Sentences with phrase «of political ideas»

They appreciated that the battle of political ideas at election time was focused exclusively on a minority of swing voters in marginal seats.
Students pursuing academic degree courses in political science study a range of political ideas, actions, events, and institutions.
There are also hints of the political ideas she developed as a younger artist.
In 1960, when Daniel Bell published The End of Ideology: On the Exhaustion of Political Ideas in the Fifties, he had in mind that Americans were more or less agreed on this ideology that makes civility possible.
Bishop Paulose openly acknowledged his indebtedness to EMS in the evolution of his political ideas.
Will he continue to be regarded as an important figure only in the recent history of political ideas, or will he be resuscitated as a living, breathing intellectual force to be grappled with, criticized, and built upon?
It was appropriate that I read Eric Nelson's The Royalist Revolution this summer while on a research trip to Great Britain, since the book is a study of political ideas that bounced between England and her colonies and the effects they had on the shape of the new American nation.
That is quite different from an association of like «minded individuals who come together after each is convinced of a political idea.
Ideology is usually defined as a set of political ideas and beliefs - which form a narrative of sorts.
It is the bottom line of the government of every nation - state to protect the geographical, political and cultural integrity of a country, and the idea of defending the national interest against external attack is perhaps one of the simplest of political ideas.
In Churchill's case, his fertile mind certainly produced a mass of political ideas, but he also needed the money.
Regardless of its bandying about of political ideas and secretive agencies, the movie isn't easily mistaken for intelligent cinema and it would be about as out of place at an awards show was as Fuqua's ridiculously - decorated Training Day.
The film doesn't posit many profound political ideas, which is itself a sort of political idea, and its grotesqueries — bones are snapped, heads boot - stomped to slop, faces displaced by bullets — are unrepentantly graphic, each mangled body meticulously shot so that no gash or gauge is ever obscured.
While Final Fantasy VII and Square's subsequent games were an assertion of the value of developing and designing a game with a story at the center of the experience, and using that story to assert ideas about politics economics, and philosophy, Dragon Quarter was a statement in return that similarly intelligent engagements of political ideas could be built into games of minimal narrative that still focused primarily on gamers» engagement with mechanics.
As a painter of political ideas — and, often, the grotesque and cruel — Luc Tuymans is a historian of images that appear banal but reveal sinister workings: colored blobs are actually disembodied eyeballs; a bare room with flattened perspective is the site of uncountable murders; a limp cloth turns out to be the emblem of a growing nationalist movement.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 7 PM ICP SCHOOL Artist Dread Scott discusses the influence of political ideas on his current work.
Selected from Art Chicago and NEXT galleries by guest curator Mary Jane Jacob, independent curator and director of exhibitions at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Partisan works represent a multitude of political ideas and positions from around the world.
What the culture wars represent is not the continuation of ideological struggle between left and right as such, but the dearth of political ideas with which to do battle.
But Klein's is not the only reformulation of political ideas under the green shadow of climate change.
He does so in defence of a political idea, and of institutions that no longer beleive in finding ways of making life better.
Because even if this might not help him personally, it might help to promote some of the political ideas he considers «good things», even if they will be executed by other people and not by him personally.
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