Sentences with phrase «of political power»

The incumbent mayor has every piece of political power in his quest for a fourth term, based upon everything he has done in his first three.
This leaves many with the question: do those in positions of political power still think it unnecessary to understand technology?
Third, the exercise of political power should be placed in the service of genuine goods, such as order, justice, liberty, and community.
Because no procedure guided the transfer of political power, violence marked every transition.
They have a lot of political power because they are making a lot of money; money is power.
It probably does not change the long term balance of political power.
We stand at the threshold of our collective struggle — where every effort to gain ground matters whether it be on the streets in the seats of political power and in the financial sector.
If the economy continues to be ever more global, it would lead to a great concentration of political power at the global level.
For freshman legislators, the most powerful source of political power was not the local school board; it was the new governor.
He points out that the arts - saves - kids theme crops up frequently near the centers of political power.
Their political experiences reveal the nature of political history and, thus, the nature of political power.
The doctrine of popular sovereignty developed as the profoundly moral idea that human beings are born free and equal and, as such, have a right to an equal share of political power.
In 1974 he was forced to argue the case for his party's policies in a few minutes, whereas in 1984 he had reached the peak of political power.
Here, we must exit the world of policy debate and enter the less elegant world of political power.
What's shocking is that it violates the intent and idea of having religious freedom by putting one religion over the others in terms of political power and influence.
In this regard, we do not address the issue of whether transition of political power takes place through democratic elections.
It is involved in the affairs of the community, including the distribution of political power.
What will happen with this new digital power aligns with more - traditional forms of political power?
But any student of history knows that economic inequality is reflected in inequality of political power.
Thus, politicians and their friends were ready to exercise the privileges of political power and divide harness racing's potential profits among themselves.
But the consolidation of political power doomed the civilian institutions.
One problem is the lack of transparency in the operation of political power.
The series underscores the theatre of political power and the creation and maintenance of societies of fear.
These individuals hold some element of political power, making them potential targets for bribery and corruption, and are firmly in the eye of the regulator.
Second, force is an essential element of the exercise of political power.
The arts - saves - kids rationale crops up frequently near the centers of political power.
The trouble is that the clergy and agencies change with the transition of political power.
Last December, South Korea's parliament decided to impeach President Park over a controversy that centres on her relationship with her friend Choi and accusations of abuse of political power.
«If other states follow us, it would represent a major shift of political power back to these poor urban communities.»
Three years after Howard Dean «s campaign put online outreach on the map, its alumni — and the netroots consulting firms they've helped spawn — are a fast - growing part of the political power structure.
Despite the insurrectionist rhetoric, however, all we have seen so far in concrete terms is the prospect of the transfer of political power from one Eton - educated Tory to another.
Their mission is to track «use of political power in cyberspace.»
It was in 2012 that New York had to redraw the congressional districts due to losses in population — a consistent process of elimination of political power for the State going back to the 1960 ′ s. Previously the NY - 24 was centered around Oneida County, with the NY - 22 gerrymandered to protect then - Rep.
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer, D - N.Y.: «From the hard streets of Queens, Mario Cuomo rose to the very pinnacle of political power in New York because he believed in his bones in the greatness of this state, the greatness of America and the unique potential of every individual.
By the provisions of the Presidential Transition Act 2012 (Act 845) the transition team is to make comprehensive practical arrangements to regulate the transfer of political power following a Presidential election, and to do this by forming various sub-committees that will be responsible for different aspects of the process of the transfer of power.
Alessandra Giannini of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society at Columbia University says that historical accounts of how centres of political power moved throughout the region over the millennia are consistent with periodic periods of drought.
By the above, MMDCEs becomes key representatives of the central government to exercise part of the political power already given to the President by the people of Ghana.
I'm fascinated by the artists» ability to wield power visually — which stands in contrast to their complete lack of political power in the publishing and intellectual property side of Marvel.
The Fog of War is a 20th century fable, a story of an American dreamer, Robert S. McNamara, who rose from humble origins to the heights of political power.
Icahn on Tuesday referred to Fujifilm as a «supposed «partner» whose conduct over the last year is more unbelievable than what you see on fictional TV shows like House of Cards or Billions,» referring to popular television series about Machiavellian intrigue in the corridors of political power.
To fail to provide a theological account of political power is to set premature boundaries around Christ's Kingdom.
This would make possible also the decentralization of a considerable amount of political power, without again subordinating the political to the economic.
Where they lost economic power which caused a depopulation of the area which caused the loss of political power which caused the loss of governmental help which then caused more economic power to be lost.
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