public housing; supporting the activities of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (227 strong); challenging atheism in American society; establishing base communities (also known as small faith communities); providing aid to war victims in Bosnia; conducting Catholic research in bioethics; publicizing the new Catechism of the Catholic Church; battling child abuse; strengthening the relationship between church and labor unions; and deepening the structures and expressions of collegiality in the local and diocesan church.
Education is needed, change in policies at the local level are needed, the level of homelessness among families with young children needs to decline, but in the meantime there are families who don't have the option (the laudromats near us are pretty clear in this policy as are the daycares, and I had more than one funny look from guests when they saw me putting diapers into the washing machine, I imagine the reaction in shared housing is more difficult to battle.)
Over the decades the food industry, school food service directors, farmers, and the rest of agribusiness have won many battles with nutritionists and the medical profession over government policies on what Americans should eat.
Unlike MPs elected more recently Watson and McDonnell, very different politicians, have decades of experience, years of mistakes to learn from, battles fought and lost, leadership crises, leadership bids, policies framed and re-framed.
One of the most high - profile campaigns was run by the Focus E15 mums who had their own battle with Newham council over its housing policy.
Neither Goldsmith nor Khan are household names and in a more low - key battle, the public's party and policy preferences may end up having more of an effect than they did during the celebrity contests between Boris and Ken.
An infrastructure battle is bubbling between Canadian province of Ontario and the state of New York that could set the stage for future commerce tension between the U.S. and its neighbor to the north as «America First» policies become the new normal under Trump.
They were engaged in the unavoidable battles of politics, internal and external scheming, framing arguments to ensure wider support for a policy, preparing budgets that facilitated the urgently needed investment.
The author is an economist whose earlier book The Battle of Bretton Woods outlined the ruthless policies of the USA in 1944 to overthrow the dominance of the British Empire and to strike a harsh deal on economic support.
The three candidates battled it out in the final general election debate on Wednesday, with plenty of jabs over policy to go around.
«Mr. Bloomberg's hypocritical support of constitutional protections, only when they don't impact the New York City budget, coupled with his uneducated and uninformed statements on the issue, serve to fan the flames of aggression, and undermine the potential for peaceful resolution of these matters, while perpetuating a long dormant policy of Indian termination which dates back to the days of General Custer's failed battle of Little Bighorn.»
During the battle for healthcare reform, for instance, reformers were able to pass legislation only with a relatively high degree of cooperation from powerful vested interests, and the reform itself amounted to a reorganization of existing submerged policies rather than their elimination.
The Focus E15 campaign has been on the front line of this battle for the past two years and while we congratulate Mr Corbyn on his new position, until he challenges the actions of Labour - run councils as well as government policy, we remain sceptical.
As Trump threatens our core values, Carlos has been at the forefront of key battles to take on wrong - headed, racist, and misogynist policies and rhetoric,» Simon said.
Cuomo and de Blasio, both Democrats, have been battling for years over tax and transportation policy, governmental competence, how to manage outbreaks of infectious diseases and even the fate of an errant deer.
Once you have done your own little bit, as you have done for months now, to damage the Corbyn campaign, by your constant nitpicking of his competence and leadership skills and policy development shortcomings, and regular defence of the «soft Left» who have so blatantly failed to support him all year, from a supposed position on the Left (so much more effective in the current battle for the dominant narrative than criticism coming openly from the Labour right), will you too finally, (sorrowfully and with much hand - wringing») declare for Owen Smith at the opening of voting, David?
It is not going to give in to Blair politically and it is not going to vacate the field of battle over the policies of this government.
And as Chair of our Economic Policy Commission, I know this whole party is up for the battle to come.
The two men, engaged in a long - running public battle that has even affected public policy, both spoke about achieving a higher minimum wage, and then shook hands and hugged at the end of the one - mile trot from 145th Street to 125th Street.
Later Saturday, de Blasio spoke to a luncheon hosted by the City University of New York and said the school, with its belief in an equal education for all, «epitomizes the things we are fighting for» in the battle against the Trump administration's policies.
Club spokeswoman Rachael Slobodien noted that [Arizona senator Jeff] Flake has supported some of Trump's «most significant policy and confirmation battles,» including every vote to repeal Obamacare and every single Trump nominee.
«Martin Callanan MEP: We've improved the Common Fisheries Policy and debated with Hollande — now it's time to vote on the EU budget Main Can you spare a few hours for the battle of Eastleigh?»
Corbyn has hinted that MPs may face selection battles as a result of the boundary review process, but that is simply in line with party policy.
If Miliband and Balls wish to present Wales as an incubator for the kind of policies that a UK Labour government would pursue, then Welsh Conservatives should gladly accept the invitation to make Labour's record in Wales a key battle - ground.
«But I'm sure they will take note of what's happened today and concentrate on policy issues and prepare for the battles that one or the other of them will have to face against our opponent.»
But last year, challenger Bob Turner took almost 40 percent of the vote in his battle against six - term incumbent Weiner in a year in which Tea Party activists and others opposed to President Barack Obama's policies exacted a heavy toll on Democrats across the country, costing them control of the House.
The executive director of policy at Cancer Research UK reveals how research underpins all progress made in the battle against cancer
Last year's education policy battle between the Legislature and Gov. Andrew Cuomo was a bruising one, and in April an estimated 20 percent of students opted out of the round of English and math tests.
The couple's legal battle against the bedroom tax began in 2014 when a judge at a first tier tribunal ruled that the policy was in breach of their human rights.
The battle has potential consequences for New Yorkers as discussions will begin soon over a $ 150 billion - plus state budget and an array of policy issues, from immigration and funding for legal services for the poor to whether to legalize ride - hailing upstate or permit physicians to assist terminal patients end their lives.
To do so, he doesn't need to invent new policy or battle with other ministers, but he does need to take the Treasury brake off some of this government's best policies.
The two warring sides in the education battle — Cuomo and the teachers union — have reached something of a détente, at least when it comes to policy issues.
What is unique about this policy battle in the ongoing Cuomo / de Blasio feud is that it appears the mayor has a great deal of the legislature on his side.
And ultimately, she said, Robert Bennett and James Dawson, each of whom have served more than two decades, were casualties of recent battles over the controversial policies.
Something the public loves to hate in its political cabals battling to run the country from the thick of Westminster's guerrilla territories, and something our war - painted politicos on all sides perennially condemn as an obstruction to policy - building, while sharpening their poison darts in the undergrowth.
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