Sentences with phrase «of psychoanalysts»

There is a dark history of psychoanalysts and psychiatrists being recruited by the state to elicit the obedience of the public.
Still, I was intrigued earlier this month when I heard from Renee Lertzman, a research fellow in humanities and sustainability at Portland State University, that she was speaking on «the myth of apathy,» the subject of a book she's writing, at «Engaging With Climate Change: Psychoanalytic Perspectives,» a meeting of psychoanalysts and behavioral researchers in London.
Weiss draws inspiration from the famous line of psychoanalysts in his new solo exhibition at form & concept, He's Either Dead or It Was His Birthday.
A colleague recalled that battling was her «favorite form of entertainment,» and one of her psychoanalysts described her as acting «like a baby who falls into a rage.»
It was therefore relatively easy for him to accept the findings of the psychoanalysts in this area.
The son of a psychoanalyst and a sociologist, Bilinkis grew up in Buenos Aires, went to a prestigious private college on a scholarship, and graduated at the top of his class.
With the help of her psychoanalyst, Mun tries to unlock the mystery of her visions, and hopes she can put an end to the disturbing images before it drives her mad.
Along the way of exploring the mother - daughter relationship, the novel takes readers from the work of psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, to a very specific Dr. Seuss illustration, to the author's own love life before eventually coming back to mother.
Black cites the influence of psychoanalyst Melanie Klein, who studied the way pre-language children interacted with objects and materials.
He is the husband of psychoanalyst Michèle Judd, the father of three children, and the son of Donald Judd, whom he assisted in the making of spaces and the installation of art.
Filmed at the Freud Museum in north London, it portrays the annual nocturnal cleaning of the psychoanalyst's collection, suggesting an analogy between the careful, almost ritualistic removal of layers of dust from the objects and the intimate excavations and disclosures of analysis, both of which are normally hidden from view.
I'm reminded of the psychoanalyst and philosopher Frantz Fanon's observation that the child who cries, «Look Daddy!
Central to this is an installation in which a life - size Colonel Sanders pulls back a drape to reveal a case that houses a tiny figure of psychoanalyst Freud.
Around 1940 Pollock and Rothko in particular had begun reading the theories of the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who postulated «archetypes» in the individual unconscious which belonged to a «collective unconscious,» connecting all of humankind.
For The Ventriloquist they are played out against the position of the psychoanalyst, causing an exponential growth of potential plots and questions raised.
It is a brutally honest, Nan Goldinesque, autobiography of love, loss and sexual dependency that shows the artist's brilliant manipulation of viewer's unease by directly confronting the camera and thereby transforming the spectator into the reluctant role of psychoanalyst.

Not exact matches

Soon after his book came out, Uchitelle explained to me that he «made a presentation at a meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and at the end, there was a vote taken among more than 30 psychoanalysts.
Although the Institute for Family Studies reports that more husbands than wives admit to being unfaithful, according to The Cut, psychoanalyst and writer Esther Perel cites an increase of 40 % in unfaithful women since 1990, while men's statistics have stayed about the same.
Don Carveth, an emeritus professor at York University and a practising psychoanalyst, dusted off some Freudian theory for me, suggesting that the office nemesis could be a case of transference.
Donovan called Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst helping with the war effort, in for a meeting, and asked: «What do you make of Hitler?
During last year's Albert Schweitzer Centennial Symposium at UNESCO in Paris, psychoanalyst Erich Fromm raised a pertinent question: «Is Schweitzer's religious ethic of reverence for life dependent upon a belief in God?»
Child psychoanalyst Adam Phillips explains that boredom is a process of tension in which a person is both waiting for an event and looking for an event.
Meanwhile an alcoholic named Roland H., the director of a large chemical company, had been seeking help from the famous Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Gustav Jung.
He sets forth his views on the universal human need for religion, Freud's and Jung's views of religion, and the psychoanalyst as physician of the soul.
A male psychoanalyst could work with women throughout his professional career, adjusting his theory to his practice, without coming to see that Freud's fundamental view of the male — female relation is in need of radical change.
This failure can be illustrated with the same example, for although Marxists on the whole have been less sexist in their attitudes than have psychoanalysts, they appear only a little less deficient when viewed in the light of contemporary feminist consciousness.37 Or, again, use of Marxist sociology by Latin American theologians of liberation has done little to free them from implicit anti-Judaism in their theological formulations.
In his essay «The Golden Rule in the Light of New Insight,» Harvard psychoanalyst Erik Erikson comments: «systematic students of ethics often indicate a certain disdain for this all - too - primitive ancestor of more logical principles; and Bernard Shaw found the rule an easy target: don't do to another what you would like to be done by, he warned, because his tastes may differ from yours» (Insight and Responsibility [Norton, 1964], p. 226).
Psychologists and psychoanalysts can prove abysmally ignorant of biblical scholarship; biblical scholars may dabble in psychology but fail to master the complexities of the major systems.
Poet Robert Bly and psychoanalyst Robert Moore have called for new rites of initiation for young males.
In his preface to Hans Trüb's book Buber points primarily to the trail which Trüb himself broke as a practising psychoanalyst who saw the concrete implications of Buber's thought for psychotherapy.
A number of European psychologists and psychoanalysts in addition to von Weizsäcker have recognized the importance of Buber's I - Thou philosophy for psychology and have made contributions to the understanding of the relationship between the two.
In actual practice, the psychoanalyst does attribute to the «I» of his patient a greater transcendence over these psychic forces than his theories justify, just as the academic psychologist, consciously or unconsciously, attributes to his subjects an inwardness that his science ignores.
Though the psychoanalyst violates therapeutic rules, the play has apparently the power to catch us off - guard and to irritate all sorts of people — including psychoanalysts.
Trained psychoanalysts treated the patients in the first group, less highly trained psychologists and psychotherapists treated the second group, and the third group was under the care of employees with no formal training.
It involves developing a life - style of «generativity» — psychoanalyst Erik Erikson's apt term for generating life in the ongoing stream of society — living in terms of the growth needs of the family of man.
Deservedly celebrated is Frederick Crews of the University of California who, in the New York Review of Books and in his book Skeptical Engagements, has been smiting Freudians hip and thigh, no doubt putting many psychoanalysts back on the couch to dream of the days when their declining business was viewed as a science.
Erikson adds an essential sociocultural dimension to Freud's psychosexual understanding of human development, integrating the two with the light touch and sensitivities of an artist (which was his background before becoming a psychoanalyst).
NARTH is an association of some 200 therapists, psychoanalysts, social workers, counselors, and other mental health professionals who contend, on the basis of homosexual patients with whom they work, that 25 to 30 percent are completely «cured» and many more significantly benefit from therapy.
Psychoanalysts such as Rollo May, Karen Homey, and Erich Fromm have dealt with it from the psychological point of view.
History, as well as the society of our contemporaries, is in the same case — not enough is known of human «depths», as the psychoanalysts put it, for any appraisal to be entirely accurate.
This entails a closer look at major events already presented by Greene and now fleshed out with the accounts of other people: his life in and around the Berkhamstead School, where his father was headmaster; the more or less serious attempts at teenage suicide; the startling decision of the family to respond to this crisis by sending the boy to board with a psychoanalyst in London; later games of Russian roulette played all alone in an effort to beat boredom and make existence seem precious; and his conversion to Roman Catholicism.
The psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jon Meyer was already developing a means of following up with adults who received sex - change operations at Hopkins in order to see how much the surgery had helped them.
Arguing as a philosopher and a psychoanalyst, Cornelius Castoriadis depicts the event of a visual perception concisely.
Not even in the domain of therapy do psychoanalysts reign unchallenged any longer.
This appears as one of the essential results of the modern study of religion and of the convergence of the work of the historians of religions with the Jungian psychoanalysts and phenomenologists like Scheler.
Gregory Zilboorg, a convert himself and a skilled psychoanalyst, warned Merton in the 1950s that his desire to leave the Trappist communal silence for the even more withdrawn life of a hermit was schizophrenic: «You want a hermitage in Times Square with a large sign over it saying «Hermit.
In The Sexual Century, Ethel Spector Person, a New York psychoanalyst associated with Columbia University, presents a collection of her essays on sexual development and pathology written over the last twenty «five years.
The prophets of these approaches are «modern pied pipers,» (I am indebted to psychoanalyst David Morgan for this apt label) leading people astray with childish tunes which deny the ambiguities, complexities, and tragedies of human life.
Around 1930 the director of a large chemical company in America sought help for hi alcoholism from the famous Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung.
I'm no psychoanalyst, but the amount of attention - mongering is astounding and the need to be validated and praised every step of the way for every single thing he does is scary.
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