Sentences with phrase «of psychological distance»

Making the feelings and sensations associated with anxiety more concrete helps children better understand what's going on and create a bit of psychological distance.
Like another partially nude figure with his face covered by the T - shirt he's raising over his shoulders, this reclining figure implicates the viewer in a voyeuristic role complicated by the figures» mysterious sense of psychological distance and removal.
The appropriation art of the post-modern era tended toward a hijacking or disfiguring of mass media images and a sense of psychological distance.
Professor Toma said this is an indication of psychological distancing: «You're feeling guilty or anxious or nervous.»

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It is particularly important in international mass marketing because of the geographic and psychological distances that separate a company from its intermediaries and customers.
He provides a fascinating if troubling examination of how belief systems, physical distance from one's «enemy, tribalism, humiliation and other social forces destroy normal psychological inhibitors to cruelty.
The approach of the Guild for Psychological Studies provided just the distance I needed in order to fight free of the hold which the objectivist paradigm still exercised over me.
Doubtless that will change the further we get from June's political car crash, but the key question is whether that average can be pushed up by the six per cent necessary to breach the psychological threshold of 30 per cent, above which Labour politicians can console themselves that they are within striking distance of the Tories.
Recent conversations about mental health in the university — depression, loneliness, suicide — have largely flailed to consider in any holistic way the distance imposed on families within such systems, as life - partners live apart for months and often years at a time, with one spouse shouldering the burden of childcare alone while the other manages the psychological pain of loneliness and distance from the children and partner.
If this forebrain - midbrain threat circuit is mediated by both geographical - temporal and psychological distance, as predicted by theorists (4, 5), we would then expect subject - specific differences in psychological indices of threat to be correlated with PAG activity.
Joshua keeps to the psychological thriller genre well enough to distance itself from absurdity and inanity and thereby dismisses some of the annoying cliché of its creepy - child sub-genre.
Playing the psychological drama with all the directorial finesse of a first - rate Alfred Hitchcock picture, Ostlund allows his characters to roam the distance between childish self - pity and grown - up stoicism.
Secondary school represents a long geographical as well as psychological distance for girls...» It adds a lack of female teachers and a reluctance of qualified educators to work in remote schools means there are few female role models.
His paintings create a sense of distance by mixing traditional abstract patterning with an arsenal of prescription and nonprescription drugs that hold out the promise of psychological transcendence.
It's a distance that seems as psychological as it is physical, as if the artist has found a way to step back from the world as a way of stepping into it.
He aims to lift the viewer up into a «philosophy of distance», making a nod to the composer John Cage's use of silence to release his audience from «the burden of psychological intention».
The main staircase is enclosed in one of the contoured volumes, giving you psychological distance from the activity below.
Through an assortment of drawings, paintings, photographs, and videos, the artists in «Empty Distances» delve into creative perceptions of «the void» — a nebulous space that can refer to post-apocalyptic, pre-civilization, or even psychological vacuity.
Fu responds to experiences and perceptions unique to densely populated urban settings, such as a sense of crowded loneliness and the resulting psychological distance between people in close physical proximity.
... a child's development is hampered and faces increased risks of their emotional and psychological status if there are large distances between their residences.
Play provides a safe psychological distance from their problems and allows expression of thoughts and feelings appropriate to their development.
Definition: Difficulties arising between psychological distances that is to construct a relationship of trust with the patient and that is to prevent codependence.
According to scholars of attachment theory, the insecurity and distance of these children with their caregivers since childhood is one the factors which are able to predict psychological well - being problems such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and behaviour disorders [17].
Problem of having extensive knowledge of neurobiological and psychological effects distancing therapists from their own personal grief
However, as zebras don't usually worry about social and psychological stressors (like in - laws, the Middle East, dress sizes, or the stock market), and focus solely on physical stressors (like lions and twigs snapping suspiciously in the distance), they don't suffer the same chronic activation of stress response we do.
Control can be wielded only from a psychological distance... [and] an honest appraisal of any technology, or of progress in general, requires a sensitivity to what's lost as well as what's gained.
Jeff's research examines the role of self - control in relationship maintenance, and how mental representations of romantic partners are influenced by psychological distance.
Jeff Bowen - Science of Relationships articles Jeff's research examines the role of self - control in relationship maintenance, and how mental representations of romantic partners are influenced by psychological distance.
Play Therapy provides a safe psychological distance from their problems and allows expression of thoughts and feelings appropriate to the child's development.
One of the key tenets of this therapy is that it provides a safe psychological distance from the problem that allows children to express their thoughts and feelings in developmentally appropriate ways.
[jounal] Avolio, B. J. / 2004 / Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance / Journal of Organizational Behavior 25 (8): 951 ~ 968
Thus, we define adolescence as «the developmental period during which physical (e.g. growth spurt, change in body mass, sexual maturation), psychological (e.g. affective intensity and lability, romantic and idealistic aspirations, sense of invulnerability, abstract thinking), and social (e.g. distancing from adults and children, primacy of peer relationships, romantic involvement) milestones are being reached» (Ernst et al. 2006, p. 2).
Psychological detachment was measured with the Dutch translation (Geurts et al., 2009) of the four - item Recovery Experience Scale of Sonnentag and Fritz (2007b), including items such as «After work, I could distance myself from my work.»
Play provides a safe psychological distance from their problems and allows expression of thoughts and feelings appropriate to their overall development.
Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance
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