Sentences with phrase «of private time»

But for me that requires a lot of private time and private space, which I have almost none of at the moment.
DO YOU enjoy the outdoors, need plenty of private time and crave red meat?
Just having that little window of private time goes a long way.
In terms of private time, noise can be an issue since it's such a small space.
While Kitty (Ellie Kendrick), Dolly's younger sister, wanders about complaining about the lack of suitable suitors in her life, Joseph tries to make inroads into stealing a bit of private time with Dolly, to suss out whether she still might have feelings for him.
First, you'll need a couple of minutes of private time with the big TV before turning it over to whichever domestic dictator is kicking you out.
If O'Malley can steal a bit of private time, he admits to being smitten with the works of Irish playwright Brendan Behan and autobiographies of political figures.
In the book, Wolff wrote Trump «had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One».
Obsessed with Social Media — flirtatious conversations on Facebook, constantly connecting with old friends of the opposite sex, spending lots of private time on social media.
«What I most appreciated was Larry's quiet control of the meetings: stating up front what was and was not helpful, his direction during each session, the moments of private time with both of us, and his calm professionalism.»
A study of military professionals, in arguably some of the most stressful positions in the world, showed that simple steps such as taking a few minutes of private time or removing their uniforms helped them ease into the home environment.
I love to laugh, cook, watch movies, spend lots of private time with my man.i love to spoil and pamper my man.i am a home body but would love to travel
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