Sentences with phrase «of private organizations»

Instead, they could seek credentials through any of a list of private organizations that the state already recognizes for other, narrower purposes.
The third level is private blockchains (chains of private organizations).
A number of private organizations offer assistance and we do as well.
Among other reasons, the deduction is intended to subsidize the activities of private organizations that provide viable alternatives to direct government programs.
Most of the promotion of organic agriculture however, has been the responsibility of private organizations (e.g. Canberra Organic Growers and Brisbane Organic Growers) and it is from these organizations that training and technical assistance to organic farmers is available.
But plenty of private organizations do mathematics research, including MIT, CalTech, Harvard, etc..
The centerpiece of the B612 Foundation, Sentinel is a big - budget test case of the ability of private organizations to step up and do the science that government is unable to support.
Christopher J. Doherty, the director of a private organization that manages whole - school - reform programs in the Baltimore school system, has been named to head President Bush's Reading First initiative.
The inclusion of any resources shall not be construed or interpreted as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services of any private organization or its business, products or services referenced herein.
Meanwhile, the Christie administration wants to allow someone with a bachelor's degree and «sufficient management and leadership experience in a public of private organization» to become a charter school administrator, if approved by the state.
The federal government, along with a coalition of private organizations, is supporting the concept of Common Core State Standards that would create the same standards throughout the country, and many governors have urged their states to follow them.
If you decide to develop a grant proposal, the first things you should know are to understand the goals of the private organization or particular federal agency as well as a grant program itself.
Now, not only can DAS not perform TNR but it can't inform city residents of the private organizations that do, and it can't give shelter cats to TNR groups unless those groups sign an agreement not to carry out the «release» part of their program.
Members of Congress and their staffers who travel at the expense of private organizations must follow a long list of legal restrictions and requirements.
In a nutshell, states are violating the Constitution by passing an insidious law for the benefit of a private organization.
Network hospitals and cashless benefit may or may not be exclusively offered by government of private organization.
But many charter schools in North Carolina contract with for - profit companies that manage them — and the salaries of the employees of those private organizations would not be required to be made public.
In California, courts generally decline to substitute the judgment of the court for that of a private organization in an intra-organizational dispute and will only intercede when the interpretation of the rules by the private organization is unreasonable.
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