Sentences with phrase «of political spending»

Findings in this second annual report indicate corporate disclosure of political spending is now a mainstream corporate practice.
There's no requirement on either side of the border to disclose the full extent of political spending.
Maybe it's ignorance of the fact that they can opt out of political spending.
You're also right about the unions having their own definition of political spending.
There's growing pressure for the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission to enact rules requiring disclosure of political spending by publicly - traded corporations, although it has yet to move on the issue.
Policy language included in Gov. Andrew Cuomo's $ 168 billion spending plan would tackle the transparency issues surrounding digital ads and requiring new disclosure for what has been the wild west of political spending in recent years.
Some see Right to Rise as the latest development in the post - Citizens United world of political spending, where cash - flush super PACs, which can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money, are increasingly supplanting candidates and their campaigns.
Super PACs are groups that can make unlimited amounts of political spending independent of campaigns.
He's urging full disclosure to shareholders of all political spending, saying it poses «legal, reputational and operational risks.»
After she sent her letter to McNabb, over 65,000 members of Public Citizen, U.S. PIRG, and Common Cause, among others, sent emails to Vanguard asking it to change its voting policy guidelines to vote in favor of political spending disclosure, she says.
In a discussion paper published today, the Shareholder Association for Research & Education looked at the question of political spending by Canadian corporations, from an investor perspective.
Senator Warren was also referring to the President's Supreme Court appointment, but is now one of the ringleaders in stifling the President's SEC appointments based on the single issue of political spending.
Other investors who own Aetna shares also filed resolutions, including F&C Management Ltd., and an investor group led by the Unitarian Universalist Association — seeking greater board involvement and oversight of political spending.
The governor's call for a disclosure act on donations above $ 500 comes as everyone in state government seems to be pursuing some sort of transparency effort in the wake of the Citizens United ruling and the onslaught of political spending in the last election cycle (public financing may be a heavier lift to get through the Senate GOP).
In an email, Teachout pointed to the Citizens United decision, which opened up a spigot of political spending from «super PAC» entities in elections.
Without a presidential race dominating the airwaves, House and Senate races will be on the receiving end of an unprecedented deluge of political spending this midterm cycle.
The huge influx of political spending by the fossil fuel sector in the last campaign cycle has also pushed Republicans to the barricades, said Dotson and other Washington observers.
In the years since the 2012 election cycle, a camp of forward - thinking digital strategists has emphasized the importance of digital and data in the world of political spending.
And yet, this race that barely anyone will vote in has turned into a high - stakes battleground, complete with record - setting amounts of political spending and bitter negative campaigning.
He noted that the Supreme Court had allowed Congress to require disclosure of political spending.
During the last midterm election in 2014, digital advertising accounted for less than 1 % of political spending in federal, states and local elections, according to advertising tracking firm Borrell Associates.
Then again, at the end of 2015, Congress slowed possible reform by forbidding the Securities and Exchange Commission from implementing a rule in 2016 to require more robust corporate disclosure of political spending.
During the last midterm election in 2014, digital advertising accounted for less than 1 % of political spending in federal, state and local elections, according to advertising tracking firm Borrell Associates.
This money, which represents only some of the political spending by New York's real estate industry, crossed party lines and benefitted both the Republicans who control the State Senate and Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Workers who dislike union politics just need to withdraw from the union and opt - out of the political spending (usually by writing an annual letter).
In the ongoing battle over public disclosure of political spending, Democratic Comptroller Tom DiNapoli is launching a lawsuit against telecommunications giant Qualcomm to have a look at their political spending.
New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli on Tuesday urged the casino operator to disclose all of its political spending.
Clinton also will lay out other aspects of a campaign finance plan that she had previously announced, including pushing for federal legislation to require disclosure of political spending and promoting a Securities and Exchange Commission rule that requires publicly traded companies to inform shareholders of their political spending.
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