Sentences with phrase «of public discourse discourse»

He added that he had «too much faith» things had been handled properly at the jail, he was surprised at the level of neglect and issues at the prison rarely rose to a high level of public discourse discourse even during his campaign for mayor.

Not exact matches

He continued: «The type of action seem to be where the largest areas of debate exist in the public discourse.
Public discourse on marijuana legalization at the federal level has only seriously considered the options of Congress making it legal or, conversely, empowering some sort of crackdown.
It wasn't part of the public discourse.
First, our community is evolving from its origin connecting us with family and friends to now becoming a source of news and public discourse as well.
In the U.S., today's public discourse on the sway of the Internet giants and their impact on society is at the level of a mere whisper.
Fuchs said UF is dedicated to free speech and public discourse, but that the First Amendment does not require risk of imminent violence to students.
But he admitted that the network «does a lot more than just distribute news, and we're an important part of the public discourse
«It's disappointing when your work is part of the public discourse,» he says.
Parkland, Florida, are «crisis actors» is only the latest example of how social media can poison public discourse.
The resulting public discourse has seen furor from many quarters with politicians on both sides of the Atlantic rounding on all parties involved in the allegations with Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg earlier facing two inquisitions from the US lawmakers as a result.
In recent months, as the 2016 election campaigns have gathered momentum, concern about the long - term effects of the buyback craze has crept into public discourse and caught the attention of politicians.
In truth, social media is not a telescopic lens — as the telephone actually was — but an opinion - fracturing prism that shatters social cohesion by replacing a shared public sphere and its dynamically overlapping discourse with a wall of increasingly concentrated filter bubbles.
«Until we get better information into the public discourse about how these platforms are shaping the information environments that they control, we are sort of talking about policy options in the dark.»
The public discourse on ridesharing usually focuses on the physical safety of riders, but Arcade City could be on the verge of disruption with a ridesharing solution that has the publicly possessed codebase to make ridesharing feel like it is empowering community members.
We were one of the earliest investment firms to monitor this important economic indicator closely and bring it into public, everyday discourse.
Asia Pathways seeks to encourage public discourse and will be actively soliciting comments from readers of the blog.
As bankers, we are concerned about growth and returns - regulators about safety and soundness - central bankers with the competing interests of systemic risk and economic growth - and politicians have to deal with significant public discourse.
Over at Public Discourse, Greg Pfundstein and Meghan Grizzle report on the latest decision by the Gates Foundation to put more than $ 4 billion behind efforts to expand the use of contraceptives worldwide.
Many of us see the risk of people using nonesense in public discourse, and intend to prevent it from being presented as relevant.
The clearest example of a deliberate adoption of one value at the expense of another, a judicial resolution that continues to distort public choice and moral discourse, may be found in the 1973 abortion decision of Roe v. Wade.
In that respect, Matt struck a modest blow on behalf of religious liberty and of reasonable public discourse.
People should have the right of free association if we all want to keep fairness & openness fundemental to the public discourse.
After those decisions, Americans became more and more uneasy with public expressions of religion until, by the early 1980s, religion had been almost completely banished from public discourse.
Over at the invaluable Public Discourse site, Helen Alvare offers the first installment of a two - part series on the Supreme Court and family law.
When Jews and Christians have something in common to say to the world, especially when that message is not one that simply promotes some issue of immediate benefit to the communities themselves, secularist stereotypes about the necessarily antagonistic character of religious public discourse fall by the wayside.
Lasch reminds us that the corrosion of our democratic way of life and especially our public discourse has its roots in widespread distrust of our institutions and the traditions around which they have developed and of which they are the expressions — whether the family, church, and local communities, or private enterprise and all the various levels of government.
As Tocqueville saw, without that upward thrust, belief in the inviolable dignity of every single person will not survive, nor will respect for truth in public discourse.
The fact that Atheists can continue in public discourse without fear of retribution is a testament to the congeniality of all of us «close - minded bigots».
Republicans always through this into faces of any liberal they deem has gone to far in public discourse: «Freedom of Speech is protected speech, but anything you say will have consequences — sometimes unfavorable consequences.»
Based on my friend's definition of the goal of advertising, Occupy achieved precisely what it set out to do: it brought the facts of economic inequality out of the obscurity of government reports and tedious articles and into the broadest possible levels of public discourse in terms we can all understand.
His contribution seems out of place in a magazine dedicated to the idea that religion adds value to public discourse.
Public discourse is too often reduced to the barking of dogs (no disrespect meant to the dogs, mind you).
At Public Discourse today, I explain what led the Left to rebuke the authentically American understanding of religious liberty after the 1993 passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act:
That this has had the most profound impact on our politics is obvious: The American culture war, which is one of the preeminent issues - beneath - the - issues, shapes the public discourse on both domestic and foreign - policy questions every day.
At Public Discourse today, I explain what led the Left to rebuke the authentically American understanding of religious liberty after the 1993 passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act: Understanding why religious liberty became politically controversial requires more than just identifying....
I do not use it as much as the Times does, and I think it should not be used in a way that precludes the conversation and persuasion that should be, but is not, the ordinary mode of public discourse.
Likewise, the positive public and private reception of imperial moral discourse is also confirmed by, for example, the distinctive changes in group portraiture and the style of epitaphs that are a distinguishing feature of the early empire.
Ryan T. Anderson, a member of the First Things editorial and advisory council, is editor of the online journal Public Discourse.
Together these goals serve to prevent any loss of identity to a homogenous «common ground,» while they resist the tendency in public discourse, exemplified in the Charlie Ward episode, to seek harmony through the diluting of religious passion.
To enter into the world of public discourse on a global basis today is almost by definition to join this tradition.
It is an attempt to identify in modes of discourse accessible to the public those first principles of truth and justice that are sufficiently clear as to be adopted as bases for public policy and the ordering of international life.
This kind of book can not be original throughout, but it can be of service, since most of the public has little awareness of what is common stock in evangelical discourse.
Lets all stay home and be trolls on belief blogs and get all thoughts that are not provable science out of the public discourse, or, we could all allow the free flowing of ideas and beliefs and when we disagree, we agree that it is okay that we disagree.
The survey also examined views of income inequality in America, an issue that has thrust to the forefront of public discourse by the Occupy protests going on in cities around the world.
His bold initiative, we were told, contributed to raising the level of moral discourse in public policy.
As political issues carve a toehold in public discourse, they become constitutive elements of the American experience.
Why does it have to be public, and why does it have to be part of political discourse in the year 2012!?
Voices on all sides of the religious and political spectrum have begun to recognize — not least because of the increased presence of Islam in Western societies — that a purely secular, liberal approach to public discourse is not sustainable in a world increasingly shaped by religions.
In my role as a «public Christian» who leads a church and who values spirited discourse about the issues of our time, I want to nurture environments where people can...
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