Sentences with phrase «of possible changes»

The joint approach aimed to broaden the scope of possible changes in education by combining state - level policy with practice and application in operating districts and schools.
Based on previously published studies suggesting changes in behavior can affect emissions by as much as 20 percent, the report assumed a 10 percent impact and listed a variety of possible changes.
These changes may be based on observed changes in those quantities or future projections of possible changes, and are often expressed as changes in radiative forcing.
The new round of the possible changes in regulations brought promising news.
Other Universal Life plans can see costs rise throughout the duration of the policy because of possible changes in interest rates or costs of insurance, but a GUL policy will always be the same premium cost for each payment.
In the 53rd minute, Marcus Rashford, Jesse Lingard and Marouane Fellaini were all warming up ahead of possible changes for United with Mourinho looking to shuffle his pack.
The MCU film slate sees a lot of possible changes, considering the flow of Marvel Comics properties from 20th Century Fox as well as female - centric movies that the MCU is lacking.
The greatness of the possible change becomes clear when we realize the degree to which the civilization of the West has been the civilization of Christendom.
At the Rec on - lookers were talking of a possible changing of the guard with this victory but with the solid team Captain Mike «he who will always be my Recorder» Maione has assembled, I'm sure Team Maione will be around during Playoff time.
When I started this 30 day look I didn't expect to be so surprised on what school lunches menus consisted of and at the same time feel motivated to be a part of possible change.
Included on the menu of possible changes could be pension and health benefits reform, a retirement age increase and overtime costs — the usual union issues that often drive up costs to the point that taxpayers must bear an unreasonable burden.
The Ramsar Convention, drawn up in 1971, requires signatory nations to register at least one wetland site and inform the Ramsar bureau of any possible changes to the ecosystem at that site.
According to the team's calculations, a clock with a molecule of two hydrogen atoms at its centre could combine multiple frequencies at once, providing a more accurate probe of possible changes in the electron - proton mass ratio.
The extreme precision offered by optical clocks is already providing record measurements of possible changes in the fundamental «constants» of nature, a line of inquiry that has important implications for cosmology and tests of the laws of physics, such as Einstein's theories of special and general relativity.
The district posted no banner about the meeting on its website, nor was there was any mention of possible change at SMHS at recent SRC meetings.
DPS spokesman Steve Wasko said Bobb has not yet «come to any conclusion about any specific changes to the contract,» but made the announcement because it would be «prudent» to inform teachers of possible changes to their contract.
To get a sense of the possible change in the level of CAPE going forward, and its potential contribution to total stock returns, one needs to understand the drivers of CAPE, which are interest rates and growth in earnings expectations.
I can think of some possible changes (Note: this is all pure afternoon speculation while I'm at work counting down the hours to a holiday weekend)
Details about the upcoming «Suits» Season 7 have been sparse, however, storyline speculations hint of possible changes to Harvey and Louis» professional and personal lives.
Despite consternation at the East Village school and on Facebook among students and alumni who had heard murmurs of a possible change, Dr. Bharucha said no decisions had been made.
Word of a possible change leaked out in recent days, leading to student protests over the weekend.
«Still, the sheer size of the possible change is mind - boggling — this is one of the very few elements in the Earth system that we might witness tipping soon.
And the researchers used the US Department of Agriculture's forest inventory of 400,000 plots of woodland to build up a coherent picture of the possible changes under scenarios projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
«Well, when we look at the consequences of a possible change in the US position in the climate change process, of course we would hope that they would keep their commitments, they would keep their active participation.
It was not immediately clear Monday whether Trump's Interior Department would continue a broad review of the federal coal leasing program even as it restarts sales; that analysis is already about a third complete, with regulators unveiling a broad blueprint of possible changes earlier this year.
Societies and ecosystems have an easier time dealing with slower or better - anticipated changes, so the abruptness and unpredictability of the possible changes may be disquieting.
Major studies of the oceans around Europe have led scientists to warn of possible changes in temperatures and sea conditions which will have a major impact on human and marine life.
Our role is not to speculate on the full range of possible changes to the Senate.
If you have renters coverage in place and want to move from one building to another in this Ballard area, then be sure to inform the Ballard renters insurance provider of this possible change.
Other Universal Life plans can see costs rise throughout the duration of the policy because of possible changes in interest rates or costs of insurance, but a GUL policy will always be the same premium cost for each payment.
Disgruntled US chocolate manufacturer Guittard is mounting a defence of chocolate ahead of possible changes to the product's composition by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Google Home can track flights and flight prices for you if you're trying to plan a trip, and if you've already got a trip planned and have already booked a flight, then Google Home can also help you check your current flight reservations so you're aware of any possible changes.
Juicy Excerpt: There are lots of possible changes you might want to make to this plan to suit your personal preferences.
'' [I'm] very scared because of the possible changes in policy, but also because American voters made it clear that they don't want us here,» says David, 28, a software engineer in the Bay Area.
But it says that will be offset by big losses in exports because of possible changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement and proposed new border taxes.
Other Universal Life plans can see costs rise throughout the duration of the policy because of possible changes in interest rates or costs of insurance, but a GUL policy will always be the same premium cost for each payment.
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