Sentences with phrase «of political donations»

The note lists what appears to be a breakdown of political donations by seven Democratic county elections workers in late 2006 and early 2007.
There is a reason why big insurers who offer these products are fighting the implementation of the fiduciary rule with an army of lawyers and a waterfall of political donations.
In other words, literally 99 percent of their political donations went to Democratic candidates.
Meanwhile, the flow of political donations from centenarian Leonard Litwin's Glenwood slowed to a trickle following the arrests in Albany, and the real estate industry as a whole is falling behind in spending as hedge funds pump money into lobbying for education reform.
She has professional connections to Jeb Bush, serving on the board of his Foundation for Excellence in Education from 2013 to mid-2014, and a long - standing friendship with, and history of political donations to, Hillary Clinton.
The legislature understood 97 % of NY residents surveyed by Siena wanted meaningful ethics reform that included income limits on legislators, limits on the size of political donations (bribes), and ending the LLC loophole.
Linda Lacewell, a senior attorney for Gov. Andrew Cuomo who in 2014 offered her analysis on a set of political donations to the governor, was volunteering her time to his campaign, the administration said.
The numbers are not large by the standards of political donations but they mark the first time the industry has tilted its contributions toward Republicans, according to federal records.
Lisa Sammartino breaks down last week's leaders» debate and discusses the role of political donations in the campaign.
Unchecked corporate cash in the form of political donations and lobbying expenditures has the power to exert undue influence over public policy and regulatory systems and threaten our democracy.
The company, which declined to comment, is one of several New York family real estate dynasties that have dipped into the pool of political donations.
In the state, there are no doing business (pay to play) restrictions, and millions of dollars of political donations to the governor and top legislative leaders are made using LLCs.
Aetna's reporting of political donations meets or exceeds all state and federal requirements.»
From provisional power already available to him in a 2014 law, Brokenshire could decide to deliver «full transparency» of political donations dated from then.
In 2010, 77 % of respondents to a Northern Ireland Office consultation supported full transparency of political donations.
The big story about the Australian Electoral Commission's annual release of political donations disclosures is how little they really tell us.
If you're wondering why Congress has yet to tackle this global crisis despite overwhelming scientific consensus and ballooning costs of inaction, Think Progress has an interactive map that shows the huge sums of political donations given by the oil and gas industry alongside which members of Congress deny the realities of global warming.
Democratic senators have requested more information from DeVos about her history of political donations, as well as her lobbying and advocacy on behalf of school choice programs.
We urge you to pass a complete Fair Elections package by the end of June that includes public campaign financing; enhanced transparency and accountability; andlower limits on the size of all political donations,» the officials and candidates wrote in the letter.
A senior attorney for Gov. Andrew Cuomo who in 2014 offered her analysis on a set of political donations to the governor was volunteering her time to his campaign, the administration said Wednesday.
While Zemsky said he would bring in the agency's legal, real estate, finance and management experts to review and oversee the projects, he said his agency would not conduct a «forensic political audit» of political donations from companies that might have received contracts.
An assistant of Mr. Catsimatidis's who handles some of his political donations said that Mr. Offinger, who was also the treasurer of the Campaign for One New York, instructed him on the details of where to send the check.
The announcement followed pledges by the state's two other top elected officials to divest themselves of political donations tied to Cuomo's graft - riddled «Buffalo Billion» revitalization project.
That announcement followed pledges by the state's two other top elected officials — state AG Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli — to divest themselves of political donations tied to Cuomo's allegedly graft - riddled «Buffalo Billion» revitalization project.
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