Sentences with phrase «of private school tuition»

The judge determined there was no agreement between the parents and concluded the court could not include the cost of private school tuition in the child support calculation.
This is often based on the average per pupil state expenditure for public school and is used to pay for all or part of private school tuition.
The new tax law has made it so that the first $ 10,000 per year of private school tuition is essentially tax - free with proper planning.
The voucher is typically capped at a particular threshold, which may or may not cover the full cost of private school tuition.
We should put more into it, but our relatively big expenses (between $ 10 - 12K a month because of private school tuition for my wife, and living in a HCOL area), is keeping us from maximizing the potential of certain tax shelters.
First, elementary and middle schools may have more of an incentive to respond to competitive pressure than high schools because the scholarships cover a greater share of private school tuition and fees in the early grades than they do in the high school years.
States using «neovouchers» — or backdoor vouchers — to encourage donations to private school scholarship funds or to offset the costs of private school tuitions illegally allow wealthy taxpayers to turn a profit when making charitable contributions to private schools, according to a new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.
And schools in New Jersey's own top ranks can lay out as much per pupil as the equivalent of private school tuition.
Endrew's parents sued Douglas County Public Schools in federal district court for reimbursement of the private school tuition on the basis that the district failed to provide Endrew with a «free appropriate public education» (FAPE) as outlined under IDEA.
Public subsidies of private school tuition fees paid for the education of Prime Minister Trudeau, who leads the most multicultural nation in the world, and are available to the citizens of France, Germany, Belgium, Australia, and many others that continue to attract immigrants through more welcoming integration policies than are available in the United States.
The judge, therefore, did not cover the cost of private school tuition in Romine's monthly child support obligation.
For example, the court may require payment of private school tuition for a child who attended private or parochial school for an extended period of time before the divorce.
Choice programs come in several flavors, including charter schools, which are publicly funded but independently operated; private school vouchers, which cover all or part of private school tuition; and open enrollment plans (sometimes called public school vouchers) that allow parents to send their child to any public school in the district.
Additionally, the paying parent may be responsible for a share of private school tuition, summer camp expenses, tutoring, sports or arts lessons or other special needs, if such expenses are reasonable in light of the parents» incomes and station in life.
States using neovouchers - or backdoor vouchers - to encourage donations to private school scholarship funds or to offset the costs of private school tuitions illegally allow wealthy taxpayers to turn a profit when making charitable contributions to private schools,...
Students can receive a scholarship worth up to $ 8,000 to cover the costs of private school tuition, fees, and transportation if it is provided by the private school.
The report examines tax policies in 20 states that have circumvented public opposition or even constitutional obstacles to publicly funded private school vouchers by using their tax codes to either encourage donations to private school scholarship funds, also known as neovouchers or backdoor vouchers or to offset the cost of private school tuition.
Most Vouchers Do Not Cover the Cost of Private School Tuition — Sixty - eight percent of high schools and 62 % of K - 8 schools charged tuition rates above those of the cap on each student's voucher.
Critics point to the fact that this amount of money doesn't cover the cost of private school tuition and those who take advantage of it will be already economically positioned to attend private school, with our without the voucher.
However, the $ 250 credit is very small compared to the costs of private school tuition and covers only 25 percent of expenditures.
Education Week reported: «Over the objections of teachers» unions and many Democrats, Louisiana's Republican governor and GOP - controlled legislature have crafted one of the most exhaustive education overhauls of any state in the country, through measures that will dramatically expand families» access to public money to cover the costs of both private school tuition and individual courses offered by a menu of providers.»
The voucher amount equals the lesser of state and local spending per pupil or the cost of private school tuition.
That money would then be offered up as vouchers to families to offset the cost of private school tuition.
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