Sentences with phrase «of postmodernity»

I consider this an ambiguous gift: on the one hand, postmodern tendencies open up spaces for the new perspectives and voices mentioned above; on the other hand, as the social critic Jane Flax notes, a hard - core kind of postmodernity which would postulate the death of history, of the human being and of metaphysics undermines the kind of critical reason that is necessary to counter the «master narrative» constituted by capitalist globalization.
But having embraced him who is truth as the truth because they have entered into friendship with him, evangelical Catholics are liberated from the epidemic and soul - withering skepticism of postmodernity and are empowered to embrace the authority that Jesus represents and incarnates: the authority of the living God, who reveals himself in deed and word to the people of Israel, and who finally and definitively reveals himself in his Son.
Jesus was still the centre of the thesis, but U2 were looking from another angle to find him in the mayhem of postmodernity.
St. Francis challenges us to put out into the deep of postmodernity, just as he challenged the complacent, «safe» Christianity of his own time.
Elements of postmodernity as an intellectual current are indeed increasingly present in Latin America.
Another part of the question of postmodernity focuses less on cultural or ecclesial shifts than on more strictly intellectual problems.
I focus on hermeneutics because one way to respond to the crisis of modernity and the ambiguous arrival of postmodernity is to reflect anew on the problem of interpretation itself.
Though too faith - filled to be a patron of postmodernity, Augustine does point to what lies beyond» that which is timeless and timely, ever old, ever new.
It goes through the destabilisation and the deconstruction (two keywords of postmodernity) of clear definitions, the content of language, traditions, being, institutions, objective knowledge, reason, truth, legitimate hierarchies, authority, nature, growth, identity (personal, genetic, national, cultural, religious...), of all that is considered universal, and, as a consequence, of Judeo - Christian values and divine revelation.
The basic tenet of postmodernity [1] is that every reality is a social construct, that truth and reality have no stable and objective content.
What happens when we go deeper is that we see that globalization is part of a larger and broader concept of postmodernity — as an emergence from modernity into an as yet defined era in history in which a distinctive rationality of plurality and fallibilism sets in.
We can agree with much of Moran's thesis, but overall it simply is not true that the dominant tribe of postmodernity — in academia, Silicon Valley, and the arts — is creative.
In particular, he highlights the work of Charles Taylor and Nicholas Boyle, which while critiquing various aspects of postmodernity — the dehumanising nature of the growing secularism and the rise of the consumerist ideology — positively suggests the potential of Christian humanism to contribute to a renewal.
Thus the sola of sola Scriptura is epistemologically untenable, no matter where one stands in the hermeneutical wars of postmodernity.
This caution notwithstanding, Armstrong's is an accessible, instructive book with much to say about the realism at the heart of postmodernity rightly understood.
Thus, for example, he ridicules the «doyens of postmodernity» for writing into the plays their own «prejudiced agenda.»
Gianni Vattimo is an Italian prophet of postmodernity.
All the book's articles take the concerns of postmodernity and pluralism seriously, and the first 50 pages address the contemporary challenges of doing apologetics.
In the words of Richard Bauckham, the biblical story is about nothing less than the whole of reality, and thus it can not be «reduced to an unpretentious local language game in the pluralism of postmodernity
but strangely that non-involvement attempt itself is also a passive statement of postmodernity where individuals, or let's say third - world female individuals.
I remember a theologian making reference to this book as being very sad and depressing, a sort of portent of the meaninglessness of postmodernity, and I've already got enough sadness in my life, thank you very much, what with Facebook and bloating.
Founded in 2008, Shoppinghour Magazine is a London - based publication that has as its aim the reconstruction of a culture mired in the nihilist vestiges of postmodernity.
As a result, this gives their art a guaranteed degree of postmodernity.
Dalwood's work is instructive in relation to the Otolith Group: everything can be conceptually in place (and Dalwood's paintings are nothing if not carefully researched and steeped in art - historical nods and winks), but without some sort of visual seduction, it might as well be a post-graduate thesis on «the meta - spaces of postmodernity» pinned to the wall (some of my best friends are postgraduate students, by the way).
Unfortunately there is an extreme version of PostModernity which is now so endemic it gets its own name: Mean Green.
In Archaeologies of the Future, Fredric Jameson identifies the utopian imagination in the age of postmodernity and late capitalism by a shift from what can be wished for to the formal properties of the act of wishing.
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