Sentences with phrase «of private education»

The scholarship would thus cover only a portion of the costs of the private education of eligible students.
Over the course of the past couple years, the availability of private education loans for students and families has been dwindling.
Before they can tackle any administrative challenges, policymakers in some states must address a constitutional challenge to the taxpayer funding of private education.
Nevertheless, critics of private education often implicitly extend the limited definition of «public» to mean the population served by the school.
For example, only a third of private education providers say they would accept voucher students if it meant state testing.
When that happens it will be the end of private education.
One of the key points of private education is individual attention.
Thus as parents, we were new not only to the concept of gifted education, but also to the world of private education.
The estimated cost of a private education in metropolitan Australia has skyrocketed 61 per cent, or $ 180,128, in the past 10 years, the data shows.
«The Effect of Private Education on Political Participation, Social Capital, and Tolerance: An Examination of the Latino National Political Survey.»
«Private Schools and the Public Good: The Effect of Private Education on Political Participation and Tolerance in the Texas Poll.»
Most federal student loans don't exact a penalty for doing this; however, some private lenders will charge a prepayment penalty for early payoff of private education loans.
Descriptions of City's globalisation programme would not look out of place in a dystopian novel with the provision of private education for teenage signings a jaw droppingly cynical element of their world view.
Enabling them to take advantage of market potential, determine revenue streams, identify new strategies, and form new partnerships for the development and evolution of private education projects and standards in Asia.
In an effort to better gauge the impact of the private education loan sector on college accessibility, I recently had the opportunity to sit down and discuss the topic with Peter Carroll, General Manager of the Higher Education Division for Overture Loan Marketplace.
As a result, even today the size of the private education sector — and thus the amount of competition between public and private schools — is related to the size of the Catholic population in 1900.
In the fall of 1996, SCSF announced it would cover a portion of the costs of the private education of 1,000 students who would otherwise be attending public school.
The idea was proposed by a Nebraska high school student named Shelbi Klingsporn as part of a private education program partnership with NASA and is now being supported by Medtronic.
We might as well expect public schools for the indigent to weaken the standard of private education among the wealthy; or asylums for the deaf and blind, to make Possessors of perfect eyes and ears careless of their safety and indifferent to their preservation; or humanity towards the aged and the suffering to promote idleness and improvidence among the young and healthy... as to imagine that asylums for inebriates will promote and increase drunkenness.
Many of the best talents in the city and its surrounding area are now being picked up by the team in Blue, with their superior offers to youngsters, including a guarantee of a private education regardless of whether they realise their potential as footballers or not.
Oh, and she's also a hypocrite who spent years ranting about the evils of private education only to send her own son to a private school using the lame excuse: «I was a single mum just trying to do the best for my son.»»
The ASG Planning for Education Index found that for a child born in 2018, the estimated cost of a private education across metropolitan Australia is $ 475,342.
While the school district contended that the language of IDEA demanded attendance at a public school first, the Second Circuit had already ruled in a prior case that this was an incorrect reading of the law, and could unreasonably require parents either to place children in an inadequate program or shoulder the financial burden of a private education, a result it called «absurd.»
In Rabat, the group attended meetings with several departments of the Ministry of Education, including the Department of Strategy, Planning, and Statistics; the department for the promotion of private education and cooperation; the Department of Curriculum; the Department of Quality; the Department of Higher Education; and the Department of Non-Formal Education.
Critics speak of high - priced preparatory schools as though they are the only, or at least the most common, type of private education in the United States.
While students in Catholic schools (the most common form of private education) and secular private schools are more politically tolerant than students in assigned public schools, the 2 percent of America's students in other religious schools - an amalgam of schools sponsored by many different faiths - score lower on the political tolerance index.
The study for which James S. Coleman is best known today makes no mention of private education.
To the contrary, it is Ravitch who lacks any understanding of the crucial role of private education in a free and pluralistic society.
Mr. Abbey, 60, is the vice president for education at Nobel Learning Communities Inc., a provider of private education located in West Chester, Pa..
What» s really happening here are big structural changes across the industry as the traditional model of private education — at both levels — becomes unaffordable, unnecessary, or both, and as more viable options for students and families present themselves.
The price of private education hit me when we broke up and it was time to enroll Krystal in Catholic school — I couldn't afford it on my own so she attended a neighborhood school.
Since a primary benefit of private education is the curricular innovation that can be achieved outside of the regulatory bounds of a public system, state impositions of testing (and by extension curricula) effectively reduce private schools to alternative and independent facsimiles of public schools.
And as an up - and - coming state in the sphere of private education, one that has emerged as a leader in the Midwest, the Land of Lincoln has become a popular destination for teachers who want to be on the frontlines of educational innovation, especially those who want to teach underserved communities and second - language learners, who comprise a rising percentage of the state's K - 12 student population.
That's a particular brand of hypocrisy, given how many leaders on the left who advocate this position, have themselves or have had family members who are the beneficiaries of a private education
These and other organizations fear that vouchers, as general revenue from government coffers, will bring increased regulation and control of private education.
Bank of America stopped making private student loans in 2008, in the aftermath of the bankruptcy of The Educational Resource Institute (TERI), formerly the largest guarantor of private education loans, amid a wave of borrower delinquencies and defaults.
And, if you have to go the route of a private education loan, you should definitely make use of all the tools and resources provided through Overture's Student Loan Marketplace.
Keep in mind that the data within this report pertains to federal student loans such as the Stafford Loan or Perkins Loan; it does not include the performance of private education loans.
Question 2: Peter, based upon your experience, how would you gauge the importance of private education loans when it comes to college funding?
There are currently no Federal Loan Alternatives that allow the consolidation of private education loans.
The Committee for Private Education released the results of its Private Education Institution (PEI) Graduate Employment Survey (GES) today.
Reduction of all tax funding of private education via vouchers back to the original intent — accommodation of handicapped student needs.
Most federal student loans don't exact a penalty for doing this; however, some private lenders will charge a prepayment penalty for early payoff of private education loans.
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