Sentences with phrase «of public establishments»

Diligent and dependable Club Security Officer with strong safety and security experience in a variety of public establishments.

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As a public speaker, Meg demystifies today's fast - paced world of brand establishment, social media, marketing and PR to show how companies can take advantage of powerful digital tools to boost their bottom line through proven strategies and straight talking.
The city has also invited Robinson, Nelson and their attorneys to submit thoughts and recommendations to the city solicitor on other ways of promoting equality in public places, including restaurants and retail establishments.
Usually tax exemptions are given to charitable organisations, as such establishments provide some kind of public service and are beneficial to the community as a whole.
They include publishing audited financial statements like public companies do, the establishment of conflict committees and disclosing on a quarterly basis the extent of their hard - to - value assets.
Commitments to allow the establishment of foreign for - profit institutions, for example, could undermine domestic efforts to build a strong public education system.
The US banking establishment has been at war with the post office since at least 1910, when the Postal Savings Bank Act established a public savings alternative to a private banking system that had crashed the economy in the Bank Panic of 1907.
Connecticut's Green Bank is a widely praised program, and a public bank campaign in Vermont fell short of establishing a true public bank but led to the establishment of a loan program, funded through state reserves, for energy investments, weatherization, and other local projects.
Ironicus is correct that allowing religious inst.itutions to hold worship services in public facilities is a violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the United States Const.itution.
The first public education law in the United States was the «Old Deluder Satin Act» often now referred to as the «Old Deluder Act» to make it sound less «religious» and theyby reduce the influence of Christianity in the establishment of the United States.
Existing constitutional provisions against establishments of religion did not bar public spending on education from reaching schools with religious affiliations, and Blaine's amendment did not propose to alter this arrangement except by excluding Catholics.
For one thing, these failures and problems describe the public schools as well, especially if you think some of the ideological commitments that animate a great deal of the educational establishment are dangerous in themselves.
One after another the state constitutions had declared that, as North Carolina's put it, «all men have a natural and unalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences» (V: 71) The state constitutions indicated that the right of «free exercise» was meant to be absolute, at least to the point of not «disturb [ing] the public peace or obstruct [ing] others in their religious worship» (Massachusetts, 1780, V: 77) Equally straightforward was the opposition to «an establishment of religion.»
Though the English allowed the Dutch Reformed Church to receive public support by taxation, they sought the official establishment of Anglicanism as the religion of the colony.
Far from challenging this linkage between church and state or arguing for a naked public square, then, dissenters sought only the repeal of establishments and other forms of religious discrimination.
He would bring in the lawyers on opposite sides of the argument over religious establishment and the question of driving religion from the public square.
This past October, Mayor Annise Parker of Houston subpoenaed sermons from several pastors in the Houston area who opposed a city ordinance that would have allowed people to choose which bathroom — male or female — they could use in a public establishment.
In the long term, the only solution is the establishment of a culture of public discourse where competence in the area under discussion matters, not an obsession with «equality,» or whatever the next catchword will be.
This negative reaction to black conservatives by most blacks partly explains the reluctance of the new black conservatives to engage in public debates in the black community, and their contrasting eagerness to do so in the mass media, where a few go so far as to portray themselves as courageous, embattled critics of a black liberal establishment — while their salaries, honorariums and travel expenses are paid by well - endowed conservative foundations and corporations.
Maybe it is because the RNC, and the Republican congressional leadership (among others), have convinced much of the public that the Republican establishment is composed of slimy, unctuous weasels.
In the polyglot cities... the establishment of schools with any denominational coloring was sure to alienate some of the families... [Horace] Mann did not — nor did he wish to — abolish the use of the Bible in the public schools....
Now, writes his biographer, «Mann was about to preach a new religion and convince his constituency of the need for a new establishment, a nondenominational institution, the public school, with schoolmasters as a new priestly class, patriotic exercises as quasi-religious rituals, and a nonsectarian doctrine stressing morality, literacy and citizenship as a republican creed for all to confess.
He could have nudged the platform of the Republican party's establishment faction closer to the beliefs of grassroots conservative voters — and closer to the views of the general public.
The task is to extend the First Amendment's prohibition of an establishment of religion and abridgement of speech and press to private as well as public government.
Provine blamed the scientific establishment itself for misleading the public about the absolute incompatibility of contemporary Darwinism with any belief in God, designing forces, or absolute standards of good and evil.
The church is invariably tied to what happens in public and private education, learning many of its educational habits and sensibilities from the schooling establishment.
As anywhere else in the world, Church initiatives in public education, social ministries, historical commemoration, and establishment of new parishes require Church and state to negotiate such matters as licensing, training standards, and financing.
More than any other question in public dispute, abortion on demand is the core commitment of the American establishment.
The court ruled that teaching creationism in public school class rooms was a violation of the Establishment Cause in the Constitution, which is commonly referred to as the separation of church and state.
But we must also be careful not to read the «no establishment» clause so as to restrict all public expressions of faith and hence dilute the meaning of «free exercise.»
It can not be restricted to a particular locale or people, regardless of formal religious establishments or the enshrinement of pious references to the deity in historic statements, public documents, and speeches by politicians.
In the most recent form of this debate, the courts have ruled that Creation - Science is not science but the propagation of particular religious beliefs, and as such the mandatory requirement of it being taught in public schools violates the establishment clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution.
By striking down religious exercises in the public schools on the grounds that they were an establishment of religion and therefore in violation of the First Amendment.
Fearing that Catholic schools would form a strong base for a subculture, and worried about the decline of the public schools as the junior wing of American public religion's informal church establishment, the editors reared up.
By action, Arendt means a a group process, involving many men, a process which is the beginning of something new, the answer to futility, which results in the establishment or re-establishment of the public good.
The establishment and maintenance of a community mental health program requires planning, organization, funding, interpretation to and support by the public, support by legislative bodies, and an ongoing dialogue between the provider (sources of funding and professional staff) and the consumer (user of therapeutic and preventive services)
Judge Graham expresses in his decision thoughts that by now should be quite familiar to our readers: «The Justices of the Supreme Court disagree among themselves on the proper role of religion in public life and the extent of the Court's authority to decide these issues under the Establishment Clause.
Tracing the interest of the bishops of the Catholic Church in obtaining federal monies for parochial schools, the magazine recalled that the church leaders had sought to obtain funding and avoid the «impending danger of a judicial establishment of secularism from public life.»
One argument Reid advances is that the bill favors the religious beliefs of Native Americans over the interests of public collections and therefore runs contrary to the First Amendment's no - establishment - of - religion clause.
According to the secret documents of the Far East Command, United States, later released to the public, the slogans of the Cheju Islanders were for the establishment of a self - reliant, unified Korean government and denied the division of the Korean peninsula, denying the south - only elections which eventually divided Korea permanently (see Merrill).
The key issue is therefore the establishment of public accountability of the most powerful private players.
The sociological and public policy implications of establishment information compliance campaigns.
The court ruled that teaching creationism in public school classrooms was a violation of the Establishment Cause in the Constitution, which is commonly referred to as the separation of church and state.
The «original intent» of the founders, Barton argues, was to prohibit «the establishment of a single national denomination,» not to remove Christianity from the center of public life.
The Sunday Schools that in the United States influenced the establishment of public schools were intended in part to save the souls of their students who had no other religious instruction.
Indeed, many of the contemporary activists and academics most concerned about the marginalization of religion in American public life frame their critiques as issues of free exercise and not establishment.
Central to this drama are two Supreme Court cases: Engle v. Vitale (1962), in which the Court decided that government - directed prayer in public schools was an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause; and Abington v. Schempp (1963), which declared unconstitutional a Pennsylvania statute that provided for compulsory Bible reading in public classrooms.
I'd like to suggest that, inter alia, it comes down to Ockham's Triumph: the de facto «establishment» in American public life of the notion that freedom is willfulness, and that willfulness can attach itself to any object, «so long as no one gets hurt» (which «no one» obviously does not include the aborted unborn and the euthanized, simply underscoring the confusions of the age).
It seems, moreover, on the basis of public opinion polls, that this challenge is already accepted by a majority of our fellow citizens and thus the question of its establishment as a matter of law has not provoked a debate worthy of the momentous issues at stake.
Prayer at government - sanctioned events and establishments is un-Constitutional, because these are places created to represent the American public, which is comprised of people of many faiths, including no faith at all.
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