Sentences with phrase «of practical people»

Art is useful in its own way, but I come from a group of practical people: I feel guilty about having questionable utility.
I got to view it through the lenses of practical people who were bright, rather than academics who have a blunted view of investing.
Over the years, it's become an icon of practical people upsizing from practical sedans, like the Toyota Camry.
Luckily, I'm blessed with a tribe full of practical people.
«I've always been sort of a practical person.
Since I am more of a practical person, my reading preference and selection of travel blogs will reflect useful travel information rather than individual travel stories on the road.

Not exact matches

They are Social Currency (e.g., sharing things that make people look good), Triggers (acknowledging that we talk about things that are top - of - mind), Emotion, Public (imitating what we see others do), Practical Value (news people can use) and Stories (information passed along under the guise of idle chitchat).
This book is 376 packed pages of practical advice and intimate stories from some of the most impressive and inspiring people Jared has met in his entire life.
Whenever I speak at events across the country, I break down leadership to its most basic and practical form: It's about meeting the needs of people and developing them to their fullest potential.
If you have a physical product, show a short video of a person using it in a practical setting.
Under the model of such a «patient - centered medical home,» for instance, health care providers could give people practical (and personally tailored) advice on the «next best action» they may be able to take in order to improve their health, perhaps by improving their diet or boosting how much exercise they get.
People understand transactions as being a fair trade of value: Something costs me a certain amount of time, money or hassle, and I get some kind of practical or emotional value in return.
«People who had «measures of dark personality» were more likely to maintain relationships with their exes for «practical and sexual reasons,»» reports Medical Daily.
All of which may sound a bit touchy feely to the more hard - nosed entrepreneurs, but le Menestrel insists contemplating your overall dreams for your life is of real practical benefit to business people in three key ways.
The findings revealed people who had «measures of dark personality» were more likely to maintain relationships with their exes for «practical and sexual reasons.»
It gives specific, practical examples of people and organizations that are doing the things discussed, and talks about ways to adapt the techniques to a variety of situations.
For 99 % of the people, that's not practical.
Over 100 chapters of useful information to help Entrepreneurs; people who are starting a business; people running a business; students leaving college, or University, who want sound, good, practical advice, about their business.
Add the hundreds of billions of hours people spend annually driving and riding in cars instead of engaging in other, potentially more productive (or stimulating) activity, and automotive transportation as practical utility and time - consuming necessity seems ripe for a redesigned consumer experience and relationship.
Would you like practical tips to create and curate content and experiences worthy of being passed person - to - person?
We've identified some guidelines by combining lessons from academic research with the practical wisdom of experts on the ground — people we interviewed because they are known for their skill at advising.
It wasn't the practical reasons, like lower cost of living, great — and cheap — medical care, and friendly people, that convinced Dave Scott to move to San Ramón, a town on the western edge of Costa Rica's Central Valley region.
Since its publication a decade ago, Jack Canfield's practical and inspiring guide has become a classic that has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve success.
So the competition offered by sovereign bonds to gold — the other save haven investment — is basically gone from a practical point of view for people who will hold gold or bonds.
The VICE newsmagazine on HBO television has just done a documentary about geologist and mining entrepreneur Keith Barron's return to Ecuador as CEO of Aurania Resources, and it suggests that the country and its people have taken a new, realistic, and practical approach to exploiting their mineral riches.
Specifically, Coinone Indonesia's website states that the «lucky 10,000 persons who practical for pre-registration will be selected to get trade price [of] 0.00 % banking and [the] Qtum Airdrop.»
There are not a few people who rely on cryptocurrencies, we have seen that over time they have added to the growing faith of the cryptoactive, empresarios, artistas, filántropos, gurús, entrepreneurs, artists, philanthropists, gurus, investors, politicians, economists, and many influential and recognized people around the world who consider that currencies like bitcoin and others have tremendous potential and many practical uses.
But, in a nutshell, the essence of my book is covered above — short and sweet, jargon - free, and, I hope, a practical guide for those people who are looking for a low cost and easy to understand investment strategy.
This means people desire gold in and of itself, not necessarily because of any industrial or practical application.
Young Enterprise gives young people — from all backgrounds — the opportunity to realise their full potential through a range of practical enterprise programmes, from one day masterclasses to year - long projects.
They realize that as a practical matter, the average person is going to find the purchase of physical investment gold too difficult and intimidating to pursue, and will gravitate to electronic gold, even though some of them might buy some Maple Leafs.
If you want to keep people focused on your religion as a unifying set of moral and practical codes to live by, make attendence to religious services and taking the day off work to attend mandatory or else it is a sin punishable by death.
The book's strength lies in its practical advice on how to tear down obstacles to private charities (like our church's current struggle with HUD) and its sensible counsel on the kind of tough - minded compassion needed by people like Kenneth's mom.
I just have one issue with the article: why do some think that people of Faith are not practical as in the given example of helping someone who is sick — praying for them vs. doing something for them?
And, from a practical viewpoint, with the economy in the tank, unemployment out of limits, and us fighting a war that never had a possible solution, anything a couple of people can do to make themselves happy is none of anyone's business and, as far as I am concerned, OK.
The trauma of slavery, the fratricide of the Civil War, the profound legal ramifications of the Reconstruction amendments, the ignoble post-Reconstruction retreat from the moral and practical implications of black citizenship, the collective redemption of the Civil Rights Movement — these have worked to make us Americans the people we are.
With Christianity, although the reincarnation aspect seems to have purposefully removed so that people do not become «lazy» in search of God in this life time, the practical and strict rules governing functions in this life (hard work to lead a prosperous life, improving moral values, etc) are appealing.
Reflecting on the mystery of teachers one never meets or on the practical uselessness of philosophy, Schall here reminds increasingly busy people that human beings are most fully human when they are engaging in such unserious and impractical activities.
I'd like to note that when we «pray for someone» in the face of difficulty, it also means in addition to spiritual support, we should do something tangible and practical for the person.
Then again maybe that person is giving you some practical advice with «stay out of her way.»
It opens with a prohibition («judge not»), followed by a statement of what God will do (judge each person by his / her own judgment of others) and concludes with a practical application («first take the log out of your own eye»).
These guys lived their faith in real, tactical, practical ways that led millions of people closer to Jesus, in big efforts and small acts of love.
In practice, most people are at least partially aware of this problem and so vote for one of the two major parties, who divide up their positions to try and get just over half of the practical voters.
In fact, over two thousand years of biblical interpretation, the Christian religion has proved to be ridiculously flexible, able to tolerate significant theological and practical differences without, you know, us having to say «farewell» to people who land on a different interpretation.»
facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
The practical life of the church musician is the outcome of a vocation — a calling — that serves God and the people of God with God's unique gift of music.
He conveniently overlooks certain other considerations favorable to socialism; when these considerations are given their due, even some practical people unafflicted by the need for a secular religion will find the alleged superiority of capitalism something less than obvious.
And yet, as often happens, Jesus» advice is also based on common sense — the sort of down - to - earth, practical wisdom that is dispensed today by people like Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren, and that fills the Old Testament book of Proverbs.
A hand that offers practical support, a listening ear, words of advice when the Spirit guides us to share it, and the revolutionary acts of love that hold people accountable while also letting them know that you are with them through it all are what we should display.
One of the greatest intellectual crises of our age, one with enormous practical implications, is the fact that most people simply do not believe that there are any universal principles of right and wrong, or, if there are such principles, that we can know them sufficiently to demand adherence to them.
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