Sentences with phrase «of private property»

Under this system it is assumed that a just distribution of goods and services will automatically follow the elimination of private property rights in the means of production.
The law also allows owners of private property to establish speed limits on their property.
The taking of private property for public use by a government unit, against the will of the owner, but with payment of just compensation under the government's power of eminent domain.
We oppose local measures that are designed to limit the basic rights of private property ownership.
Property damages are expenses related to the loss or destruction of private property through negligence.
Neither are we intent upon defending the principle of private property as an adequate basis for the modern economic structure.
With the development of private property ownership, real estate has become a major area of business, commonly referred to as commercial real estate.
There is obviously a good deal to be said, from a conservative point of view, for the institution of private property....
In 2004, amendments were made to Chinese constitution, for the first time in the contemporary history of the country introducing the concept of private property.
Pride, because you're the ones who make our system of private property ownership work.
Therefore, the latter did not receive legal protection covering other types of private property.
The rankings reflect policies and institutions supportive of personal choice, voluntary exchange, free competition, and security of private property.
The novel concept of a public accommodation ended the constitutional guarantees of private property and freedom of association.
We leave the theater with a renewed appreciation for the highest purpose of private property.
There is no difference, whether we speak of private property or of state capitalism, there is always a group or class which is privileged above others to own or to enjoy.
It forces us to examine the meaning of private property and the issues of our stewardship over the physical resources and the means of production in our world.
Your homeowners policy will automatically protect a certain percentage of your private property, but it may not be enough.
The suit centered on the constitutional prohibition against government taking of private property without just compensation.
Where an injury occurs as a result of snow or ice on their property, cities and municipalities are subject to a different standard of care than are owners of private property.
This would diminish its value to the owner which would create an unlawful taking of your private property.
But such a solution still maintains the basic principle of private property: it considers material possession and not man's self - realization as the aim of labour.
One of our strongest tenets as REALTORS ® is the protection of private property rights.
Those sentiments have been echoed by the de Blasio administration, which would also need to sign onto the megaproject, and whose first deputy mayor, Tony Shorris, recently argued that, «New York City and its residents must have a full voice in key issues such as site selection, terminal size, operational improvements and how to avoid the need for condemnation of private property in the area.»
The idea of private property as essential to a Christian civilization was also part of the English interpretation of God's Providence.3 In the nineteenth - century American version of «salvation history,» property ownership was regarded as a sign of God's blessing, failure to own property as either punishment or a sign of moral failure.
Appropriation: The act of taking control of something, such as the taking over of private property for public use.
I keep reading through Rabbi Michael Lerner's Tikkun, Jim Wallis» Sojourners, and the parallel writings of the far Catholic left, and I fail to pick up much hankering for the old essential characteristics of socialism: the abolition of private property, the government - managed economy, and at....
Appoint judges to the federal bench who take a strict constructionist view of private property rights in the constitution.
Additional Readings in Austrian Economics The Economics and Ethics of Private Property by Hans - Hermann Hoppe A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (read online) by Hans - Hermann Hoppe Economic Science and the Austrian Method (read online) by Hans - Hermann Hoppe Praxeology and Understanding: An Analysis of the Controversy in Austrian Economics (read online) by George Selgin
According to Marx, communism strives for such a society, and hence he describes communism as «the positive transcendence of private property,... the real appropriation of the human essence by and for man;... 14 Most communist theories suppress private property by making it into common property.
Kaanapali Skyline Adventure stands tall on a large piece of private property high in the West Maui Mountains.
Part of the Tawney critique of capitalism was that some kinds of private property right divorce income from useful social function, and that was really a point about reciprocity.
The court acknowledged certain infringements on private ownership of land were allowed, specifically expropriation of private property for the public good in clearly defined and limited circumstances.
Justice Kennedy commented that «the reach and systemic consequences of the Clean Water Act remain a cause for concern,» and that «the Act continues to raise troubling questions regarding the Government's power to cast doubt on the full use and enjoyment of private property throughout the Nation.»
Claire Fontaine has been the subject of group shows internationally, including Economies at North Miami's Museum of Contemporary Art (2010), After Marx April, After Mao June at the Aspen Art Museum (2009), and Instructions for the Sharing of Private Property at the Kitchen (2008).
Currently, article 13 of the Constitution proclaims the inviolability of the private property of Chinese citizens.
A George Bush victory would put at the top of the executive branch a champion of private property rights, state and local growth management, and moderate environmental policies.
... As Victor Hanson and John Heath write, «Not one of the multicultural classicists really wishes to live under indigenous pre «Colombian ideas of government, Arabic protocols for female behavior, Chinese canons of medical ethics, Islamic traditions of church and state, African approaches to science, Japanese ideas of race, Indian social castes, or Native American notions of private property
If you believe in the Republican platform, you can't support eminent domain,»» she said, referring to forced sale of private property to the government for public use — a process TransCanada invoked and would presumably have to use again to gain right - of - way for Keystone XL.
And what's most important is that you have to return the values of private property
There is, for example, a tradition of libertarian thought which argues that people (can) establish moral rights to highly unequal amounts of private property and income in a state of nature.
Gallo swore condemnation of private property would be «the very last resort.»
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