Sentences with phrase «of press attention»

They are receiving a lot of press attention and surveys of institutional investors show that they plan to increase their adoption of smart beta ETFs.
You can't expect a flurry of press attention to necessarily translate to moving the sales needle.
Unfortunately, these well - founded, science - based critiques did not attract the same level of press attention that the original garnered.
The pending $ 67 billion takeover, which could be one of the largest tech deals of all time, has received no shortage of press attention.
In the 1970s, when global temperatures were cooling, some scientists could not resist the lure of press attention by arguing that a new ice age was imminent.
My suspicion is that saturation - levels of press attention can make a big difference, but a single isolated mention — even a big one — probably won't move the needle.
We mention this study as it received a great deal of press attention when it first came out leading many people to read the «headline» that PBDE's were being investigated as a cause of hyperthyroidism in cats and miss the conclusion that no significant difference in groups was found.
Government takes advantage of press attention on reshuffle to force through emergency surveillance legislation
The government took advantage of press attention on the reshuffle today to force through emergency surveillance legislation which could introduce the snoopers» charter by the backdoor.
A good way to build the President's following, to present his messaging unfiltered by journalists, and to get a lot of press attention in the process?
Last week, a French artist living in Shanghai named Alexandre Ouairy received a wave of press attention for revealing that he had been exhibiting under the Chinese pseudonym Tao Hongjing for the past decade.
Expanding supply occupies the majority of press attention, and in the plan China does not disappoint: major expansions in coal extraction, unconventional natural gas (shale and coal - bed methane), large hydro, nuclear and renewables are already underway in an «all of the above» energy strategy.
The case of Wright v Wright [2015] EWCA Civ 201 generated a storm of press attention.
While uBeam has received a great deal of press attention, the company seems to work with the media only on its own terms.
Party conference speeches are especially significant because they are expansive, get lots of press attention, and, above all, allow leaders to set an agenda of their personal choice.
The new DExEU committee has enjoyed an unusual amount of press attention, particularly after its questioning of David Davis, clips of which were widely circulated on social media.
Tension mounted over a year since the announcement was made that it was to come to the North of England for the first time; there was a flurry of press attention.
There's a study that shows that after people become superstar CEOs — they get a lot of press attention, they write a book — their pay goes up, but the performance of their companies goes down.
The president's power includes having the bully pulpit (lots of press attention).
The group, which campaigns for decent social housing for all that need it, has received a lot of press attention, and similar campaigns have since sprung up all over London.
On 14 October 1974, the executive of the 1922 Committee met at du Cann's home, amidst a good deal of press attention.
The soon - to - begin Human Genome Project was getting lots of press attention, and Beckmann decided to look for a job in industry.
It's been a great audi - ence and a great crowd; a lot of institutional contacts to build upon, a lot of press attention and in terms of sales we've done well so I'm happy.
These paintings were shown in The Brooklyn Museum in 1935, receiving a good deal of press attention.
As so often with the Turner Prize, this created a great deal of press attention, most of it questioning whether something as minimalist as this could be considered art at all.
Tracey Emin: Because of the amount of press attention, people went to see this dirty bed, as if it was a freak show.
It's been a great audience and a great crowd; a lot of institutional contacts to build upon, a lot of press attention and in terms of sales we've done well so I'm happy.
The recent paper in Science Express by Hansen et al (on which I am a co-author) has garnered quite a lot of press attention and has been described as the «smoking gun» for anthropogenic climate change.
Prince Louis, whilst acknowledging that some of the press attention had been unfair on Princess Tessy and had amounted to a «personal attack», argued that the restriction should place a complete ban on the publication of any information concerning the children or the financial arrangements of the parties, including the information which Princess Tessy wished to disclose.
Junior Seau Car Accident While Jimmy McMillan and his antics have drawn a lot of press attention, one of the biggest recent stories involves how NFL great Junior Seau got read more...
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