Sentences with phrase «of political organization»

It was in this situation that political thinkers and activists began to suggest that a new form of political organization had to be devised.
And perhaps most disturbing of all, these recent attacks by government upon citizens have been, as well, attacks on the foundations of our political organizations.
It has justified and sanctioned patterns of political organization that have included slavery and extreme exploitation of the poor.
«Yeah, I'm lobbying that bill,» Raleigh - based McGuire Woods lobbyist Harry Kaplan told N.C. Policy Watch on Monday of the proposed legislation that he's pushing on behalf of a political organization created by the Oregon financier.
A reporter noted that under the new rules, this made a new sort of political organization that acted like a «Super PAC» in its ability to spend large sums on candidate advocacy.
Not only the blind loyalty of the totalitarian conception of citizenship and the compulsory conformity of the democracies, but even the exclusive emphasis of the liberal on the citizenship of political organization and votes serves to increase the power of the centralized state and to strengthen the political principle at the expense of the social.
It would be one level of political organization between the bioregion and the larger regional organization.
If one is thinking about the negative element only — that is, about the silence of Jesus concerning particular questions of political organization and strategy or of moral casuistry — his belief in the early end of history may well be urged as the explanation.
«Negative liberty» accurately describes one important aspect of the political organization of freedom: the need to circumscribe and regulate coercive state power by law.
The Chattisgarh movement led by Niyogi transcended the question whether industrial workers and peasants or agricultural laborers have the major political or historical precedence in terms of political organization.
Why should we prohibited non-democratic forms of political organization when we insist that government shouldn't be in thee business of controlling how people voice their views?
Following up on last weekend's piece about the Parkland kids building a new kind of political organization, the folks at Blackbaud asked me to weigh in on the implications for more - traditional nonprofits.
That is certainly the hope and expectation of political organizations like the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Schroeder, 57, spent 25 years in the private sector, working for two food companies before moving into electoral politics in 2001 as part of a political organization lead by Brian Higgins.
This group elects state leadership, meets with the general public, spreads the Reform Party message and provides the manpower required for the success of a political organization.
Smart move, but committee members are the stormtroopers of any political organization and these troops, by and large, are not marching with the mayor.
In Part Two of «The AggregateIQ Files,» we take a closer look at how some of the exposed repositories reveal sensitive information about a number of political organizations in the United Kingdom, with a particular focus on AggregateIQ's apparent work on behalf of British groups active in the «Leave» campaign for the UK's momentous «Brexit» referendum.
The question that Labour's leaders and supporters should be asking now is what forms of political organization will come next?
In Reformed Protestantism, it served as an architectonic principle for reading the Bible, shaped ecclesiology and sacramental theology, and contributed to the development of new forms of political organization.
(20) 30; 19 — «The history of the Mediterranean lands, and of Western Europe, is the history of the blessing and the curse, of political organizations, of schemes of thought, of social agencies for large purposes» (PR 514).
I hold expertise in all the topics and sub-fields that come under politics studies, and some of them are Etymology, History of state politics, The state and property, The state and the justice system, The state and legislation, The state and the executive system, Forms of political organization, Global politics, Political corruption, Political parties, Politics as an academic discipline, Political values, Left — right politics, Authoritarian — libertarian politics and many others.
Constitutional drafters rarely invent new forms of political organization or discover new rights from whole cloth, but instead lean heavily upon foreign examples for inspiration...
Cambridge Analytica has claimed publicly that it maintained a firewall between its activities and those of political organizations and fundraising groups.
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