Sentences with phrase «of private developers»

Several other new tools have since entered the market by way of private developers, and an upcoming beta known as c - lightning is expected to be available relatively soon.
And city planners have been concerned that park district control of a pier marina might dampen the interest of private developers in rebuilding the pier.
The county wants to buy the 17,300 - acre Conaway Ranch, farmland now in the hands of private developers who plan housing, office and retail on part of the property.
These lands are currently under the control of private developers and investors, putting commercial interest over Aviation safety and development.
Anyone paying attention would know that the selection of vendors is the sole responsibility of the private developer,» said Deputy Communications Director for Transportation Beth DeFalco.
The policy would help to trigger the entry of private developers and, if successful, would imply no actual resources from the guarantor.
Most violent evictions come at the instigation of private developers taking over land occupied by artists for real estate projects, although it is unclear who was behind an incident this year in Caochangdi, where members of the curiously named Iowa Co-op were forcibly evicted and their studios destroyed.
This policy captures what is now unearned income in the hands of private developers for a key public good — to radically increase the affordability of housing.
But Butler, whose Department of Public Works controls the pier, warned Sunday that park district control of a marina on the pier could dampen the interest of private developers, who may want to operate it themselves.
Several other new tools have since entered the market by way of private developers, and an upcoming beta known as c - lightning is expected to be
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