Sentences with phrase «of public spending declines»

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Under the Canada Economic Action Plan the deficit will be eliminated by 2015 - 16; although total net public debt will have increased by $ 150 billion, the debt ratio will have declined to 33.0 per cent in 2015 - 16 and reach the government's target of 25 percent by 2019 - 20; program spending will fall to below 13 percent of GDP and will continue to fall thereafter; public sector jobs have been eliminated; and income and corporate taxes have been cut.
Given the sad state of our highways, public transportation systems and other material infrastructure, as well as the severe needs of our educational system, increased government spending in these areas could take up the slack in declining defense expenditures while contributing enormously to the potential productivity of the United States.
When the Labour governments elected in those years squandered their political support by wave after wave of pay restraint and finally IMF - inspired cuts in public spending, Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979 and made a last ditch attempt to stem the Tory decline.
«The decline of Syracuse has been exacerbated by monied, special interests that warp the decisions made on public spending and government contracts,» Lavine said.
With declining public sector spend and a lack of confidence amongst private investors, action is urgently needed to kick - start the construction sector.
The mayor has so far been muted in his criticism of the governor and his budget, declining to attack him in public, although he did issue a statement calling the zeroing out of NYC's revenue - sharing aid on top of the education spending cuts «unfair.»
Should we keep increasing total spending on education as we face a steep decline in the number of students in our public education system?
In comparison, per - capita spending has declined over the decade in nine of the 10 states with the largest number of students enrolled in public research universities.
In a new analysis, Douglas Webber of Temple University finds that increased state for public - welfare programs — in particular, Medicaid — is the single biggest contributor to the decline in higher - education funding, with a $ 1 increase in per capita public - welfare spending associated with a $ 2.44 decrease in per - student higher - education funding.
Using a statistical model to track changes within states over time, Webber finds that increased public - welfare spending explains more than half of the decline in higher - education appropriations.
The results of my preferred analysis indicate that public - welfare spending in fact explains roughly half of the post-1987 decline in higher - education appropriations, with health accounting for another 23 percent (see Figure 3).
However, given the importance of public - welfare and health spending indicated by my findings, and the large increase in state spending on Medicaid (an increase of more than $ 1,000 per capita since 1987 based on figures from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), it is safe to conclude that Medicaid has been the single biggest contributor to the decline in higher - education support at the state and local level.
The average amount of money spent per pupil by U.S. public schools has more than doubled in real terms since 1970, and the number of pupils per employed teacher has declined from 22 to 15.
STANFORD — Education researchers William G. Howell of the University of Chicago and Martin R. West of Brown University have released newly compiled evidence from the 2008 Education Next / PEPG survey which shows that if the public is given accurate information about what is currently being spent on public schools, their support for increased spending and confidence that more spending will improve student learning both decline.
While the N.C. Association of Educators and teachers have demanded increases to per pupil spending, funding is only a symptom of a larger problem.Much of the tensions between the state legislature and teachers — arising from a decline in inflation - adjusted per - pupil spending and a 10 percent decline in inflation - adjusted salaries — could have been circumvented with stronger rights for public - sector employees.
Although public expenditures have grown steadily over the long term, recent years saw annual declines in spending from a high point of $ 610 billion in 2007 — 08 to a low of $ 602 billion in 2011 — 12.
Critics have noticed for several years that the theory of manmade global warming is dying a slow death, but the institutional delay that is attendant in any government program has immunized the rush to alternative energy from some measure of public backlash and the realities of governmental budgets in an era of declining economies and deficit spending.
• the financial resources and spending of environmental groups and their opponents; • the planning efforts and investment strategies of major foundations; • the patterns in news attention and media portrayals of climate change; • the factors shaping the recent decline in public concern and belief in climate change; • the factors influencing how scientists and environmentalists interpret and make sense of climate change politics.
To deal with this decline in revenue, some coal companies like Peabody Energy are spending millions on advertising, public relations and lobbyists to convince politicians that coal is the answer to the issue of energy poverty in developing nations in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world.
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