Sentences with phrase «of progenitor cells»

Besides having less angiogenesis, the older brains also had a smaller pool of progenitor cells in one area of the hippocampus.
This approach reveals that a single population of progenitor cells maintains normal cell turnover of the epidermis and oesophageal epithelium.
Nevertheless, older individuals form fewer new blood vessels within brain structures and possess a smaller pool of progenitor cells — descendants of stem cells that are more constrained in their capacity to differentiate and self - renew.
In fact, only 4 percent of stem cell transfers produced nascent embryos compared with 8 percent of progenitor cells and 35 percent of granulocytes.
The patients who strongly responded to GM - CSF, measured by the levels of progenitor cells in their blood, also saw more benefit in terms of maximum walking time.
«The activity of purine signaling in inducing eye field precursors,» he says, «might be a very useful tool for the culture dish — generation of progenitor cells for a variety of eye cell types.»
Additionally, the treatment reduced the number of progenitor cells in injured tissue that give rise to abnormal bone formation.
Bacterial spores store information about the individual growth history of their progenitor cells, thus retaining a «memory» that links the different stages of the bacterial life cycle.
By the 1970s researchers had recognized another type of progenitor cell in the adult bone marrow, which they named the mesenchymal stem cell.
Different sets of progenitor cells in the heart give rise to two different types of heart cells — muscle and nonmuscle.
That indicates that most of the progenitor cells had died and were replaced by offspring of the long - lived holoclones.
«And as a consequence of the lower replication of progenitor cells, WS brains have reduced cortex surface area.»
This pattern arises when uniform fields of progenitor cells diversify their molecular fate while adopting higher - order structure.
«The tumor cells have a mixed program of progenitor cells and neurons.
Using mice deficient in Del - 1, they found that the protein promotes proliferation and differentiation of hematopoetic stem cells, sending more of these progenitor cells down a path toward becoming myeloid cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, rather than lymphocytes, such as T cells and B cells.
More refinement of these approaches are necessary before clinical use, Â but it illustrates how engineered mixtures of progenitor cells and supportive materials are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complicated.
Using white fat tissue from liposuction or weight - loss surgery, «we might purify a population of these progenitor cells from an obese individual expressing C29 with high potential to become energy - dissipating cells,» she explains.
However, in nature, several vertebrates such as zebrafish bear a widespread regenerative ability that includes replenishment of neurons in the adult central nervous system due to the neurogenic activity of the progenitor cells.
Telomerase is believed to play a role in the normal development of progenitor cells.
Following coronary artery occlusion, SDF - 1α level is increased in the infarcted area, resulting in the recruitment of progenitor cells expressing CXCR4 for post-infarct repair [47].
A Hair's Life - Cycle: In order to understand AGA and the newly discovered key role of these progenitor cells in it, it's helpful to first review the normal life of a hair.
Recent evidence suggests the existence of progenitor cells in adult tissues that are capable of differentiating into vascular structures as well as into all hematopoietic cell lineages.
We investigate the topography of progenitor cell divisions, and neuronal differentiation, using the developing spinal cord and sensorimotor circuits as a model.
Using this assay, they demonstrate that, in areas nearly void of progenitor cells, ISCs are rapidly replaced upon re-feeding by depolyploidization of enterocytes through the process of amitosis.
«These results suggest that, as a result of the FMD and re-feeding cycle, the pancreatic islets contain an elevated number of cells with features of progenitor cells, which may differentiate and generate insulin - producing cells,» noted the research.
A recent study shows that male - pattern baldness may be caused by a lack of progenitor cells in hair follicles.
In these models, the capacity of a progenitor cell to differentiate into multiple lineages is determined by a form of «multi-lineage priming» [53], in which cells fluctuate through the early states of multiple lineage programs but remain within a stable basin of attraction.
The authors speculate that incomplete maturation of progenitor cells, as a consequence of DNA methylation changes, may eventually translate into increased risk of ER - negative breast cancer.
These growth factors are primarily responsible for the recruitment and differentiation of progenitor cells; promoting angiogenesis, new tissue growth, and replenishing the extracellular matrix.
After four months, only 37 percent of the progenitor cells were different from the holoclones.
Patients with ExMI tended to have a decrease (18 percent) in the levels of progenitor cells in their blood, while the rest of the group saw an increase (14 percent).
Acquiring a sufficient number of progenitor cells has been difficult, however, which is why scientists have considered induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), since they can be expanded at significantly high levels and then differentiated into the progenitors.
«In this way, the spores obtain a stable phenotypic memory of the growth and gene expression history of their progenitor cells, which influences their future.
Next, the researchers would like to investigate how to culture the other types of progenitor cells that are required for a full kidney, in addition to the nephrons formed by NPCs.
In those cases, the NPCs often matured into adult kidney cells in a manner of days, leaving no steady population of progenitor cells to study.
The researchers, however, observed that older brains formed fewer blood vessels and possessed a smaller pool of progenitor cells — the early descendants of stem cells that turn into neurons.
At first, his skin was a patchwork of skin cells, with about 91 percent of progenitor cells having different insertions than the holoclones.
Some patients who received GM - CSF experienced above - average increases in the levels of progenitor cells, defined as carrying the marker CD34.
Each of these progenitor cells follow a different pathway to become extremely specific blood cells.
Once we get some of these progenitor cells out (surgically) safely, we can grow thousands of new ones from them (Figure 1).
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