Sentences with phrase «of pubertal change»

Moving into Adolescence: The Impact of Pubertal Change and School Context.
A short - term longitudinal study of pubertal change, gender, and psychological well - being of Mexican early adolescents
Moving into adolescence: The impact of pubertal change and school context.
Moving into adolescence: The impact of pubertal change and the school context.

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In this revamped edition of the 1996 original, Karen Gravelle and her niece, Jennifer Gravelle, enlighten girls about pubertal changes, reproductive anatomy, and menstruation, and answer common questions.
Breast Cancer & The Environment Research Centers: Sixth Annual Early Environmental Exposures Meeting The Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Centers (BCERC) network is conducting epidemiologic and biologic studies investigating the influence of early environmental exposures on pubertal maturation and mammary gland development and the potential of these developmental changes to alter the risk of breast cancer in later life.
Pubertal - related changes influence the development of environment - related social interaction in the male rat
When pubertal development was controlled in our analysis of cortisol responses, we observed no change in the pattern of results regarding intervention effects or timing of placement in foster care.
The physical changes of pubertal growth typically initiate a redefinition of self among boys and girls, with an emphasis on body image.
Her research interests include girls» psychological adaptation to pubertal change, biosocial aspects of female reproductive events, and development of biologically and socially at risk children and adolescents.
Because early adolescence is not only a period of major physical change for girls, but also a time in which peer relationships become increasingly significant, a key question linking these two aspects of development is whether signs of pubertal maturation are related to one's social reputation among peers and, furthermore, whether such reputational factors might help us understand why early maturing girls display emotional adjustment problems.
Measures utilized included assessment of tobacco and marijuana use and health - risking sexual behaviors, placement change, and pubertal status.
In this longitudinal study (three family visits; time interval: 1 year), pubertal development, body satisfaction, and desired body changes of 106 boys and 108 girls were assessed.
In this longitudinal study (three family visits; time interval: 1 year), pubertal development, body satisfaction, and desired body changes of 106 boys and 108
Perceived pubertal status, reflecting the subjective experience of morphological changes related to puberty (Angold and Costello 2006), may be a more sensitive moderator of NCS than age.
Because the emergence of sex differences in depression occurs within the period of greatest pubertal change, investigators have focused on the role of reproductive hormones.
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