Sentences with phrase «of political views»

Regardless of our political views, I think most of us can agree that trying to alter any film's rating score on a website is a pretty pathetic waste of time.
How do we understand the diversity of political views in our nation?
Will an expression of political views become a prerequisite for game developers in the future?
In the story I mention a cable TV network in a somewhat negative way (in terms of political views and lack of honest reporting from the viewpoint of my main character).
The poll also found voters displaying a mix of political views.
Were the roots of your political views in that military - school environment during your childhood?
Regardless of their political views and commitments, readers will learn much about reform in this important book.
These activities include, of course, the expression of political views and participation in debates over the issues of the day.
RM: This distinction seems a crucial one and might explain why republicanism can seem to accommodate such a wide range of political views, from extreme authoritarianism in the name of liberty to collectivism?
«While we know the perpetrators of these atrocities have a wide variety of political views, my comments are in response to a question about the failure to prosecute illegal gun crime,» Tenney said.
If these were US citizens, they would have been in the same situation as US citizens who work for any other private business in Russia who decide to espouse any kind of political views on their social media accounts.
He formed many of his political views on his travels to Israel, as well as the neighbouring Arab countries.
Yet, when (white) Evangelicals support him, I know it is because his invocation of entitlements and welfare resonates with many of their political views, which unfairly tie welfare programs to black bodies.
State Chairman Frank MacKay made the following statement following the convention, «The members of the Independence Party represent a cross-section of political views, but we are firmly united in our beliefs that our growing dysfunctional governing bodies in NYS and Washington, DC are deeply in need of reform from the bottom up and the top down.
«Huge corporations are evil» is a reductive but accurate summary of my political views.
Mr. Thiel, who was last in the news for his financial support of Hulk Hogan's legal fight against Gawker Media, has a slate of political views that stand out of line with most in tech, and perhaps most Americans.
Heavenly Father loves all of His children — every race, every gender, every culture, those part of any religion or part of any political view, believers, nonbelievers, sinners, saints, etc..
Some of Professor Morris» characterizations and criticisms of my political views seem fairly reasonable.
Perhaps the intensity of their political views animates them in some positive way, giving them a sense of purpose.
Evangelical leaders could sit down privately twice a year for two days of confidential conversation to explain prayerfully and openly to each other the biblical foundations of their political views.
dogshit like your grasp of our welfare system along with most of your political views.
But it does mean disagreeing that gay equality should apply to that sphere, because of political views about eg the family or some other reason.
If you must know, I am registered NOP (No Official Party) and if you wish to label me: Utilitarian would be a more accurate assessment of my political views.
Labour's national executive committee will meet for the first time since the election in the next fortnight and one source close to the NEC said they believed Lavery's comments would be a controversial topic of discussion — particularly on narrowing the spectrum of political views in the party.
It was money people gave in furtherance of their political views and beliefs,» Maziarz said.
A good measurement of the complexity of the political views, if you see, how long are the causility chains in it.
But Clooney surprised me with this film, not because he didn't have a point to make, but because he made that point independent of political views.
Teddy's perpetual motion takes him to Harvard and the continued formation of his political views.
Indeed, web site after web site shows schools of education that list among their teacher - education program goals the inculcation of political views alongside intellectual curiosity and such work habits as punctuality.
To what extent does the refutation text reduce the relationship of political views (support for President Obama) with correct conceptions and misconceptions?
Following a gradual introduction to the artist's fascination with negative space, spontaneity, and the emergence of chaos from ordered systems, the show's layout pushes viewers along an entwined timeline of Matta - Clark's work and the evolution of his political views.
The pursuit of «Veritas» which undergirds our intellectual life demands not only that each member of our community be able to debate politics freely, but also that we attend to the multitude of political views that exist in our nation.
I wish to apologize for my misguided attempt to mark a moment in history by humour in the courtroom following the surprising result in the United States election... [It] was not intended in any way as a political statement or endorsement of any political views and in particular the views and comments of Donald Trump.
[27] In this case, the parties have put in play a scenario that, to date, has received little judicial consideration: an allegedly defamatory statement made in the course of a robust and free - wheeling exchange of political views in the internet blogging world where, the appellant concedes, arguments «can be at times caustic, strident or even vulgar and insulting.»
And when your fondness for Ms. Kardashian West is combined with other interests you've indicated on Facebook, researchers believe their algorithms can predict the nuances of your political views with better accuracy than your loved ones.
Occasionally, I let myself express anger at institutions or people, but I only feel safe ranting about issues that people agree on regardless of political views.
It invites users to Twitter and answer surveys so they are able to share a range of political views.
«While we know the perpetrators of these atrocities have a wide variety of political views, my comments are in response to a question about the failure to prosecute illegal gun crime.
Against the image of Catholic Monarchy, he ranges images of the hermetic monarch: he is alluding to a specific kind of political view and mode of debating which might built a righteous republic.
When asked why Luckey was fired, Zuckerberg responded, «That is a specific personnel matter that it seems like it would be inappropriate to speak to here,» before adding, when pressed, that, «It was not because of a political view
State Chairman Frank MacKay offered the following statement, «The members of the Independence Party represent a cross-section of political views, but we are firmly united in our beliefs that our growing dysfunctional governing bodies in NYS and Washington, DC are deeply in need of reform from the bottom up and the top down.
In total, Mueller charges, the troll farm had an internal list of «over 100 real U.S. persons» they contacted — complete with «a summary of their political views,» their Russian - directed activities and their contact information — to monitor what Mueller called «their recruitment efforts and requests.»
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