Sentences with phrase «of procedural justice»

Attention is given to the background and political context of procedural justice theory.
A court user's experience of procedural justice in this social or psychological sense can be enhanced by the use of humour.
Mediation may not meet the fairness test in terms of procedural justice, but does it need to?
To them, it is an article of faith that a full trial is «the essence of procedural justice and its deprivation the mark of procedural injustice».
Application of Prcoedural Justice Research to Judicial Actions and Techniques in Settlement Sessions (abstract only) Nancy Welsh, Donna Stienstra, and Barbara McAdoo, Penn State Law Research Paper 18 - 2013 This paper presents a questionnaire in which perceptions of procedural justice are assessed in settlement sessions of civil, non-family law cases.
The Role of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Shaping Public Support for Policing Jason Sunshine & Tom Tyler, 37 Law and Society Review 513 (2003) Professors Sunshine and Tyler use data from New York City residents to examine several aspects of police legitimacy and procedural fairness.
Treat Us Fairly and We Won't Complain: Multilevel Effects of Procedural Justice on Complaining Behavior in Team Meetings
According to the standards of procedural justice, which calls for treating similar cases in a similar fashion, nations should not be selective in implementing trade rules but should simply let mutually agreed - upon processes and procedures run their course.
This is the bedrock principle behind the concepts of procedural justice and police legitimacy.
In rejecting the submission he observed, «it would be remarkable if there were a material difference of general approach between Convention law and EU law in relation to the important issue of procedural justice raised in this appeal.»
Examinations of Procedural Justice and Treatment Satisfaction in Veterans Treatment Court - Richard Hartley, University of Texas at San Antonio; Julie Baldwin, Missouri State University
The existence of procedural justice and legitimacy, as well as their causes and correlates, are also determined.
Much of the reasoning in the Administrative Court was upheld by the majority but Elias LJ's dissent brings in to sharp focus some interesting questions arising out of the relationship of procedural justice and executive freedom.
The introduction and application of procedural justice practice has allowed the Antitrust Division to make gains in enforcement and conviction.
Mechanisms of Legal Effect: Theories of Procedural Justice Tom Tyler, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2011) Tom Tyler discusses the impact that procedural fairness can have on the physical and psychological health of employees in large organizations.
* * * Domestic violence victims and advocates know full well the benefit of procedural justice.
The present study utilizes survey data collected from a representative sample of 1,204 Australians to show that the effect of procedural justice on victims» willingness to report crime to police is context specific.
Modeling the Message: Communicating Compliance Through Organizational Values and Culture (abstract only) Scott Killingsworth, 25 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics (2012) This article examines how principles of procedural justice can be applied in the managerial context, specifically how cultural attributes and managerial communications can either enhance or undermine voluntary adherence to organizational rules and legal requirements.
The importance for court users to experience procedural justice is emphasised by Tyler, who argues that «people's willingness to accept the constraints of the law and legal authorities is strongly linked to their evaluations of the procedural justice of the... courts».
The presence of this adequately financed legal support was critical to the smooth, informed operation of the Fund and to achieving a measure of procedural justice — allowing lawyers to tell family members» stories effectively and meaningfully.
By contrast, the antecedents of procedural justice were seen as relatively simple and mainly composed of factors under the control of the supplier.
The researchers measured job satisfaction in terms of procedural justice, autonomy, nurse - physician relationships, distributive justice, opportunities for promotion, workgroup cohesion, and variety in one's job.
The Role of Procedural Justice and Legitimacy in Shaping Public Support for Policing Jason Sunshine and Tom Tyler (2006) This study explores the relative importance of police legitimacy in shaping public support of the police and policing activities and which judgments about police activity determine people's views about the legitimacy of the police.
The Psychology of Procedural Justice in the Federal Courts Rebecca Hollander - Blumoff, 63 Hasting Law Journal 127 (2011) This article examines the federal court system from the perspective of the psychology of procedural justice to determine which features of civil litigation are likely to contribute to and detract from litigants» perceptions of procedural justice.
Legitimacy, Trust and Compliance: An Empirical Test of Procedural Justice Theory using the European Social Survey Hough, M., Jackson, J., and Bradford, B. (2013 forthcoming) in Legitimacy and Criminal Justice: An International Exploration, Yale University Press These related works present and discuss findings of an empirical test of procedural justice theory using the European Social Survey.
Tom Tyler has also discussed how implementing procedural justice prinicples can lead to increased physical and psychological health of employees in large organizations in his paper, «Mechanisms of Legal Effect: Theories of Procedural Justice
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