Sentences with phrase «of potential suitors»

Out - of - favour Chelsea defender David Luiz looks set to stay with the Blues until at least the end of the season, despite reports linking the Brazilian with a number of potential suitors in recent weeks.
As the London Evening Standard report, Sanchez's Gunners contract expires in 2018, and there are plenty of potential suitors if he does decide to leave North London.
Unfortunately we are on a long - list of potential suitors including Barcelona, Chelsea and Manchester United, so it is hard to get excited about our chances of landing the young Brazilian.
He is also a Watford transfer target but the Gunners would jump top of the list of potential suitors if their interest is real.
Singles on these sites have access to thousands of profiles of potential suitors, which can be thinned out when you put the specific qualities you are looking for in a partner into the search engine.
Now of course Ranieri isn't pointing the finger in the direction of Mahrez to Arsenal, in fact the Italian doesn't make any mention of any potential suitors for Mahrez's signature.
In this feature, we run down five of the key players to watch during the week's last - eight ties as they attempt to catch the eye of potential suitors or look to convince would - be buyers of their worth.
City boss Pep Guardiola wants to hand the Spaniard a 12 - month extension, to keep him out of the clutches of any potential suitors who are prepared to offer Silva a lucrative long - term deal.
Based on the age of most of my potential suitors, they should be in the «King» stage, but I've found many of them to behave like they are in the «Knight» stage — wanting adventure and fun, with no maturity about — or perhaps just not the desire to do — what it takes to be in a relationship.
Arsenal are set to hand Hector Bellerin an improved five - year contract in an attempt to keep him out of the clutches of potential suitors Barcelona and Manchester City.
Doing their best to ensure Murray Goulburn retains the cream of its potential suitors, Deutsche Bank's sale process is introducing a few extra stages for would - be buyers of the nation's largest dairy processor.
The big, strong French international is sure to have lots of potential suitors, but according to a report in the Star, Arsene Wenger has made personal contact with Kondogbia to try and lure him to the Emirates.
We are linked with both, although the striker is likely to cost in excess of # 50 Million, and as he closes on the Premier League golden boot, he may have a number of potential suitors queueing up.
Arsenal have been one of a number of potential suitors linked with his potential capture in recent windows, and fans have been crying out for a top striker to join the club in recent years.
Poldi could be being tactical and on the one hand trying to warm the Arsenal fans, whilst on the other trying to up the ante with regards to one of his potential suitors giving him an improved offer.
I guarantee you come January, not only Sanchez but also Ozil will be shopping around for a new club, and I have no doubt there will be a line of potential suitors.
The midfielder is believed to want to join Kagawa in the Premier League and he will have no shortage of potential suitors.
It remains to be seen whether Spurs, who were heavily linked with a move for the player during the summer, would look to rival Atleti for the player's signature, although they player has recently confirmed that he would prefer a switch to White Hart Lane than a transfer to AC Milan, another one of his potential suitors [Standard].
The thought process behind it, according to said reports, is to not only give Bonucci and Dybala a nice raise in terms of yearly salaries but also use it as a way to fend of any potential suitors that the two stalwarts may have in the coming transfer windows.
The English forward has been in strong goalscoring form this season and has impressed plenty of potential suitors south of the border, with Bhoys boss Neil Lennon claiming he should be picked to represent England.
His inability to match up to last season's goal tally hasn't affected the number of his potential suitors though.
«More worrisome is the fact that Mr. President most times, makes his damaging comments in international fora with potential investors in attendance to the extent that reminds one of the proverbial father who, in the presence of potential suitors, often portrays his daughters as wayward and yet constantly complain of their inability to find husbands.
Zebra finches brought up without their fathers don't react to the singing of potential suitors in the same way that female birds usually do, hinting that the environment in which the birds are raised can have a determining effect on their behaviour.
Female zebra finches brought up with both of their parents reacted in the «normal» way and preferred the courtship songs of potential suitors.
This means that, if you choose anonymity, you are alienating nearly half of your potential suitors — definite naughty list behavior!
In hopes of potential suitors getting the proper perspective, I say I'm «active but not athletic.»
I'm still having fun and have a steady stream of potential suitors.
I am not on here to seduce anyone's mind or body nor to catfish you (lol) but to explore the mind and search the heart of a potential suitor.
So without posting a naked photo of yourself swimming in hundred dollar bills, how do you catch the attention of potential suitors?
The only way for a woman to assess the authenticity of a potential suitor is to have clearly defined boundaries and standards.
Saying you're skeptical that the site will even work for you isn't going to bring in a flood of potential suitors.
Your closest friends will be the best judges of potential suitors.
And if people are feeling adventurous, they can expand the geographical range to widen the field of potential suitors.
CNN - July 19 - This month, a 63 - year - old woman launched «Date My Single Kid,» an online dating site to expand the scope of potential suitors for her son.
We need to help our users explore the softer side of potential suitors qualities, and keep an open mind.
It seems unavoidable that if we have filters and tick - boxes for features and likes or dislikes, we could be cutting off literally thousands of potential suitors because of something we might have thought minor or irrelevant if we met in the flesh.
And you'll have a steady flow of potential suitors if you can write a compelling profile.
But they're both so good and good - looking that you can accept the queen making goo - goo eyes over the poetry - spouting Sir Walter, who returns from the New World just after she's endured a bad - date montage of potential suitors.
Upon learning of her new found fortune, the arrogant Lady Ashford (Miranda Richardson), the mother of potential suitors to the Mansfield girls, quickly puts her deep - seated racism and antipathy towards the «rare and exotic» to one side and allows her son, Oliver Ashford, to take Dido's hand in marriage.
In the same way that putting your best selfie on a dating app will score you a bevy of potential suitors, showing the most adorable side of Fido on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebookcan also spark interest among your friends.
That's not because of a lack of potential suitors; there are plenty of fish in the sea (or students on campus).
Finding a perfect match isn't always easy, but the growth of online forums for swapping homes is widening the base of potential suitors and pushing the idea mainstream.
It does not take long to spot online dating cliches upon profiles of potential suitors.
The Ivory Coast international has shone in Ligue 1 and has attracted plenty of potential suitors, with the Mirror claiming Barcelona and PSG have shown an interest and Manchester City could also join the race.
Daters who are desirous of being perceived as more physically attractive in the eyes of a potential suitor must put forth more effort than three minutes of positive communication.
Subjects made less careful partner choices when presented with a long list of potential suitors.
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