Sentences with phrase «of pressure»

But there's a whole lot of pressure on women who speak to do so in this way or that way but not in their way.
I put a lot of pressure on making big changes during our first year as a married couple.
Much is left to the discretion of school administrators who face no small amount of pressure from other children's parents to minimize disruption and maximize student achievement.
Furthermore, I came under a lot of pressure from certain family members to take a firmer stand with him as they believed I was being too soft and rewarding bad behaviour.
If you can identify a few healthy snack foods that your kids actually enjoy, you can take a lot of pressure off of the dinner table.
The level of pressure in the hydraulic system must be well regulated and consistent to operate the various parts of the braking system properly.
«I can't do very fine details, because of the pressure of the printing press combined with the fact that you're printing on cardboard,» she says.
But in a complex world, which puts different kinds of pressure on us, it becomes so easy to neglect our most important relationships.
There are many factors that you can control though, that can take a bit of the pressure off you in terms of confidence.
Of all the races we do, this has the highest amount of pressure in some ways.
It has a much finer point and more levels of pressure sensitivity, allowing for a more accurate and precise writing experience.
On top of that, it offers a heading function and several different speeds to get just the right amount of pressure for your needs.
These people are relieving a great deal of pressure from the state care system and acting in the best interests of incredibly vulnerable children, benefiting the rest of society.
The bias in favour of doom - laden articles was partly the result of pressure on scientists to produce eye - catching work, he added.
I had tons of pressure from other moms who said, and almost demanded, that I breastfeed, that if I didn't it would greatly effect my babies in the future.
The most glaring omission is the lack of pressure sensitivity — this isn't for pros.
Are there any benefits to using a slow cooker instead of a pressure cooker though?
Your teenager may trigger all sorts of pressures in your life and in your marriage.
Both camps fear that a shutdown is increasingly likely — and they blame the conservative movement's cottage industry of pressure groups.
A tire loses one pound of pressure for every 10 - degree drop in ambient temperature.
The stylus does not provide you with different degrees of pressure sensitivity so you will be relying on the five different pen sizes.
Without width, it becomes harder to break teams down, and it's also hard to play out of pressure when a side lacks an outlet with pace.
In the face of pressure from local district supporters, two housing developments that had planned to provide land for charter schools instead gave it to district schools.
It takes most of the pressure when it is moving.
After ten years without a romantic comedy he said that he had a lot of pressure with the performance.
Turn off heat and allow for a slow release of the pressure, about 10 minutes.
Apply a little bit of pressure as you press the powder into the wound to make sure it sticks.
With the ease of pressure cooking, this special treat does not have to take hours.
Competition for student enrollment provides exactly this type of pressure on schools.
What if a tap, a few «cue» words, and simply being more aware, could help relieve years of pressure and strain in your body?
It has great sense of pressure points and it's beginning to feel more and more realistic.
The feeling of pressure in and around the uterus grows as your baby develops, to such an extent that it can become genuinely painful.
No matter where the therapy focuses, it is absolutely vital that it not become an additional source of pressure for the couple, but rather a safe and open place to better connect.
Drive your bottom food into the ground, with most of the pressure going on the heel side.
Chances are, your child feels some sense of pressure from their coach.
Because of this gender gap, the first level of pressure comes from the fact that there are simply not enough women available for all of the men.
You have to tap exactly at the right spot with an amount of pressure which is not too much or too little.
Let go of the pressure of needing to find someone.
That is because much of the pressure for these decisions came from the medical profession.
As much as everyone likes to talk about «innovation», there are plenty of pressures against change.
The reduced blood flow and build up of pressure causes heart attacks.
Teachers over 50, who are best aware of the pressures of teaching for older teachers, agree even more strongly.
This pulse comes in the form of a pressure pulse within the normal seasonal atmospheric transport.
There is a lot of pressure placed on using birth control.
Even if in the end, the home goes back, seniors I speak with, are almost always relieved to be free of the pressure of a payment they couldn't afford.
On its face, it appears to announce a major new public health initiative after months of pressure.
Also featured as standard are run - flat safety tires, which enable continued driving even after a complete loss of pressure in the tires.

Phrases with «of pressure»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z