Sentences with phrase «of preterm labor»

«Twins are at higher risk of preterm labor and delivery and have higher degree of respiratory issues.»
A Primer on the Signs of Preterm Labor Remember to contact your caregiver immediately if you experience any of these possible warning signs:
Both rhythmic pain and severe back pain are sometimes symptoms of preterm labor, so consulting a doctor is important if a woman experiences rhythmic pain.
Despite this, the causes of preterm labor remain «one of the big mysteries in science,» MacKenzie said.
Ask your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program, especially if you have risk factors such as preeclampsia or a history of preterm labor.
Expectant moms are more educated than ever about how to ensure a healthy pregnancy, yet rates of preterm labor rising steadily.
Dehydration can induce contractions and the onset of preterm labor.
However, 30 % of preterm labor resolves spontaneously, without treatment.
Diagnosis of preterm labor and overview of preterm birth.
Too much fluid causes about 26 percent of preterm labor and delivery situations.
You might hear a few frightening stories of preterm labor and extended hospitalization, but you'll also be reassured that many mothers deliver healthy full - term babies without any problems at all.
In preparing for the possibility of preterm labor, I was working with a lactation specialist to learn how to pump milk for a preterm baby.
Of course, some pregnancies are not destined to proceed as we hope, whether the mother is breastfeeding or not, and so breastfeeding mothers have suffered their share of preterm labor and miscarriage as well.
During week thirty - one of your pregnancy, you may be experiencing an increase in Braxton - Hicks contractions and beginning to wonder if they might actually be an indication of preterm labor symptoms.
It can provide benefits for both mom and her babies, prolonging a pregnancy in danger of preterm labor or proving restoration to a woman whose body is under stress.
They might give your baby steroids to develop your babies» lungs in case of preterm labor.
Said Tiffani Lash, Ph.D., director of the NIBIB program in Microfluidic Bioanalytical Systems, «It is exciting to see the continued growth of microfluidic technologies being used as miniaturized diagnostic platforms, particularly in this case for reducing the incidence of preterm labor and delivery.
$ 2.5 Million Verdict Mismanagement of preterm labor resulting in a stillbirth, 2006.
Maybe you are also on bedrest due to high blood pressure or preeclampsia or maybe you are at risk of preterm labor.
As in any pregnancy, you should be on the look out for signs of preterm labor.
«We're showing that in the context of maternal infection or inflammation — the most common cause of preterm labor — the naive fetal immune system wakes up, gets activated too early, and can actually identify and reject the mother's cells,» said lead researcher Dr. Tippi MacKenzie.
You are pregnant and high risk: If you're pregnant with multiples, you've had a previous miscarriage, or you have a history of preterm labor, avoid any stimulation at the breast.
These are normal and are not symptoms of preterm labor.
They have a higher rate of other problems in their pregnancy and now we know that they have a higher rate of preterm labor.
These oils are vital for the normal development of the retina, fetal nervous and immune systems and are essential for normal development of the fetal brain (70 % of all EFA»S go to the brain), They also help reduce your chances of developing preclampsia, reduce postpartum depression and minimize the chance of preterm labor.
If you're pregnant with twins or higher order multiples, then your medical care provider has probably already told you about the risk of preterm labor.
What are some of the signs of preterm labor?
Indeed I interviewed mothers for my book who did experience bleeding or symptoms of preterm labor; while some weaned to be on the safe side, some did not and they went on to have healthy babies.
Equally importantly, it takes pressure off the cervix and may help keep the uterus from contracting, reducing the risk of preterm labor.
Simply carrying multiple babies greatly increases the risk of preterm labor, so it's vital that expectant mothers of twins or more know the symptoms and seek appropriate medical care.
Become familiar with the warning signs of preterm labor.
However, women who have a history of preterm labor or miscarriages from earlier pregnancies, nursing can increase the risk of miscarriage of preterm labor.
BV has been linked to an increased risk of preterm labor and preterm rupture of the amniotic membranes surrounding your baby.
«Leaking is normal during pregnancy, and is not a sign of preterm labor or that your baby will come early,» Fresso says.
Be sure to keep an eye out for the signs of preterm labor, including early, sustained contractions, vaginal bleeding, or severe abdominal cramping.
Knowing the signs of preterm labor will equip you to respond quickly and obtain the best care for you and the babies.
Twin pregnancies carry some unique and difficult challenges — one of those being the risk of preterm labor.
Only direct research can definitively tell us whether breastfeeding can elevate the risk of preterm labor or miscarriage in any woman.
In the much less likely case that a twin dies in the second or third trimester, the remaining baby may be at an increased risk of intrauterine growth restriction and the mother may be at risk of preterm labor, infection or hemorrhaging.
One good bit of news is that if this is not your first baby, the risk of preterm labor and birth is less than a mother having her first baby over 40.
Be aware of any new or unusual aches and pains this could be a sign of preterm labor.
The broader focus of the Marvelous Multiples program encompasses the entire pregnancy experience, including reducing the risk of complications, learning about the signs of preterm labor, improving nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments.
In mid pregnancy or second trimester, some women may be concerned that leaking milk is a sign of preterm labor.
The number one cause of preterm labor is dehydration; in fact it is responsible for about 80 % of the cases.
If you have been told to avoid sex because of a history or risk of preterm labor, you will also want to ask if that means you need to discontinue orgasms without intercourse as well.
Women under 16 and over 35 have a higher risk of preterm labor (premature baby), and this risk increases for women in poverty, African Americans, and women who smoke.

Phrases with «of preterm labor»

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